Category: CTL News

Contains news and topics of interest to faculty and instructional staff at Michigan Tech.


LUNCH AND LEARN:  Office Hours – How Do I Get Students to Attend and Be Most Effective when They Do? (Tuesday, September 19, 2017, Noon-1:00 pm)

As students expect more “personalized learning”, office hours are an increasingly important place to address questions, offer alternative resources, and hear student feedback.  Yet many instructors find they rarely have student visitors, regardless of the number of times they make invitation.  In this luncheon workshop, we’ll examine how to break down barriers to attendance and use time efficiently and effectively when students do attend.  Lunch will be provided to those who register by Friday, September 15. Click here to register.

GUEST SPEAKER: Martin Ford – Artificial Intelligence and Industry Trends (Saturday, September 23, 2017, 1:30-2:30, Rozsa Center Stage)

Career Services and the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts are bringing Futurist Martin Ford to campus. The author of the New York Times Bestseller “Rise of the Robots” will “shed new light on the nature of work and education and the value of human capabilities in the 21st century.” In addition to sessions aimed at students (“Pasties and Robots” at Noon) and the general public (“Disruptive Technologies: Do Robots Want Your Job?” at 7:30 PM), Martin will host this discussion specifically tailored to instructors on the Rozsa stage. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to bring your questions about industry trends, artificial intelligence, and personalized learning.  Space is limited. Coffee and light refreshments will be provided.  Click here to register.

CTL INSTRUCTIONAL PRESENTATION SERIES: Tara Bal, 2017 Curriculum and Development Award Recipient (Tuesday, September 26, 2017, 10:00-11:00 am)

In the first presentation of our new fall award series, Dr. Tara Bal, Research Assistant Professor in the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Sciences, will share the story of how she recognized a need for a new course, built support within the department, and developed and revised a very successful interdisciplinary online course.  Following her presentation, Tara will be recognized with the 2017 CTL Award for Curriculum Development.  Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from and recognize her success!  Coffee and light refreshments will be provided to those who register by Friday, September 22. Click here to register.

COFFEE CHAT:  Rubrics and Responsibility (Thursday, September 28, 2017, 3:30-4:30 pm)

Good teaching is often associated with clear expectations, and students increasingly want to know what they need to do to be successful. In support, instructors are increasingly asked to define objectives, create grading rubrics, and provide scaffolding as students learn. Simultaneously, most instructors hold independent learning as an ultimate goal, and therefore drive students toward self-assessment. In this conversation, we’ll share ways to advance the progression from “listen-and-regurgitate” to content ownership without overstressing students. Coffee and light refreshments will be provided to those who register by Monday, September 25. Click here to register.

April and May

LUNCH AND LEARN:  Student-Created Videos as Assignments (Tuesday, April 11, 2017, Noon-1:00 pm)

Video has become a mainstream way of delivering content on Michigan Tech’s campus as instructors record small lectures, demonstrate homework solutions, and share interesting YouTube clips. Since students increasingly have the ability to record videos, some instructors have begun making assignments that require students to submit videos. In this workshop, participants will explore ways to use student-created video to build class community, ensure academic integrity, and provide richer communication. We’ll consider tools and assignments that allow students to submit video introductions, homework solutions, presentations, field experiences, and questions, as well as other more creative projects.  Lunch will be provided to those who register by Friday, April 7. Click here to register.

UPPER PENINSULA TEACHING AND LEARNING CONFERENCE:  (Friday, May 5, 2017, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm)

The first annual Upper Peninsula Teaching and Learning Conference (UP-TLC) will be held at Michigan Technological University in Houghton, MI on Friday, May 5th, with a pre-conference workshop to be held on Thursday, May 4th.  We hope to attract more than 100 university educators from UP universities and colleges for presentations on higher education teaching best practice and networking. Four tracks of sessions will be held concurrently, with a focus on: Active Learning, Assessment, Online Learning, and Other Issues in Higher Ed Teaching.  Session presenters are outstanding teachers who have been recruited by the staff of the William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning at Michigan Tech and the Northern Michigan University Center for Teaching and Learning.  The keynote address, “Dynamic Lecturing”, will be presented by Dr. Christine Harrington, Director of the Center for the Enrichment of Learning and Teaching at Middlesex Community College and the author of Student Success in College: Doing What Works. Please click here for more information on the conference and registration.  Registration closes on Friday, April 28, 2017.



