Day: June 30, 2015

Webinar: Racial Climate on Campus: Best Practices

Please join Institutional Equity and Inclusion for the webinar The Racial Climate on Campus: Best Practices for Education, Response & Adjudication

A Discussion with Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington
Wednesday, July 22, 2-3:30pm in EERC 501

Race relations on campuses across the country have been charged, as a result of a number of incidents that have taken place in college communities and in communities at large.  Many institutions report having seen a loss of a civil community as we have known it to be – and we’ve seen a resurgence of student activism across the country in recent months, leaving administrators wondering how to encourage respectful student engagement.

Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington, President and Founder of the Social Justice Training Institute and Washington Consulting Group, will provide strategies for engaging in best practices that meet the needs of your diverse student body so you can educate students about what constitutes racist speech and action, respond to incidents swiftly and effectively when they do occur, and adjudicate incidents effectively and fairly.

Please email Susan Sullivan ( to reserve a space for this webinar.