Michigan Tech Scores Big with Inaugural Zero Waste Hockey Game

On January 11th, Michigan Tech hosted its inaugural Zero Waste Hockey Game, achieving remarkable sustainability milestones. This initiative was a collaborative effort among MTU Athletics, Husky Eats, and the Office of Sustainability and Resilience.

Student volunteers and Office of Sustainability and Resilience staff pose for a picture after their waste sorting efforts.

By the end of the game, 188 pounds of waste were collected for recycling and composting. Notably, in the stands and suites, Husky fans contributed to diverting an impressive 98% of post-consumer food and packaging waste, resulting in only 4 pounds of waste being sent to the landfill. This success was achieved by fans diligently sorting their unwanted items into designated bins for compost, recycling, liquids, or trash.  Fans also tested their sustainable and recycling knowledge by answering trivia questions between periods and a few select fans participated in an on-ice “Tricycle Recycle” sorting game, competing for a prize. 

This event highlights the significant environmental impact achievable through community collaboration. With the active participation of fans and the dedication of over 30 game day volunteers, the Husky community created a greener game day experience. Building on this success, Michigan Tech plans to continue its waste reduction efforts and implement zero waste initiatives at future games, demonstrating the power of collective action in fostering environmental sustainability.

2025-26 Chernosky Climate Ambassador Award Accepting Applications

Are you an undergraduate student at Michigan Tech with a passion for sustainability and climate action? We invite you to apply for the fourth annual Frank Chernosky Campus Climate Ambassador Award.

This alumni-funded award is named after Frank Chernosky, a former professor and advisor at Michigan Tech.  Mr. Chernosky was an early advocate for sustainability principles who impacted many students before dying tragically from a rare form of Heart Cancer in 1971.  The award consists of three forms of student support: a partial tuition scholarship, funds for professional development and/or applied work, and a formal mentorship by campus and/or external professionals.  One recipient will be chosen annually.

The award for 2025-26 will be $9,600 – a scholarship amount of $8,000 spread over fall 2025 and spring 2026 semesters, and a professional development and applied work fund of up to $1,600 to be used by August 2026. Awardees will also receive active mentorship from campus and/or external professionals to help them develop networks and skills for their future work.  The overall timetable for the award is flexible to accommodate opportunities such as a co-op or internship.  Applicants and award recipients will solidify the details on the timing of the award, as well as the nature of mentorship and professional development, through the application process and dialogue with the committee.

To be considered, an applicant must be a full-time undergraduate student at Michigan Tech with the equivalent of at least three semesters of full-time enrollment at Michigan Tech by the fall of 2025. They must also have a minimum of two semesters of coursework remaining, though there is potential for flexibility to accommodate an internship or coop into the award timeframe.

Applications are due via this Google Form by Friday, March 14, with interviews to follow. The committee will make a decision by April 11. Interested students are encouraged to draft their application early discuss their ideas with Alan Turnquist before applying: alturnqu@mtu.edu

Full details of the award and a link to the application are available in the PDF document below.

2025 Sustainability Film Series is set!

The Sustainability Film Series kicks off on Thursday, January 16, at Michigan Tech. Now in its 15th year, the series continues to bring relevant, informative, and thought-provoking films to Michigan Tech’s campus, sparking meaningful discussions and reflections among faculty, students, and staff at Michigan Tech, and the broader Keweenaw community.  Films will be shown at 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month from January to May in Fisher Hall on Michigan Tech’s main campus. The series is open to everyone, and each screening will be followed by a facilitated discussion, with refreshments provided. All films are free to attend, though a suggested $5 donation is appreciated to help support the series. You can make a donation online. We’d be grateful if you could help spread the word about the Sustainability Film Series within your network. Attached is a poster showcasing this year’s films, which we encourage you to display and share as you see fit. 
2025 Film Lineup
Cooked: Survival by Zip Code
January 16 – Fisher 135
Looking through the lens of the 1995 Chicago heat wave, this documentary examines how race, poverty, and geography intersect, shedding light on the ways systemic inequities and climate change combine to disproportionately impact underserved communities. 
Troubled Water
February 20 – Fisher 138
Lifelong friends Chris Yahanda and William Wright embark on a 425-mile paddleboard journey across Lake Michigan and the Grand River, exploring environmental threats to the Great Lakes and discovering the power of community in protecting the waters they love.
Women of Carbon
March 20 – Fisher 135
This film highlights innovative women redefining our relationship with carbon by repurposing living materials and driving decarbonization, while navigating challenges in male-dominated industries to restore, protect, and preserve the planet.
Common Ground
April 17 – Fisher 135
Dig into the regenerative agriculture movement and consider how working to heal our soils holds the power to mitigate climate change, restore ecosystems, and build a more equitable food system, while hearing from diverse voices working together to create a sustainable future. 
Water for Life
May 15 – Fisher 135
Hear the powerful stories of Berta Cáceres, Francisco Pineda, and Alberto Curamil—three Indigenous leaders who fought to protect their water resources from exploitation by governments and corporations, despite facing threats, corruption, and violence, all while advocating for environmental justice and Indigenous rights.

