Category: Status

All equipment status updates.

ESEM Online

The ESEM detector installation is complete and the ESEM is available for use. The new software is very similar to the previous version of AZTEC. However if you would like training on the new capabilities let me know. 

Regarding old data, we are in the process of recovering the data that was on the old AZTEC computer. I’m hopeful that the data will be available next week. As always remember to take a copy of data with you at the end of your session and make back ups as necessary.

ACMAL Facility Closed (Except CIF)

Due to the intermittent power outages, in addition to the planned power outages, ACMAL will be closed for the remainder of this week. The Confocal Imaging Facility (CIF), will be available unless there is another unplanned power outage during the day. 

The X-ray facility will be open beginning Friday morning. All other facilities will be opening next week. Just a reminder, the FIB and FESEM annual maintenance will be occurring next week (5/9 – 5/11).

We apologize for any inconvenience.

X-Ray Laboratory Shutdown Wednesday pm to Friday am

Due to the scheduled building power outages and in the best interest of the instruments and computer systems the x-ray laboratory will be electrically shut down from Wednesday 5-4-2022  beginning at 3 pm until 7 am Friday 5-6-2022. If you need XRD computing during this time please see me prior to shutdown. 

Dr. Edward A. LaitilaSenior Research Engineer/Scientist II/Adjunct Assistant Professor Michigan Technological University Dept. of MSERoom 628 M&M Building(906) 369-2041

FESEM / FIB Annual Maintenance and End of Semester Lab Cleaning

Next week, the HITACHI technician will be on campus to perform an annual preventative maintenance check on the FESEM and FIB. The instruments will be unavailable during that time. If all as planned they will be available for reservation starting on Thursday May 12th.

Also, we will begin our end of semester lab cleaning next Wednesday. Any unlabeled samples will be disposed of.


I have good news and better news. Good news is we have a work around for the software issue with AZtec. We will be able to capture images and perform EDS using another software package called INCA. The even better news is that our new EDS detector, which comes with a computer upgrade, will be here in May.

I can assist with training on the INCA software. It is very similar to AZtec so most usera will pick it up quickly.