COFFEE CHAT: Design Thinking in Your Classroom (Thursday, March 16, 2017, 3:30-4:30 pm)

This Coffee Chat will share the basics of design thinking and discuss how to: empathize with the students in your classes, brainstorm creative solutions to problems around student learning, and create simple, actionable ideas to start practicing design thinking. Come join us for this session to learn more about design thinking.  This event is sponsored by the William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning, the Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship, the Pavlis Honors College, and The Alley.   Coffee and light refreshments will be provided to those who register by Monday, March 13.  Click here to register.

LUNCH AND LEARN – The Superlative Syllabus:  Attitude, Alignment, and Avoiding Assumptions (Tuesday, March 21, 2017, Noon-1:00 pm)

A syllabus not only sets the tone for a class, but lays out course objectives, assignments, and policies. In the luncheon session, participants will learn how to set a desired tone, write assessable student learning objectives, and align course work to achieve them. The follow-up workshop will provide opportunities for real-time work and individual coaching on student learning objectives for a future course.  Lunch will be provided to those who register by Friday, March 17. Click here to register.

Tuesday Hands-On Syllabus Workshop (Tuesday, March 21, 2017, 1:00-2:00 pm)

A syllabus not only sets the tone for a class, but lays out course objectives, assignments, and policies. This hands-on workshop will provide opportunities for real-time work and individual coaching on student learning objectives for a future course.  Click here to register.

You may attend a workshop even if you don’t attend the luncheon.

Note: Please bring a syllabus from one of your courses – either a paper copy or your laptop.





COFFEE CHAT: Canvas Course Share (Tuesday, February 21, 2017, 3:30-4:30 pm)

This Coffee Chat gives instructors a chance to share effective uses of Canvas and learn from others as well. Instructors will be grouped by area of interest (home page design, module structures, innovative assignments, effective discussions, etc.) to show and discuss something they’ve done in their Canvas course that’s working well. CTL staff will also be on hand to answer questions, suggest alternatives, and point out new features. Bring a laptop or borrow one of ours to make this a highly interactive session!   Coffee and light refreshments will be provided to those who register by Friday, February 17.  Click here to register.

LUNCH AND LEARN – Textbooks: Changing Costs, Content, and Student Use (Tuesday, February 28, 2017, Noon-1:00 pm)

As textbooks change to include homework systems, alternate media, and open source items, changing cost structures and other factors influence the way students purchase and use them.  This luncheon event brings together the work of on-campus student, faculty, and staff groups who have been exploring ways to help ensure that textbooks are accessible as an important learning resource to all students. Participants will be asked to view online presentations from each group prior to attending, and come ready to engage in brainstorming and a panel discussion surrounding this issue.  Lunch will be provided to those who register by Friday, February 24. Click here to register.


COFFEE CHAT: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (Thursday, January 19, 2017, 3:30-4:30 pm)

Join us for a coffee chat to discuss initiatives which advance the scholarship of teaching and learning on Michigan Tech’s campus. We’ll consider new opportunities available through the RISE Institute to support faculty in education research and STEM initiatives. We’ll also discuss how best to foster collaborative interdisciplinary “reflective practices” to advance research efforts and academic writing approaches regarding pedagogical innovations.  Coffee and light refreshments will be provided to those who register by Monday, January 16. Click here to register.

LUNCH AND LEARN: Teaching Accessibly: Attending to the Needs of All Students (Tuesday, January 24, 2017, Noon-1:00 pm)

When we think about accessibility, we often focus on students with specific disabilities. The growing discussion about accessibility, however, focuses on making information available to as many students as possible. Teaching involves using many types of media (written documents, videos, presentations, websites, etc.), all of which have unique accessibility concerns.  In this workshop, we’ll explore time-efficient ways to design course materials that meet the needs of students with a widening range of abilities. Lunch will be provided to those who register by Friday, January 20. Click here to register.


LUNCH AND LEARN: Student Perceptions of Tech Teaching (Tuesday, November 8, 2016, Noon-1:00 pm)

The Jackson CTL has an undergraduate student intern this semester.  Amy Joy Patterson has spent this semester collecting student perceptions about what helps them learn and what doesn’t.  Amy Joy will share her data and reactions.  Participants will have a chance to consider whether student preferences might warrant changing teaching practice, or how instructors can better implement needed strategies that aren’t well liked. Lunch will be provided to those who register by Friday, November 4. Click here to register.


