Spring Break Experience in Silicon Valley in northern California

College of Engineering Dean Bill Worek and faculty including Professor Linda Ott (CS) and Department Chair Dan Fuhrmann (ECE), are in Silicon Valley in northern California this week for meetings with major high-tech companies, Michigan Tech alumni and students on Tech’s 3rd annual Spring Break Experience. Dean Worek will lead a panel on Thursday, March 14, at Brocade Communications, alumnus Dave House’s company.

Brocade is sponsoring the spring break trip for 15 students from across campus, organized by the School of Business and Economics. Their itinerary includes visits to Google, Cisco, Kyocera and Tesla, in addition to Brocade. The goal of the trip is to learn about technology, business, career paths and the work ethic of Silicon Valley.

Brocade is also sponsoring an alumni event on Thursday evening.

Graduate Research Colloquium Feb 21-22

The Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC) was held on Feb 21-22, 2013. GRC was organized by the Graduate Student Government (GSG). Graduate students from all departments at Michigan Tech presented their research and ideas to other students and faculty in the form of oral or poster presentations. A group of judges that consists of faculty (and/or some invited members of industry) evaluated student’s presentations to award prizes to the best 1st, 2nd and 3rd presentations from each session (oral and poster). There are also three honorable mention awards given in both oral and poster presentation sessions.

Poster Awards: 1st place Poster: Anna N. Hess; 2nd Place Poster: Huan Yang; 3rd Place Poster: Colina Dutta;
Oral Presentation Award Winners: 1st Place Award: Joel Suss, 3rd Place Award: Bonnie Zwissler

The objective of the colloquium is to give graduate students an in-house opportunity to share and gain experience presenting their research with peers, professionals, and professors among campus.

Detailed feedback from judges will help students enhance their skills in presenting at conferences, as well as providing insights on research methods and techniques.

The Awards Banquet was held on Friday evening February 23. The Graduate School presented several annual awards, including the Exceptional Graduate Student Scholar Award given to Antonio Velazquez, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Outstanding Graduate Student Leader award went to Howard Haselhuhn of Chemical Engineering. The Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award for 2013 was given to Gregory P. Waite of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences. Recipients of Service Award were Jennifer Winikus,Tolga Yapici, and Abhishek Bhavalkar.

Click to see some of the Colloquium and Awards Banquet Photos

Graduate Research Colloquium on February 21 and 22: Presentation Booklet

For more information please visit http://gsg.students.mtu.edu/colloquium.html

Railroad Night 2013

Railroad Night, hosted by Railroad Engineering and Activities Club (REAC)
with a chance to meet the rail industry alumni and officials.

Keynote speaker for Railroad Night 2013 was Robert C. VanderClute (left)
Sr. Vice President Safety and Operations, Association of American Railroads;
2012 Recipient of Railway Age’s W. Graham Claytor Jr. Award for
Distinguished Service to Passenger Transportation, shown here with Brian Sykes, Norfolk Southern,
and Dr. Pasi Lautala, Director of the Rail Transportation Program, Michigan Tech
See more photos and information here at RTP Railroad Night 2013 page

Trains Magazine visits campus and the RTP’s 8th Railroad Night ~ “we recently visited Michigan Tech to talk about the railroad engineering program. It’s a big program, that is getting bigger, and you’ll be amazed at the experiences these students have already had with internships, reverse engineering, and job prospects”

See the video produced by Trains Magazine here