Category: Lab Staff Schedule

Staff in Electron Optics

ACMAL spring break schedule

I will be out next week but I’ll mostly be in town. I could come in if needed. Aleister will be here working working 2 hours each day for coating samples and helping users. He plans to be here at midday.

The labs will be open all week between 8 – 5 and restricted users will work then. Unrestricted users have 24 hour access. Newly trained users, please work while Aleister is at work in case you have trouble.

Call Aleister or me if you have trouble. Aleister 520-576-3557. Owen 906-369-1875.

Thanks, Owen

Liz Miller’s schedule

Liz Miller will be out of town for 6 weeks beginning next week. Aleister and I will try to pick up the work she was doing during her absence. One area that he and I cannot assume is EBSD. We have asked someone to help us with that but the response will be slowed. So, plan your EBSD work ahead of time – don’t wait until the last minute or your work will be delayed.

Liz will return to work on April 6th.

ACMAL holiday schedule

ACMAL hours/staffing over the 2 weeks of holidays looks like this:

The university will be closed on Dec 24, 25 and Dec 31, Jan 1. The building will be locked on those days. The ACMAL labs will be open on the other days, but more like 9 – 10am and closed at 5pm.

Unrestricted users will have unlimited access to the building and labs. Restricted users have access during the other days. We ask that newly trained users make appointments during the period so someone is near in case there are troubles.

Ed Laitila and Owen Mills will be out the entire 2 week period. Pinaki Mukherjee will be in during all but the 4 holidays. Liz Miller and Aleister Kerr will be available by appointment. Tim Leftwich will be here part of the 2 weeks – its best to make appointment with him.

If there are problems contact us. Our contact information is:

Owen 906-369-1875
Ed 906-369-2041
Liz 906-370-6538
Aleister 520-576-3557
Pinaki 402-802-3154
Tim 804-691-3243

ACMAL staffing over holiday

The M&M building and ACMAL labs will be closed in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday and Friday next week, November 28 and 29, 2019. The building and ACMAL labs will be open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for restricted users (with no keys or tap access). If you are a new user please email us to arrange for supervision in case you have a problem. Unrestricted users who have building and lab tap access are free to use the equipment anytime

Aleister and Liz will be working limited hours next week. Pinaki Mukherjee will be here each day, but Ed Laitila and I will be on stay-cation all week. Since we will be in town, if you have an emergency and cannot reach Aleister and Liz, please call Owen at 906-369-1875 and Ed at 906-369-2041.

Have a safe and happy holiday!

Thanksgiving break staff schedule

There will be ACMAL staff in the labs through the 3 work days – Monday – Wednesday. Thursday and Friday are University holidays and the building will be locked. Only unrestricted users will be able to enter the building and labs. Close the lab doors when you leave the room.

We strongly discourage new users working without assistance nearby.

Here are specific staff schedules.

Ed Laitila will be out all week.
Owen will be out all week.
Jerry will be in Monday – Wednesday.
Pinaki will be in Monday – Wednesday.
Tim will be in Monday – Wednesday.
Danielle will be in from 9-4 Monday – Wednesday. She can help you on
Thursday and Friday if you make an appointment.

As always call if you have trouble. Contact information for all lab staff/students are located on the wall of each lab.

Have a good break!