‘Telling Your Story’ Workshop Registration is Now Open

Are you a student who wants to pitch in the New Venture Challenge or another pitch competition? Do you want to make your presentations more compelling? If so, this workshop is for you.

Your ability to pitch greatly improves when you explain your business venture in a persuasive way. What need does your product or service fill? What impact will it have? Communicating your value proposition through the art of storytelling is an important part of connecting with your audience.

Laura Kasson Fiss (PAV), who teaches writing, literature and a course through Pavlis on telling your story, will walk pitch contestants through a process to help them identify key elements of their stories to pitch their innovations. We’ll talk about ways to arrange narrative elements to create a story arc and how to mobilize techniques of storytelling in the service of your innovation.

Join us on Feb. 23, 4- 5:30 p.m., at the West Collaboration Space in the Pavlis Honors College. Register online by Feb. 21.

Undergrad Research – 2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURFs)

Applications for 2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURFs) are open. Fellowship recipients will spend the summer working on an individual research project under the guidance of a Michigan Tech faculty mentor.

SURFs are open to all Tech undergraduates who have at least one semester remaining after the summer term. Awards are up to $4,000. Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Feb. 10.

For more information and access to the application materials and instructions, visit the SURF web page or contact Handler at rhandler@mtu.edu.

Undergrad Research – Undergraduate Research Internship Program

URIPs are open to all Tech undergraduates who are interested in engaging in a research experience in a faculty member’s laboratory.

Awards of up to $1,920 are available to fund student researchers and are paid at an hourly rate. The Pavlis Honors College will provide $960 of this award with the expectation that the faculty mentor will match this amount. Applications will open in the spring.

Award recipients will conduct a research project under the guidance of a Michigan Tech faculty mentor during the regular academic year (September-March).

Internship recipients are encouraged to attend any research-related events or workshops sponsored by the Library.

Internship recipients are required to present their research at the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) in March (Friday of Preview Day Weekend)

Funding for the Undergraduate Research Internship Program is provided by the Portage Health Foundation and the DeVlieg Foundation.


Scholarship – Atkins Foundation Scholarship for Minorities

The Atkins Foundation Scholarship for Minorities in STEM is available to female students and students of African-American, Asian, Hispanic, Native American/ Native Alaskan, and Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander descent, and be:

  • A US citizen or permanent resident.
  • A junior or senior, full-time, day-time student at an accredited and approved college or university.
  • Enrolled in contiguous fall and spring semesters, carrying a minimum of 12 credits and earning a minimum 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) each semester.
  • Working towards a baccalaureate degree in science, technology, engineering or math, specifically related to disciplines within our industry with at least 60 credits of college work prior to the submission of the application. 
  • These degrees include but are not limited to Architecture, Civil Engineering, Construction Management, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geomatics, Landscape Architecture, MEP (Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing) Engineering, and/or Transportation Planning.

Applications are due by March 31.


Job Posting: MDOT – Transportation Engineer 9-P11

We have posted an available position in our Signing Unit.  This position will allow the individual selected to interact with many different business areas within the Michigan Department of Transportation, while working to make signing on our trunkline network better.  It is expected that they will have the ability and opportunity to gain the skills to oversee the development of signing plans and review, develop, and revise standards/typicals and specifications.  This position will offer the opportunity to gain a great knowledge of the Michigan Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MMUTCD), MDOT signing guidelines, standards, and specifications.  All of this will also come with the additional opportunity to work with and support our Region and Transportation Service Center (TSC) office staff.  Please see the following link for more information. April/May graduates are encouraged to apply!  The position closes 02/09/23.


Undergraduate Research Symposium Spring 2023 | Submissions Due Feb 7th

We warmly invite your undergraduate students who are involved with research and scholarship to participate in the 2023 Michigan Tech Undergraduate Research & Scholarship Symposium (URSS). We are pleased to feature the work of the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows, the DeVlieg Foundation Fellows, and the Portage Health Foundation Fellows at this year’s event…we would also love to feature your students!

The URSS is a great opportunity to highlight the work of our undergraduate students and will take place Friday, March 24, 2023. Research submissions are due by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, February 7, 2023.

Additionally, we have teamed up with the J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library to offer a poster creation session on Tuesday, March 14th, from 10 to 11 am to assist your students to prepare for the URSS. If they’d to get started before then, the Library has templates that they can use.

This year, in addition to the poster sessions from 12:30 to 4 pm, the Symposium will also feature a panelist discussion from 11 am to noon and a networking social event from 4 to 5 pm leading up to the announcement of the poster award winners. Our menu for the panelist discussion and the networking social will consist of French-roast coffee, glacè petit fours, and Lac La Belle apple cider.  

Please pass this information to students who you think would benefit from this opportunity and encourage them to apply!. Questions can be directed to cahohnho@mtu.edu. Chris Hohnholt Michigan Technological University Pavlis Honors College | mtu.edu/honors  (906) 487-1843 | cahohnho@mtu.edu

Sustainability Demonstration House Open House

The Sustainability Demonstration House tenants invite you to attend our open house during Carni Week! The house is open to students, their families, and community members on Thursday, February 9th, from 4-7pm. Please come to tour the house, see our systems, and learn how you can practice sustainable living too! Please find our poster attached. The house is located at 21680 Woodland Rd, two houses down from McNair and Hillside Place. Back from pre-covid times, we will have free pizza available while supplies last! We hope to see you there! 

Scholarship: Asphalt Institute Foundation

The Asphalt Institute Foundation is pleased to announce the Bill and Shireen Kirk Scholarship for 2023. More than $70,000 in scholarship funds has been awarded to students from across the United States since 2020. We encourage you to share this scholarship opportunity with any prospective student applicants that may need financial assistance for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.

To qualify for the scholarship, students must:

  • Be a third- or fourth-year undergraduate student; masters; or doctoral student.
  • Be pursuing a degree in business, chemistry, civil engineering, construction management, marketing, or sales. Preference will be given to students who have a focus on civil infrastructure, particularly in the study of asphalt materials and its use.
  • Applicants from any U.S. state are encouraged to apply; preference will be given to students who are residents of Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, or West Virginia. (Important Note: We have had several recipients in the past who were residents outside of these preferred areas. Our foundation is most interested in helping students pursue their educational goals; not their school/residence location.)

Below is the link to the online application. We are working to get the word out about this opportunity for students as the deadline is March 1, 2023.


MTU Summer Research – McNair Scholarship Program

Are you interested in doing research and getting paid to do it? Have you ever thought about going to graduate school—without loans? The Michigan Tech McNair Scholars Program can help.

The MTU McNair Scholars program will help you:

  • Earn money to do summer research in your field of study (plus free room and board!)
  • Receive support to present research at regional and national conferences
  • Get loan-free support for graduate school

McNair could be the right fit for you—take the first step by scheduling your initial eligibility interview.

For more information, please email mcnair@mtu.edu