Author: Elizabeth Miller

ESEM Online

The turbo pump was successfully replaced and the ESEM is back online. I’m going to open the calendar for reservations. However, I may need to cancel appointments once the technician confirms their availability.

Please note, I am noticing some noise in higher mag images. We will be having a technician come in sometime in the next couple of weeks for routine maintenance and they will be looking into this as well. 

Hello from Liz Miller

Liz Miller

I hope everyone is doing well.

As Owen said, my name is Liz Miller and I’m the Senior Laboratory Coordinator for ACMAL. I’ll be taking over for Owen as the main point of contact for our labs. I am available Monday through Friday from 9am – 1pm and by appointment.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with anything you need. The best way to get a hold of me is by email or phone. You can also find me in M & M Building 626.

Congratulations on your retirement, Owen. The lab won’t be the same without you.