What is the spatial visualization placement test and what happens if I don’t do well on it?

The spacial visualization placement test measures your ability to mentally visualize a 3-D object from different perspectives. New first-year students will take this test during Orientation. These skills are important because engineers must often represent things in the physical world using diagrams and drawings when communicating information and ideas to others. As a chemical engineering student you will use these skills when studying stereochemistry in organic chemistry and when working in the unit operations lab.

If you’ve already spent a lot of time working with your hands, such as playing with Legos or working on your bike or car, then you’ve probably already developed these skills and will do fine on the test. If you don’t do well on the test, then you’re in luck because these skills are learnable! To help you build these skills you will be enrolled in a one credit course, ENG 1002 Introduction to Spatial Visualization.