Category: News

New Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope Proposal

Schematic of the microscope interior with specimen chamber, gun, pump, and gas valve marked.

Basic ESEM gas pressure stages, by Gerry Danilatos.

The Department of Defense (DoD) announces the Fiscal Year 2023 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP). I’m excited to share that the 2023 DURIP selections have been announced and our proposal for a new Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope is recommended for award. All indications are that it will be funded. Congratulations to Dr. Bruce Lee (PI), Dr. Paul Sanders, Dr. Trisha Sain, Dr. Kazuya Tajiri, and Dr. Stephen Techtmann. Once funded, the new instrument will be housed in ACMAL and available for use by the MTU research community.

The timing is still TBD but since the project should be completed within a year we are starting the planning process to finalize the equipment purchase. However, there is still an opportunity to add capabilities to the instrument, especially if cost share can be contributed. Some possible additions include: a windowless EDS detector for light element (including Li) analysis, tensile stage, cryo stage, etc.

Below is a summary of the capabilities of the proposed new SEM.

Summary of the Capabilities and Functions of the Proposed FE-ESEM


  • Environmental or Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope

Electron Source

  • Field emission gun assembly with Schottky emitter source


  • 20 V to 30,000 V

Resolution at 30 kV

  • High-vacuum Mode: 1.0 nm (SED) and 2.5 nm (BSED)
  • Low-vacuum Mode: 1.3 nm (SED) and 2.5 nm (BSED)
  • Environmental Mode: 1.3 nm (SED)


  • 20x to 1,000,000x in a single quadrant

Ulti Max 170 EDS

  • Fast acquisition (quantitative > 400,000 cps and mapping > 1,000,000 cps)
  • Operate at low beam current, minimizing beam damage (3.5–5 kV)
  • High sensitivity for light element analysis

Symmetry S2 EBSD

  • High-speed analysis (indexing > 4,500 patterns per second)
  • High sensitivity >800 patterns per second/nA
  • Operates at low beam currents

Heating Stage

  • In-situ experimentation up to 1,100°C
  • Compatible with SE, BSED, EDS & EBSD detectors

Add Your Input

If you have any suggestions for capabilities or would like to discuss please contact Liz Miller by December 15th.

The Principal Investigator is Bruce Lee for research in additive manufacturing, materials development, and plastic waste recycling. The funding agency is the Office of Naval Research. DURIP is designed to improve the capabilities of accredited United States (U.S.) institutions of higher education to conduct research and to educate scientists and engineers in areas important to national defense, by providing funds for the acquisition of research equipment or instrumentation.

Erico Freitas Seminar September 29, 2022

Erico Freitas

Department of Biological Sciences Seminar Series

Dr. Erico Freitas

Research Scientist
Materials Science and Engineering
Michigan Technological University


Dr. Freitas manages the FEI 200kV Titan Themis STEM in the Electron Optics Facility of the Applied Chemical and Morphological Analysis Laboratory (ACMAL) at Michigan Tech. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is widely used for morphological studies of biological systems as it offers a much higher spatial resolution (over 200 times) than optical microscopy. During this seminar Dr. Freitas will present the capabilities of the Scanning transmission electron microscope laboratory at MTU and will address the types of ex-situ and in-situ analysis that can be conducted for biological systems using a diversity of approaches available through the ACMAL.

For additional information, visit the Department of Biological Sciences.

Thursday, September 29, 2022
3–4 p.m. GLRC 202

ACMAL Welcomes Erico T. F. Freitas

Erico T. F. Freitas

Research Scientist Erico T. F. Freitas has joined ACMAL and Materials Science and Engineering. He will manage the FEI 200kV Titan Themis STEM in ACMAL’s Electron Optics Facility. Freitas has experience in nanostructured materials characterization, with specialties in TEM, STEM, EELS, EFTEM, EDX, and electron diffraction.

Freitas worked previously in the multiuser electron microscopy facility managing the TEM at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil.

New Remote Teaching and Research Capabilities

Over the past year, several ACMAL labs have been equipped with new software and cameras for improved remote teaching and research! These new remote capabilities allow for live/recorded demonstrations to be shared with large classes or for research clients and to view live data collection.

