Author: Julie Ross

Job Posting: Michigan Dept of Transportation

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is currently seeking a Transportation Engineer, located in Davison, Michigan.

This position performs a variety of professional general engineering assignments in a learning capacity.  Performs or participates in a variety of professional engineering responsibilities involving the Transportation Service Center (TSC) and Region functions of design, construction, maintenance, traffic and safety, soils, and materials control and testing of transportation facilities.  Assists with project scoping and estimating.  Assists office in technical work.

Possession of a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering or in civil and environmental engineering.

You may view the job posting here:  Transportation Engineer

Info Meeting: Study Abroad in The Netherlands (Cycling Infrastructure Course)


MTU Flier

Info Meeting: Study Abroad in The Netherlands (Cycling Infrastructure Course)

Thursday, September 20th, 5 pm in Dow 875 

Are you interested in studying abroad, but also want to get a summer internship? How about 16 days of bicycling around the world famous cycling infrastructure in The Netherlands (Netherlands where 27% of ALL their daily trips are made by bicycle and it’s easy riding – it is flat terrain!) where we will study bicycle infrastructure, work with students at a Dutch university, meet professionals who plan and design, and so much more? The course runs (pre-summer) May 19 – June 3 – plenty of time for you to get back for an internship. The course is offered out of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville’s Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering Department (by a professor who is a MTU Civil Engineering aluma), yet is available to students at other campuses, such as Michigan Tech, as well.  This course can count toward professional electives for the MTU CEE students.

View the promotional video of the course to catch a glimpse of what you’ll get to experience.

Join us on a 16 day course cycling throughout The Netherlands while studying the world famous cycling infrastructure.
We will spend 16 days bicycling in large cities (Amsterdam, Zwolle, Utrecht, Houten, Rotterdam, Eindhoven) and small towns in The Netherlands. We will work with students and faculty at Windesheim University and professional designers and planners of the amazing Dutch cycling network. We travel within cities by bicycle and between cities using their sophisticated passenger rail system. This course will give you hands on experience using and understanding how a country creates safe cycling infrastructure. 27% of ALL trips in the Netherlands are made by bicycle! Take this course to experience that!
Explore The Netherlands in Europe while earning course credit!
*bonus – you can even extend your time in Europe by staying longer…come to the meeting to learn how! Grab your friends and backpack around Europe after the course is over – your airfare may even be cheaper!
Below is a flier that shows the course details. Note that the cost is listed at $3900 per person- this is the ‘high’ cost – as soon as there are at least 8 people signed up (the cap is 12 students), we can purchase our airline tickets and solidify the airfare, which will likely be lower than my budgeted amount.  This cost includes the 3 credit course, round trip airfare from Chicago, 5 day Eurail pass, bicycle rentals, all hotels and hostels, all breakfasts, and bus transfers. Funds not spent will be refunded to you.



For more information, please feel free to contact me,

Kristina Fields

Associate Professor

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering

University of Wisconsin-Platteville

(608) 342-1533

I-Corps Lean Launchpad Workshops


Are you interested taking your idea, technology, or processes commercial?  Entrepreneurial minded graduate and undergraduate students, faculty, staff, alumni and local community teams are invited to attend the I-Corps Site Program’s Lean Launchpad Workshop Series here at MTU.


The site program offered through Michigan Tech will be structured around the Lean LaunchPad teaching methods and principles used by NSF’s National I-Corps Program.

The purpose of the NSF funded I-Corps Site Program is to foster entrepreneurship that will lead to the commercialization of technology.

The I-Corps Site Workshop is available and geared toward developing I-Corps Teams for the National I-Corps program.

The I-Corps Site program provides training and modest funding (awards of $1,000-$2,500) per team to enable teams to 1) transition their work into the marketplace and/or 2) to become National I-Corps Team applicants.

Upon completion of the I-Corps Site Program, participants are eligible to apply for the National I-Corps program, an intensive six week NSF training with the opportunity to be awarded a $50,000 grant, as well as many other funding opportunities. Non-university based teams will need to include at least one team member based at a university for grant administration purposes.

Participants in the I-Corps Site Program will be expected to commit at least 3-5 hours per person per week to market research, customer discovery and other commercialization-focused activities.


Pavlis Honors College, 724 Minerals and Materials Engineering Building


The next round of workshops will include four half-days.  Training dates are: Friday, September 28th; Thursday, October 4th; Thursday, October 11th; and Friday, October 19th.


Through the Site program, using the Lean LaunchPad teaching method, teams will learn first-hand about entrepreneurship and explore the transition of their ideas, devices, and processes into the marketplace. Getting out of the laboratory/university is what the effort is all about.