COFFEE CHAT: Making a Difference: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions – Dr. Linda Vanasupa (Guest Speaker) (Tuesday, October 11, 2016, 10:30-11:30 am)

Dr. Linda Vanasupa, a Tech alum with experience as a Materials Science Professor and Chair, is now the Founding Co-Director for the Center for Sustainability at Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo. She received the 2016 Women in Engineering Proactive Network (WEPAN) Leader in Engineering Education award this summer.   In this session, co-hosted by the Jackson CTL and WISE (Women in Science and Engineering), Dr. Vanasupa will focus on how instructors practice under noble conditions and ultimately profoundly condition the learning that takes place in their classrooms. She will provide an honest reflection on a career once guided by the “making a difference” ideology.  Participants are invited to hear stories of the unintended consequences of success: the ups and downs, emergence and transformation.  Coffee and light refreshments will be provided to those who register by Monday, October 10. Click here to register.

LUNCH AND LEARN: Students on the Autism Spectrum (Tuesday, October 18, 2016, Noon-1:00 pm)

In this collaborative CTL and Student Disabilities Services event, participants will first explore traits typical of students diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and why such students might be more common at Michigan Tech.  We’ll then explore instructional strategies that best serve the needs of these learners.  Staff from Michigan Rehabilitation Services will join the luncheon to offer a broader perspective related to both education and employment. Lunch will be provided to those who register by Friday, October 14. Click here to register.

COFFEE CHAT: The Other Half of Evaluating Teaching (Thursday, October 27, 2016, 3:30-4:30 pm)

Senate policy indicates that “no more than 50%” of the evaluation of teaching used for tenure/promotion and raises should come from end-of-term student ratings of instruction. In this Coffee Chat session, we’ll discuss how “the other half” is currently accomplished in various departments, and suggest some alternatives for future departmental consideration.  (The Provost, Deans, and Chairs have already seen these, and agree that it’s best for each department to decide whether and how to have this discussion.)  The Provost’s goal is to consider ways to move the focus from “judgment” to continuous improvement. Please join us as we kick off these conversations!   Coffee and light refreshments will be provided to those who register by Monday, October 24. Click here to register.






The William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning schedules events for faculty and instructional staff to provide opportunities to learn new instructional strategies and tools and meet faculty from other departments. 

Lunch and Learn — International Students: How Can We Help Them Succeed in the Classroom? (11/13): International students bring unique skills, perspectives, opportunities, and challenges to our classrooms and programs.  Prior to this blended seminar, you’ll watch video interviews with instructors and administrators who have experience working with international students at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Then, you’ll select those facilitators you’d like to engage during a lunchtime discussion. This luncheon is scheduled for Thursday, November 13 from noon-1 p.m. Lunch will be provided to those who register by Monday, November 10.  Click here to register.

Coffee Chat — How Learning Works (11/18): Dr. Susan Ambrose of Northeastern University recently published a book entitled How Learning Works: 7 Research-based Principles for Smart Teaching.    During this coffee chat, we’ll discuss the 7 principles and how best to apply them to create a learner-centered classroom. Prior to the coffee chat, participants are asked to watch a 52-minute webinar, featuring Dr. Ambrose and recorded as part of WEPAN’s Engineering Inclusive Teaching Project, to inform the conversation. This coffee chat event This coffee chat is scheduled for Tuesday, November 18 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Coffee and light refreshments will be provided to those who register by Thursday, November 14.  Click here to register.


The William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning schedules events for faculty and instructional staff to provide opportunities to learn new instructional strategies and tools and meet faculty from other departments. 

Coffee Chat — Organizing STEM Education Research (10/2): A growing number of instructors on campus have expressed interest in measuring the effects of classroom reforms. The Pavlis Honors College, the Graduate School, the Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences, the Engineering Fundamentals Department and others have begun working together to formalize programs and centralize resources in order to better support this kind of work. This discussion will include a summary of efforts to-date, a review of a potential campus-wide grant proposal, and opportunities for you to share your input on future directions. All with an interest in STEM Education research are encouraged to attend! This event is scheduled for Thursday, October 2, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Coffee and light refreshments will be provided to those who register by Monday, September 29.  Click here to register.

Coffee Chat — Information Literacy Learning Goal (10/7): Join the Information Literacy Goal Committee for a collaborative primer about integrating information literacy instruction effectively and efficiently in your course or degree program. Reminder: The Information Literacy University Student Learning Goal (USLG) will be assessed university wide this year. This timely workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, October 7 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Coffee and light refreshments will be provided to those who register by Thursday, October 2.  Click here to register.