2025 CISR Funding for Early Career and New Research Directions

The Center for Innovation in Sustainability and Resilience (CISR) is accepting applications for the Sustainable & Resilient Communities Early Career and New Research Directions Award.

These awards are designed to complement start-up packages for early-career faculty or to support established researchers who are pursuing new ideas or topics around sustainability and resilience themes. Funds are provided by the Tech Forward Initiative on Sustainability and Resilience. Award eligibility requires being an affiliate of CISR (open to anyone on campus) and contributing to the CISR research community through future external funding proposal submissions.

The application deadline is April 1, 2025, but rolling submissions and inquiries are encouraged.

Early Career and New Research Directions Award

In the range of $3,000 – $5,000, this award complements start-up packages for early career faculty or supports established researchers who are pursuing new ideas or topics around sustainability and resilience themes. We anticipate making four to six awards. View the Early Career and New Directions Award Request for Proposal

Proposal narratives, budgets, and budget justifications should be submitted as a single document via email to Chelsea Schelly, cschelly@mtu.edu. Potential submitters are encouraged to reach out with questions or to pitch ideas before developing a proposal. CISR looks forward to receiving your inquiries and applications!

Husky Exchange fall 2024

Class schedule? Check! Room assignment? Check! Room supplies? Um… Missing a few things for your room or apartment? Don’t worry, Michigan Tech’s green move-in program has you covered! 

Husky Exchange has collected donations from your fellow Huskies this past spring, and now we’re giving it all back! Stop by Wadsworth Hall to check out all the back to school supplies we have available to you. 

A sampling of things we have:

  • Mini fridges
  • Microwaves
  • Fans
  • Lamps
  • Room organization and storage
  • Office supplies
  • Sporting goods (broomball stick, anyone?)
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Pool noodles (to protect ya’ noggin on those lofted beds!)

*Items available on a first come, first serve basis. All items are either free or priced low for a donation.


Where: Wadsworth Hall, room G41

Opening weekend: Fri. 2-7pm, Sat. 10am – 5:30pm, Sun. 9 – 11am

Husky Exchange is Back!

Moving out but don’t have room for everything? Give it a new home with Husky Exchange!

Throughout Final Exam Week and Move-Out Weekend, MTU’s Office of Sustainability and Resilience is hosting it’s annual Husky Exchange program where students donate unwanted items that will then be redistributed to next years residents. As long as your items are clean and useful, look for the Husky Exchange logo and leave them at any of our any residence hall drop-off locations.

Welcomed Items: Pool Noodles, clothing, food, houseware, furniture, broomball sticks, small appliances, etc.

Rule of Thumb: If it’s clean and useful, leave it with Husky Exchange!

Follow @sustainablemtu on Instagram for future updates.

2024 MTU Sustainability Month

This year, Michigan Tech celebrates the 2nd Annual Sustainability Month with a variety of events put on by our very own Students for Sustainability, Keweenaw Youth for Climate Action, the Sustainability Demonstration House, and the Office of Sustainability and Resilience. Check out the events below to join us in celebrating Earth Month!

  • Craft Night ~ April 8, 7:30-8:30pm @ Fisher 125 Join Students for Sustainability for a chill craft night of painting rocks and making homemade cards with watercolor paints!
  • Waste Reduction Drive ~ April 13, 9am-3pm @ SDC Arena Entrance Want to recycle but not sure where? Drop off your used deodorant tubes, dental products, razors, writing utensils, socks, and egg cartons to the SDC to have them recycled by our awesome sustainability leaders from the MTU Sustainability Demonstration House! Contact Kellin for details at kjgasser@mtu.edu
  • 3rd Annual KYCA Art and Music Festival ~ April 13, 2:30-7:30pm @ Rozsa Lobby Last year was a huge success and we’re doing it again! Listen to local music, meet with sustainability-related enterprises and student organizations, admire earth-themed artwork, and learn about ways to become involved!
  • Sustainability Leadership Awards Presentation ~ April 17, Noon-1pm @ MUB Ballroom B Celebrate campus sustainability leaders and get an update on university-sustainability happenings.
  • 4th Annual Earth Day Dinner ~ April 18, 4:30-7:30pm @ Wadsworth Dinning Hall Come enjoy a plant-based meal and learn about composting.
  • Earth Day Teach-In ~ April 19, 3-5pm @ Admin Building In alignment with the Sunrise Movement, join MTU students to walk in awareness of Climate Change.

For additional sustainability updates from Michigan Tech, follow the Office of Sustainability and Resilience on Instagram, @sustainablemtu .

