Author: Jessica Hendrickson

CTL and Essential Education Lunch and Learn

Playing in PebblePad

Date: March 11, 2025

Time: 12:00 p.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Location: MUB Ballroom B

Join the Husky Folio program director on March 11th for an opportunity to practice using the powerful potential of PebblePad, Michigan Tech’s new ePortfolio platform under the Husky Folio initiative. This session is your chance to dive in and practice creating reflection templates and workbooks for your courses or even a personalized ePortfolio highlighting your unique experiences and accomplishments. Whether you’re experienced or just starting out on the platform, this is your chance to connect with colleagues, exchange ideas, and explore how PebblePad can be used. Bring your enthusiasm and prepare to learn a new way to engage learners.

For questions or to request accommodations, including dietary, please feel free to contact the CTL at or (906) 487-3000.

CTL and Essential Education Lunch and Learn

Building an Essential Ed Experience: (Re)Designing Your Course to Become an E3

Date: March 4, 2025

Time: 12:00 p.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Location: MUB Ballroom A

Interested in designing and teaching an Essential Education Experience (E3)? Join E3 leadership and fellow instructors for a course redesign workshop. E3 courses should prepare students for an ever-changing, dynamic, and diverse world by increasing social awareness, global understandings, and/or cultural competencies through hands-on learning. Students will apply their learning toward a project or activity that engages with community beyond the traditional classroom.

This workshop will cover the basics of E3 requirements and provide participants time to workshop with others an existing or proposed Essential Education Experience course, while learning more about practical tools for transforming their own courses into E3s. Faculty who are interested in E3 courses but don’t have a specific course in mind yet are welcome to attend and can expect to gain insights that will aid in future course development.

For questions or to request accommodations, including dietary, please feel free to contact the CTL at or (906) 487-3000.

CTL and IDEAhub Lunch and Learn

Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Location: Memorial Union – Ballroom A

Registration is required.

Join IDEAhub leadership and participants from IDEAhub’s summer course redesign workshop. Find inspiration in faculty stories about their “small bite” course innovations and learn more about how to “level up” your teaching using IDEAhub tools for innovation.

To register please visit:

For questions or request any accommodations, please contact the CTL at (906) 487-2275 or

CTL Technical Workshops: Getting Started with iClicker and Introduction to Panopto

Getting Started with iClicker

Date: January 16, 2025

Time:  10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 

Location: Library Room 243

The Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) will host a technical workshop Thursday (January 16, 2025) to introduce instructors to iClicker Cloud software.

iClicker Cloud helps instructors engage with their students in the classroom by asking polling questions that can promote discussion, identify areas of confusion and generate questions. Michigan Tech has a campus site license for iClicker Cloud, so instructors can use this tool at no additional cost to their students.

In this CTL technical workshop, we’ll review how to get started using iClicker Cloud in your classroom. We’ll review how to set up your instructor account, iClicker Groups, make custom course settings to meet your needs, and integrate the course with your Canvas course.

Register for the workshop — make plans to join us Thursday (January 16, 2025) from 10-11 a.m. in Library 243.  To register, please visit this link:

Introduction to Panopto

Date: January 23, 2025

Time: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 

Location: Library Room 243

Are you looking for a way to incorporate video recordings to increase student engagement or provide course materials to be viewed in preparation for class? Perhaps you’re seeking a tool to capture lectures or meetings where multiple video sources can be captured at the same time which can be easily edited and shared? Compatible with multiple operating systems and file formats, Panopto is a robust and straight-forward tool to fit those needs and many more.

Join the Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning for an Introduction to Panopto workshop on January 23, 2025 at 10 a.m. at the Van Pelt and Opie Library Room 243. To register, please visit this link:

Contact the CTL at with any questions about this workshop, accommodation requests, or using iClicker Cloud and Panopto in your class this Spring semester.

CTL Lunch and Learn: Using Canvas to Support Student Success: Avoid “Gotchas” and Enhance Course Organization, Grading, and Accessibility

Make plans to attend a CTL Lunch and Learn packed with practical tips to avoid common Canvas “gotchas” and create more student-friendly courses. Discover smarter ways to organize content, simplify grading, and improve accessibility using tools like TidyUP, Ally, and Huskycast. You’ll leave with actionable strategies to build a more efficient and student-centered course experience.

Date: January 21, 2025

Time: 12:00 p.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Register using button above or by going to:

Questions or to request accommodations, please contact us at or (906) 487-3000.