Lunch and Learn — Jackson Blended Learning Grant Showcase (10/16): Through a generous gift from William G. Jackson in 2013, the CTL awarded $1000, $5000 and $10,000 grants to teams of instructors for blended learning projects at Michigan Tech. This luncheon will showcase these grant projects, which include travel to blended learning conferences as well as small-to-extensive course development or expansion projects, delivered using blended and online learning techniques. Participants will be invited to explore the kinds of work funded by previous grants prior to the luncheon and then select facilitators for further conversation. The goal is to encourage participants to initiate their own blended learning projects and/or propose a grant during the second solicitation, planned for November 2014. This luncheon is scheduled for Thursday, October 16 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided to those who register by Monday, October 13.  Click here to register.

Workshop and Luncheon — On Thursday, Oct. 23, staff from TechSmith, makers of popular video recording/editing software, will be at Michigan Tech for one day only to showcase their tools and share their expertise. The William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning invites faculty and instructional staff to attend two TechSmith events. For instructors new to recording and editing videos or screen capture, a Video Tools Overview is scheduled for 9:30 to 11a.m., so instructors can see what can be done with TechSmith tools, ask questions and learn how to get started. Those already using Camtasia or other TechSmith tools are encouraged to register for an afternoon Advanced User Workshop to get an expert’s help on projects. To register, click on the links above or contact the CTL for assistance at 7-3000.

September and Early October

The Center schedules events for faculty and instructional staff to provide opportunities to learn new instructional strategies and tools and meet faculty from other departments. 

Coffee Chat — Dr. Barbara Oakley (9/11): Dr. Oakley (Antarctic adventurer, Russian translator, engineering professor, and author) will be in Houghton for a series of lectures at both Finlandia University and Michigan Tech.  This event provides instructors a unique opportunity to learn about her recent research on learning math and science that is presented in her book “A Mind for Numbers”.  Discussion will focus initially on her “10 Rules of Good and Bad Studying” and how they might apply to class design, but topics are expected to range widely! Coffee and light refreshments will be provided to those who register by Monday, September 8.  Join us for this event on Thursday, September 11 from 3:30 to 4:30pm. Click here to register.

Lunch and Learn — Student Accommodations (9/16): A growing number of Michigan Tech students are eligible to receive extra time, quiet space, or other accommodations during class activities. This trend has raised concerns among instructors. In this event, we will explore the process through which student accommodations are granted and the resources available to help instructors appropriately, consistently, and fairly accommodate students. Prior to this blended seminar, participants will watch video interviews with several faculty and administrators involved in this process and then select those most relevant for lunchtime discussion. Lunch will be provided to those who register by Thursday, September 11. Join us for this event on Tuesday, September 16 from noon to 1pm. Click here to register.

Luncheon and Gamification Workshops — Todd Wilmore (9/23): Todd Wilmore is a dynamic speaker and organizational consultant, as well as an adjunct professor at both Central Michigan and Saint Leo Universities. During his visit to Michigan Tech on Tuesday, September 23, he’ll offer both a lunchtime session on the changing role of instructors in higher education and a 75-minute workshop on using game theory in class design (gamification). The gamification workshop will be offered twice (one morning session and one afternoon session), but enrollment will be limited to 40 for each workshop session. All are encouraged to attend the luncheon event. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore innovative techniques with an expert that you can use to motivate your students! To register for any of these events, please call 487-3000 or register online using the links above. Lunch will be available for those who register by Thursday, September 18.

Coffee Chat — Organizing STEM Education Research (10/2): A growing number of instructors on campus have expressed interest in measuring the effects of classroom reforms. The Pavlis Honors College, the Graduate School, the Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences, the Engineering Fundamentals Department and others have begun working together to formalize programs and centralize resources in order to better support this kind of work. This discussion will include a summary of efforts to-date, a review of a potential campus-wide grant proposal, and opportunities for you to share your input on future directions. All with an interest in STEM Education research are encouraged to attend! This event is scheduled for Thursday, October 2, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Coffee and light refreshments will be provided to those who register by Monday, September 29.  Click here to register.

Coffee Chat — Information Literacy Learning Goal (10/7): Join the Information Literacy Goal Committee for a collaborative primer about integrating information literacy instruction effectively and efficiently in your course or degree program. Reminder: The Information Literacy University Student Learning Goal (USLG) will be assessed university wide this year. This timely workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, October 7 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Coffee and light refreshments will be provided to those who register by Thursday, October 2.  Click here to register.