Teams will learn about entrepreneurship using the I-Corps curriculum which provides real-world, hands on, immersive learning about what it takes to successfully transfer knowledge into products and processes that benefit society.  I-Corps teams will be engaged talking to industry customers and competitors and encountering the chaos and uncertainty of creating successful innovations.

Outcomes and Opportunities:

  • See the real world impacts of your research and technology

  • Gain an appreciation of what it takes to commercialize technology and understand barriers to adoption

  • Discover a market for your technology that you had not previously considered

  • Expand your network of support with teachers, investors, customers, and inventors

  • Gain the ability to identify increased commercial potential for your technologies

General Meeting: Husky Construction

Husky Construction will be having their first meeting of this semester tomorrow (Tuesday 9/18) from 7PM-8PM in EERC 314. They will discuss possible volunteer opportunities including with Habitat for Humanity and possibly building a broomball rink for Michigan Tech. A special guest speaker Mike Summerfield will present more information on possibly building the broomball rink as well as provide snacks for everyone. in addition they will discuss any seminars or presentations that members are interested in attending. Hope to see everyone there tomorrow.

-Matthew Wray

Michigan Technological University
Construction Management

Study Abroad: Cumbria 2019!

Cumbria 2019!  Join us this summer in England!

Information Sessions:

* 20 Sept 2018, Fisher 130, 5.30-6.30 pm

*10 October, Fisher 130, 6-7pm

*6 November, Fisher 130, 5.30-6.30pm

9 credits – whatever your folks pay for MTU tuition, plus a program fee of $3,700.  A bargain at any rate – consider “cost of attendance” at c. $507/credit.  HASS Courses offered in History (SS), Literature (HU), and Music (VPA).
So come join us, Thursday, 5:30 – 6:30 in Fisher 130!

Cumbria 2019

Job Posting: Wisconsin Dept of Transportation

We have announced the Civil Engineer Trans Entry and Trans Senior recruitment on WiscJobs.
Application deadline is Monday, October 8, 2018.
A link to the job announcement is provided below.
Candidates will rank their top three location preferences upon application. The top ranked location preference will determine which location qualified applicants will be invited to interview at.
  • Eau Claire, Green Bay, Rhinelander, Wisconsin Rapids, Superior, and Spooner candidates will interview in Rhinelander, Wisconsin.
  • La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, and Waukesha candidates will interview in Madison, Wisconsin.
In person interviews will be held October 23, 2018 through October 26, 2018.
The results of those interviews will be used to fill WisDOT Civil Engineering entry and senior level positions until spring of 2019.
Phone and Skype interviews will not be permitted.
Liz Nicolai
Human Resources Assistant
Bureau of Human Resources – Region 1
141 NW Barstow Street, Waukesha, WI 53188
P: 262.548.5912 |

Scholarship: Wisconsin Asphalt Pavement Association

The Wisconsin Asphalt Pavement Association is pleased to announce that it will award at least two student scholarships again in 2018. We are currently accepting applications. Deadline to apply is Thursday, November 1st.

One Engineering Scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $2,000.
– The award is open to undergraduate students studying civil engineering or construction engineering enrolled at an accredited Wisconsin university or Michigan Technological University as of fall 2018.
– Preference will be given to those applicants who intend to pursue a career in the transportation construction industry (with an interest in asphalt pavements).
– Special consideration will be given to Wisconsin residents with sophomore or junior status as of the 2018-19 academic year.
The criteria for application is similar to previous years and we offer an easy-to-use online application form. Please share with anyone interested in applying. For more information please visit:
Thank you for your consideration and, as always, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if there’s any way we may be of service.

Job Posting (Intern): On Campus Engineering Intern


Michigan Tech’s Facilities Administration & Planning Department is looking to fill an Engineering Intern position.  This is a great opportunity for the right student to gain practical on-the-job experience while integrating their classroom knowledge into practical application.

The posting can be viewed here: Position Advertisment Engineering Intern.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Lori Weir (info below).
Lori Weir
Director, Administrative Services and Projects
Facilities Administration & Planning
Michigan Technological University

Job Posting: MDOT (Transportation Planner)

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is currently seeking to fill a Transportation Planner, located in Lansing, Michigan.

This planner position coordinates with many MDOT transportation agency partners to maintain multiple road classifications. The classifications are required to meet federal regulations.  This opportunity will begin with support and training opportunities and will allow for individual growth. This position requires excellent writing, people, and presentation skills. In addition, this position most be able to communicate and work effectively with a team of technical staff.

You may view the job posting here:  Transportation Planner