Great Lakes Investigations Aboard Michigan Tech Research Vessel Agassiz for Students in Grades 4-12 ~ Fun! FREE! Educational!
Ride the Waves with GM (General Motors) invites Copper Country youth in Grades 4-12 to join scientists from Michigan Tech’s Great Lakes Research Center in the exploration of Lake Superior, Portage Waterway and Torch Lake.
There are four different programs to choose from, each 4 hours in length, that will accommodate 14 youth/chaperones:
Aquatic Food Web & Lab Investigation (4 hour session, 2 on boat & 2 in lab; July 1, 3, 24, Aug. 1, 4-7) Find out how scientists investigate water quality and collect samples to examine in the lab to find out what makes a lake trout? All ages.
Mine Waste Remediation & Torch Lake Restoration (4 hour session, 2 on Agassiz & 2 in Lake Linden; on July 1; Aug. 4-7) The history of the Copper Country is explored by land and water as students visit historic copper milling sites, reclaimed mine waste sites, and the bottom of Torch Lake. Ideal for middle school students.
Investigate the lake with a Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) (2-3 hour session on Agassiz on July 21, 23, 30 departing from various locations; optional shuttle available from MTU)
Unless you’re a diver, few get to see what lies beneath the waves without a remotely operated vehicle. What surprises await you? Ideal for middle/high school students
Lake Superior’s Ring of Fire (4-hour session on Agassiz on Aug. 18-22) Explore an area in Lake Superior where the shrimplike organism Diporeia is up to 20 times more abundant than in any other part of Lake Superior! How does this affect the Lake Superior food web? Ideal for high school students.
REGISTER ONLINE: Ride the Waves Registration Form
Please list all dates and times that work for you and we will reply and fit you into the earliest available slots. Groups of 5 or more students will be given preference in scheduling, so get with your friends and form a group!
The Ride the Waves Program is funded by GM (General Motors) and Michigan Tech’s Great Lakes Research Center.
For more Information or to make reservations:
Contact Joan Chadde ( or Lloyd Wescoat ( or call 906-487-3341.
Michigan Tech Center for Science & Environmental Outreach
Great Lakes Research Center