Change to FESEM x-ray detector

A persistent complaint about the FESEM EDS system was that it was hard to get enough counts (deadtime) for optimal work. To address this we upgraded the detecting crystal in the EDS detector. Now the crystal is 30 mm2 – it was 10 mm2. Now, for the same beam current, there are additional counts (deadtime). You can get 25-30% deadtime at 20kV with the condenser lens set to 5.

I have the system calibrated and you are free to use the upgraded EDS system.

Let me know if you have questions.

ACMAL holiday schedule

ACMAL hours/staffing over the 2 weeks of holidays looks like this:

The university will be closed on Dec 24, 25 and Dec 31, Jan 1. The building will be locked on those days. The ACMAL labs will be open on the other days, but more like 9 – 10am and closed at 5pm.

Unrestricted users will have unlimited access to the building and labs. Restricted users have access during the other days. We ask that newly trained users make appointments during the period so someone is near in case there are troubles.

Ed Laitila and Owen Mills will be out the entire 2 week period. Pinaki Mukherjee will be in during all but the 4 holidays. Liz Miller and Aleister Kerr will be available by appointment. Tim Leftwich will be here part of the 2 weeks – its best to make appointment with him.

If there are problems contact us. Our contact information is:

Owen 906-369-1875
Ed 906-369-2041
Liz 906-370-6538
Aleister 520-576-3557
Pinaki 402-802-3154
Tim 804-691-3243