There was a report of no EDS spectra on the Aztek system. On examination we found 2 user-correctable issues. First, the backscatter detector was blocking part of the x-ray signal from reaching the detector. It was not in the correct orientation. Then, and this is the biggest issue, the Process Time was set to 2 and it should be on 5. Process Time 2 provides narrower peaks (energy resolution) but reduces the deadtime (count rate). The SOP lists 5 as the default position. If you change it, please return to 5 when your work is complete.

The EDS works fine and is ready to use.

ACMAL staffing over holiday

The M&M building and ACMAL labs will be closed in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday and Friday next week, November 28 and 29, 2019. The building and ACMAL labs will be open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for restricted users (with no keys or tap access). If you are a new user please email us to arrange for supervision in case you have a problem. Unrestricted users who have building and lab tap access are free to use the equipment anytime

Aleister and Liz will be working limited hours next week. Pinaki Mukherjee will be here each day, but Ed Laitila and I will be on stay-cation all week. Since we will be in town, if you have an emergency and cannot reach Aleister and Liz, please call Owen at 906-369-1875 and Ed at 906-369-2041.

Have a safe and happy holiday!