Month: November 2013

New Testing Center and Facility

The Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning is pleased to announce the opening of the Michigan Tech Testing Center (MTTC).  The new center, located on the second floor of the Van Pelt and Opie Library in room 226, offers testing services including proctored, computerized and accommodated testing.  The MTTC coordinates facilities at two locations: the 40-seat computerized testing lab (Rekhi 215) as well as a 10-seat facility in the new center (Library 226).

With two testing facilities, the MTTC is able to offer expanded testing services. The MTTC coordinates the use of the 40-seat computerized testing lab in Rehki 215 that many professors use to give exams in Canvas or other computerized systems. The new specially designed, 10-seat facility in the library is ideal for accommodated exams for students who require extra time or a quieter space. The MTTC location can also be scheduled for makeup and overflow exams that are either computerized or pencil and paper. Proctoring is available for on-campus courses (and for OTHER universities’ online courses for a fee). Sponsored exams, like the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (FE), will be scheduled in this space soon.

The MTTC will maintain the following office hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:00AM – 3:00PM
Wednesday 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Friday 9:00AM – 1:00PM

Additional hours may be arranged to accommodate evening exams, and additional facilities can be reserved for a larger number of computerized examinees. To learn more about the MTTC and schedule exam times and accommodations online visit the MTTC website. Instructors are encouraged to contact the MTTC (906) 487-1001, to schedule additional time or with questions about any of your exam needs.

William G. Jackson Gift Funds Blended Learning Grants

The recent generous gift from William G. Jackson gives the Center for Teaching and Learning the ability to solicit proposals for blended learning project grants. Academic departments or teams of instructors are invited to propose projects that support course/program reform or expansion and use blended and online learning techniques. Grants will be awarded at the following levels:

$1000 grants: individual conference travel to learn blended/online techniques and share with our instructors OR  a small scale course development or outreach project

$5000 grants: development of a moderate course/program or portion of a large course in a blended/online format (predicted impact >60 students per term)

$10,000 grants: development of a large course or program in a blended/online format (predicted impact >200 students/term)

Selected projects can also request/expect substantial support from the eLearning staff and students, both in terms of design consultation and course implementation.   Total award amounts are expected to be $50,000 each year for two years (2013-14, 2014-15). For additional information, refer toBlended Learning Grant Program