Five Ways to Motivate Unprepared Students in the Flipped Classroom
If you’ve read the latest of the Teaching Professor circulated to many faculty, you already know this: Where learning is concerned, active learning beats lecturing. A recent meta-analysis of 225 studies published in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences (PNAS) provided overwhelming evidence that active learning (of many kinds) both increases exam scores and lowers failure rates. For more details, read the article below, the piece it references in the Teaching Professor, or the study itself. (Note: If you are an instructor at Tech and don’t currently get a copy of the Teaching Professor, just let us know…we can fix that!)
From Faculty Focus – Higher Education Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications:
Refer to this Pedagogy Unbound resource for tips on how to integrate active learning strategies into classrooms with a minimum of student resistance.