World Water Day Events at Michigan Tech

The Michigan Tech Center for Water and Society celebrated World Water Day on Thursday, March 21 with a student poster competition. The posters covered different topics in water research occurring at Michigan Technological University. Posters were displayed on the 1st floor of the Great Lakes Research Center; CWS Faculty presented a showcase of CWS research, followed by A dinner in the Atrium overlooking the lake.

2013 Michigan Tech Center for Water and Society Award Winners
Original Research Category:
1st – Miles Corcoran
2nd – Julie A. Padilla
3rd – Jade E. Ortiz and Martin Hobmeier (Tie)

1st – Nancy Auer’s BL4465 Biological Oceanography class:

Photos of the award winners and all other presenters

It’s Not Your Typical Spring Break !

Ten members of the Michigan Tech chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) will spend their spring break in Detroit, working to inspire younger students to explore engineering as a career option. For eight of them, it’s a trip home, since they attended Detroit schools. The other two students are from Africa.

Read More from the Tech Today article by by Travis Gendron, student intern

Seminar: Measurement and Analysis of Extreme Wave and Ice Actions in the Great Lakes for Offshore Wind Platform Design

A. W. (Tony) England, Dale Karr and Roger DeRoo
“Measurement and Analysis of Extreme Wave and Ice Actions in the Great Lakes for Offshore Wind Platform Design” The University of Michigan, Special Great Lakes Seminar; Great Lakes Research Center Rm 202 4:00pm; Great Lakes Research Seminar Series