Category: Graduate Students

GenCyber Camp for Teachers Garners Local Media Coverage

Michigan Tech hosted two week-long GenCyber camps this summer. The first, held June 17–21, 2019, hosted 30 local middle/high school students. The second camp, August 12–16, 2019, hosted 21 local K-12 teachers. Camp participants gained cybersecurity knowledge, understood correct and safe online behavior, and explored ways to deliver cybersecurity content in K-12 curricula. A story . . .

Inspiring the Next Generation of Cyber Stars

By Karen S. Johnson, ICC Communications Director We live in a world where pretty much everything and everybody – individuals, companies, governments, critical infrastructure – are increasingly dependent on connected systems, networks and devices. And, as newspaper headlines reveal, those systems may be insecure and vulnerable to hackers. “Nowadays, everybody is using computers, and more . . .

Murat Koksal is an Outstanding Teacher

The Graduate School and Graduate Student Government proudly announce the 2014-2015 academic year winners. CS graduate student Murat Koksal received the Outstanding Teaching Award. Murat was recognized among the graduate students who have exhibited exceptional ability as a teacher, have received excellent evaluations from students, as well as gaining the respect of faculty in their departments. . . .

Abhilash Kantamneni is an Exceptional Student Leader

The Graduate School and Graduate Student Government proudly announce the 2014-2015 academic year winners. CS graduate student Abhilash Kantamneni received the Merit Award for Exceptional Student Leader. Abhilash was recognized for the ability to work well with others, participation in extracurricular activities and achievements contributing to the overall graduate student community and representing a bearer . . .