Author: Elizabeth Miller

IMPORTANT BUILDING NOTICE – M&M Elevators out of order

Both the freight elevator and the passenger elevator are out of order in the M&M Building. Facilities is aware and has contacted the elevator repair technician.

If you would like information on how to request ADA/disability accommodations please contact:
Employees: ADA Coordinator, or 906-487-3310
Students: Student Disability Services, or 906-487-3558


Wendy Hackman
Facilities Management
146 Walker Building
1400 Townsend Dr
Houghton, Mi 49931
487-2155 Office
369-4509 cell

Call for Content: ACMAL Micrograph

Micrograph showing a sample structure and 30 micron scale.

We at ACMAL are excited to announce that we are in the process of updating our micrograph posters.

We would greatly appreciate your valuable contributions to make them even more captivating. Though the initial focus is on electron images, we are also open to including other types of images, such as EDS/EBSD maps, that demonstrate the diverse range of analytical techniques available in our lab.

If you have captured any remarkable micrographs that you believe would be suitable for inclusion on our posters, we kindly invite you to share them with us. Your contributions will not only showcase your expertise but also contribute to the overall excellence of our collection.

To streamline the submission process, we have created an online form where you can easily upload your micrographs.

Micrograph Submission Form

We are eager to feature a diverse range of micrographs, highlighting the advancements and discoveries within the field of electron optics. Your submissions will help us showcase the remarkable work being done by our community.

Thank you in advance for your participation and for sharing your impressive micrographs. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Upgrades for ACMAL’s Environmental Scanning Microscope

ESEM column and sample chamber.

The FEI Philips XL 40 Environmental Scanning Microscope (ESEM) is a large chamber scanning electron microscope. It is operated by a Michigan Tech shared facility, the Applied Chemical and Morphological Analysis Laboratory (ACMAL). ACMAL was awarded a Shared Facility Grant from the Associate Vice President of Research Development to upgrade the ESEM electronics and software system. The upgrade is expected to offset future repair costs and minimize instrument downtime.

If you have not considered the ESEM for your research, this instrument is capable of operating in high vacuum mode for conventional scanning electron microscopy.

The ESEM supports large area montage imaging and elemental mapping (up to a few square centimeters), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS)-based phase analysis, chemical contrast imaging and EDS-based particle analysis, as well as crystallographic phase mapping, texture analysis and grain size orientation distribution by electron backscatter diffraction.

Contact ACMAL Director Elizabeth Miller with questions. You may request instrument training, sample preparation or sample analysis services. Remote training and collaboration are available. Request a tour for yourself and your team. We can help you select an instrument and find expertise in developing process plans for your research.

Current users are reminded to cite ACMAL in all publications arising from research using these instruments. Help us to build a community of electron microscopists.