Category: Status

All equipment status updates.

ACMAL Holiday Schedule

ACMAL will have limited hours over the upcoming holiday break.

During the week of December 19th-23rd, the labs will be open with limited staffing. The university, including ACMAL, will be closed on Dec 26th through 31st.  The building will be locked on those days. Unrestricted users will still have access to the building and labs. 

I will be out of the office but in the area, for the next two weeks. Josh King and Zoe Hoffman will be out as well.  Dr. Erico Fritas will be available through Wednesday Dec 21st. Dr. Ed Laitila, Dr. Tim Leftwich, Aleister Kerr, Maci Dostaler will be available by appointment.

If there are problems contact us.  Our contact information is:

Liz: 906-370-6538
Ed: 906-369-2041
Erico: 906-299-2714

Happy Holidays,

Elizabeth Miller