Below are descriptions of these instruments and laboratories affected:

FEI 200kV Titan Themis Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM)


The STEM is Michigan Tech’s newest electron microscope addition that has atomic resolution imaging capabilities. The instrument has the following capabilities and modes: conventional TEM mode, scanning TEM mode, electron energy loss spectroscopy, energy filter TEM, high angle annular dark field, ChemiSTEM, Super-X Energy Dispersive X-Ray, and nanometer scale tomography. 

New remote capabilities include:

  • Zoom screen-share from both the TEM laboratory web camera and instrument control monitors
  • Huskycast (Panopto) recording of lab space, TEM lab camera, and instrument control monitors

Learn more about the STEM: ACMAL – FEI 200kV Titan Themis STEM

Contact Elizabeth Miller ( for more information.

FEI Philips XL 40 Environmental Scanning Microscope (ESEM)


The ESEM can be used to image a wide range of material types at a microscale including hydrated, contaminated, organic, or inorganic samples. This microscope itself has several modes and features that make it a flexible instrument for any research needs: SE/BSE imaging, thin window EDAX EDS, electron backscatter diffraction, high and low vacuum modes, and hot or cold stage options.

New remote capabilities include:

  • New laboratory web camera
  • Zoom screen-share abilities from both the microscope control and AzTEC analysis computers
  • Remote technical assistance with Raritan DKX4-101 KVM-over-IP
  • Remote operation with Raritan DKX4-101 KVM-over-IP

Learn more about the ESEM: ACMAL – FEI Philips XL 40 ESEM

Contact Elizabeth Miller ( for more information.

X-Ray Facilities: Scintag XDS2000 Powder Diffractometer and Scintag XDS-2000 PTS

XRD Powder

ACMAL’s X-ray facilities (XRF) has instruments capable of performing x-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses on both powder and solid samples. Sample data such as present phases, lattice parameter, percent crystallinity, and texture analysis can all be found using MTU’s Scintag XDS2000 Powder Diffractometer and Scintag XDS-2000 PTS XRD instruments. These instruments have the following features to expand the types of samples that can be analyzed: zero background sample holder, custom powder sample holders, custom irregular shaped solid holder, custom liquid holder, ICDD-JCPDS database, and Anton-Paar high temperature stage.

New remote capabilities include:

  • New cameras installed in both the instrument lab and sample preparation lab.
  • Huskycast (Panopto) recording for both cameras and lab computer monitors.
  • Zoom sharing available in both labs and computer monitors.

Learn more about X-ray facilities: ACMAL – X-Ray Facilities

Contact Dr. Edward Laitila ( for more information.

ACMAL Lab Access

The ACMAL labs will continue to be open for faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduates who’s research cannot be completed from home. If you require access, and have not already let me or Valentina know, please complete the ACMAL Building Access Form.

Prior to using the facility, review the ACMAL COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedure.  Our staff will continue to sanitize the labs daily. However, we are now asking all users to complete a touchpoint cleaning after they use the lab.

Please let me know if you have any questions,

ACMAL Cleanliness Policy and COVID-19 SOP

Please review ACMAL’s policy on cleanliness and our COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Below is a brief summary of the key points as well as links to the complete policy and SOP.

ACMAL Cleanliness Policy

  • Lab Configuration
    • Do NOT change the computer settings.
      • It is crucial for other users to find the instruments with the default settings.
    • Before exiting the lab after use, return any tools to their default location, and dispose of waste materials.
  • Personal Items
    • Remember to save your data on a personal storage device.
    • This is a shared facility, ACMAL is not responsible for, nor can it guarantee, the safekeeping of your personal items, specimens, or data.
  • Food and Drink
    • Do not bring food or drink in the microscopy labs.

ACMAL COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedure

  • Maximum of 2 people in the lab at a time.
  • You must bring a mask to the lab with you each time you come to work.
  • Be timely.
    • To minimize the chance of being unable to maintain social distances do NOT come early for your session to give the previous user time to vacate the lab.
    • Finish on time for your session. If you need additional time on the microscope, please update your calendar reservation.

If you have any questions please email me.