The Keweenaw Digital Archives surpassed an impressive milestone in April 2015 – the online repository for the Michigan Tech Archives’ digital images now hosts just over 13,000 images.

The Digital Archives got its start as a grant project funded by the Michigan Humanities Council in 2004-2005. The project was geared at providing online access to a database of key-word-searchable digitized historic images from the archives’ collections, while allowing users to add comments to the images online.
The Digital Archives also facilitates an interface for duplication service requests, and provides secure, off-site storage for digital surrogate files.
Today, it acts as a portal to the Copper Country’s visual past that is visited by thousands worldwide every month.
This milestone has been met thanks to hard work by many different members of Archives staff over the past decade.
To visit the Keweenaw Digital Archives and search for historic Copper Country images, click the following link: http://digarch.lib.mtu.edu/.
If you have any questions about the Keweenaw Digital Archives, please call us at (906) 487-2505 or
email us at copper@mtu.edu to learn more.