Interested in researching Copper Country history or tracing your family roots but are just to darn far away to visit the Michigan Tech Archives and Copper Country Historical Collections for yourself?

As a courtesy for those who aren’t able to visit the Upper Peninsula, the Michigan Tech Archives offers a list of independent researchers for you to contact. You can make arrangements with these individuals to undertake research for you, from looking up an obituary in a historic newspaper to gathering background information for a book and more.
Zach Kukkonen
Open to researching anything.
Marjorie Lindley
755 Seventh Street
Laurium, MI 49913
Will do look ups in the MTU Archives and marriage records in the courthouse. Also local cemeteries, photos, and information.
Peg Neidholdt
26330 Quincy Street
Laurium, MI 49913
Researching genealogy records for 32 years. Researching Houghton and Keweenaw County for over five years. Member of the Association of Professional Genealogists.
These researchers are not affiliated with Michigan Technological University, and the Michigan Tech Archives has no control over the results of their work.