2024 Sustainability Film Series

Now in its 14th year, the Sustainability Film & Discussion Series continues to bring relevant and provocative films to Michigan Tech’s campus to spur discussion and reflection amongst faculty, staff and students at Michigan Tech, as well as, the entire Keweenaw community. The Series provides a rare opportunity for people of diverse ages, backgrounds and life experiences to engage in meaningful discussion facilitated by a local expert on the topic. Everyone is welcome to attend. The film schedule is shown below.

Time: 7 PM, 3rd Thursday of each month, Jan-May.

Location: Fisher Hall – snacks in lobby, films in Rooms 135 or 138

Cost: Free. Suggested $5 donations are greatly appreciated. Or follow donation link: 

Michigan Tech Fund Sustainable Film Series 


2040 – January 18, Fisher 135

This hopeful documentary looks at the effects of climate change and the current technologies that have realistic potential to greatly contribute to reversing climate change by 2040.

The Seeds of Vandana Shiva – February 15, Fisher 138

Explores the interconnectedness of seeds, food, environment, and social justice through the remarkable life story of the Gandhian eco-activist and agro-ecologist, Vandana Shiva.

Going Circular – March 21, Fisher 138

Imagine a future where we mimic the genius of nature—to re-calibrate the way humankind lives, breathes, builds—respecting the limits of our resources and transforming the modern world. The film investigates the concept of circularity, an economic system that eliminates waste and saves the planet’s resources, and offers concrete solutions to move toward a more circular economy.

Climate Sisu – April 18, Fisher 135

Take a journey through Michigan in search of community knowledge about climate action, resilience, adaptation, and education. Climate SISU offers an urgent, yet optimistic call for climate action.

The Engine Inside – May 16, Fisher 138

Follow the lives of six individuals from around the globe who have devoted themselves to a simple, age-old machine – the bicycle. Witness how bicycles have the potential to transform lives and contribute to a better world. 


The film series is coordinated by the Michigan Tech Office of Sustainability & Resilience. Cosponsors include Keweenaw Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Keweenaw Land Trust, Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative, Friends of the Land of Keweenaw, Keweenaw Co-op, WUP MiSTEM Network, MTU: Great Lakes Research Center, Department of Social Sciences, Center for Science & Environmental Outreach, College of Forest Resources & Environmental Science, Sustainability Demonstration House, Students for Sustainability House and Keweenaw Youth for Climate Action.

2024 Chernosky Climate Ambassador Award

Are you an undergraduate student at Michigan Tech with a passion for sustainability and climate action? We invite you to apply for the third annual Frank Chernosky Campus Climate Ambassador Award.  

This alumni-funded award is named after Frank Chernosky, a former professor and advisor at Michigan Tech.  Mr. Chernosky was an early advocate for sustainability principles who impacted many students before dying tragically from a rare form of Heart Cancer in 1971.  The award consists of three forms of student support: a partial tuition scholarship, funds for professional development and/or applied work, and a formal mentorship by campus and/or external professionals.  One recipient will be chosen annually.

The award for 2024-25 will be $9,600 – a scholarship amount of $8,000 spread over fall 2024 and spring 2025 semesters, and a professional development and applied work fund of up to $1,600 to be used by August 2025. Awardees will also receive active mentorship from campus and/or external professionals to help them develop networks and skills for their future work.  The overall timetable for the award is flexible to accommodate opportunities such as a co-op or internship.  Applicants and award recipients will solidify the details on the timing of the award, as well as the nature of mentorship and professional development, through the application process and dialogue with the committee.

To be considered, an applicant must be a full-time undergraduate student at Michigan Tech with the equivalent of at least three semesters of full-time enrollment at Michigan Tech by the fall of 2024. They must also have a minimum of two semesters of coursework remaining, though there is potential for flexibility to accommodate an internship or coop into the award timeframe.

Applications are due via this Google Form Wednesday, March 13th, with interviews to follow. The committee will make a decision by April 14. Interested students are encouraged to draft their application early discuss their ideas with Alan Turnquist before applying: alturnqu@mtu.edu

Full details of the award and a link to the application are available in the PDF document below.

Waste Reduction Drive returns April 13, 2024

Start saving your hard to recycle items, the Keweenaw Waste Reduction Drive returns for a 5th year on April 13, 2024. The collection will include empty deodorant tubes, dental products, makeup containers, razors, old socks, and egg cartons.

Community members can save up these items and bring them to the Student Development Complex between 9 and 3 on Saturday, April 13, or drop them off at the Portage Lake District Library anytime leading up to April 13. Campus users can bring materials at any time to Wadsworth Hall (main lobby by the cafeteria), or the Van Pelt and Opie Library (near the vending machines/24 hour entrance on the first floor).

For more information, see the 2024 Waste Reduction Drive Guidebook or reach out to the Sustainability Demonstration House at sdh@mtu.edu.

2024 Waste Reduction Drive Poster