Category: PHI 5800 XPS

XPS in Surface Analysis

ACMAL Facility Closed (Except CIF)

Due to the intermittent power outages, in addition to the planned power outages, ACMAL will be closed for the remainder of this week. The Confocal Imaging Facility (CIF), will be available unless there is another unplanned power outage during the day. 

The X-ray facility will be open beginning Friday morning. All other facilities will be opening next week. Just a reminder, the FIB and FESEM annual maintenance will be occurring next week (5/9 – 5/11).

We apologize for any inconvenience.

XPS Operational

The XPS is operational and is available for use. Please note that the sputter gun, that is used for sputtering and depth profile analysis, is currently not functioning properly and is temporarily unavailable. Email me (at if you are interested in XPS (or Auger) analysis.

Dr. Timothy Leftwich
Research Assistant Professor
ACMAL Surface Scientist
Material Science and Engineering

XPS Repair Update

The XPS repair is coming along well. There was a problem in one of the electronic control boards which has been found and fixed. Now, we are just waiting for the boards to be shipped back. Once the boards have been reinstalled it was confirmed that the problem is fixed, an update will be sent out to the eof-l.

Please contact Dr. Tim Leftwich, if you have any questions or would like to use the XPS once it’s available.