Category: Graduate Students

Online Intercultural Exchange for Chinese and English Speakers

by Elizabeth A. Flynn, Co-director, The Elaine Bacon Literacy Program New participants are welcome to join a newly-formed Chinese-English language and cultural exchange via Zoom at 4 p.m. every Friday. To receive a Zoom invitation or for more details, contact organizer Denise Heikinen, or call (906) 482-4944. Along with Dr. Pichai Sripaipan, retired orthopedic surgeon from . . .

Master’s Defense: Prathyusha Sreedhara, Computer Science

Computer Science department graduate student Prathyusha Sreedhara will present a Master’s Defense today, Monday, October 26, from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. The tiitle of his paper is, “Hometracker: A Household Level Field Intervention and Metabolism Tracker.” Sreedhara’s advisor is Associate Professor Charles Wallace, Computer Science. Link to the meeting here.

CpE PhD Candidate Zhiqiang Zhao to Present Defense October 23

ECE Doctoral Defense Tomorrow Computer Engineering doctoral candidate Zhiqiang Zhao will defend at 4 p.m. tomorrow (Oct. 23) via Zoom. The title of his presentation is “High-Performance Spectral Methods for Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits.” Co-advisors are Zhuo Feng (ECE) and Glen Archer (ECE).

Health Informatics MS: Virtual Info Night is Tues., Oct. 27

Are you thinking about attending graduate school? Are you open to learning about emerging career areas in which you can leverage your undergraduate courses in healthcare or computer science? On Tuesday, October 27, 2020, at 6:00 p.m., via online Zoom meeting, the Health Informatics Master of Science and Accelerated Master’s programs will present a virtual . . .

ROTC Cybersecurity Training for Tomorrow’s Officers

The U.S. Department of Defense, Office of Naval Research, has awarded Michigan Tech faculty researchers a $249,000 grant that supports the creation of an ROTC undergraduate science and engineering research program at Michigan Tech. The primary goal of the program is to supply prepared cadets to all military branches to serve as officers in Cyber . . .

PhD Candidate Karen Colbert, CSE, awarded KCP Future Faculty/GEM Associate Fellowship

The Michigan Tech Graduate School has announced the recipients of the Fall 2020 Doctoral Finishing Fellowships, KCP Future Faculty/GEM Associate Fellowship, and CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Nominees. Karen Colbert, a second-year Ph.D. candidate in Computational Science and Engineering, has been awarded the KCP Future Faculty/GEM Associate Fellowship Award. View Colbert’s bio here. Congratulations to all Fall . . .