Ian Gannon Receives the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarship

Ian Gannon (GMES) recently received the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarship. The Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarship is given to students who excel academically and have demonstrated originality in their research, leadership skills, and professionalism.

Advised by Dr. James DeGraff, Ian successfully defended his MS thesis titled “Integrating LiDAR, Aeromagnetic, and Geological Field Data to Identify Structural-Lithologic Elements Within the Archean Carney Lake Gneiss Complex” on August 3, 2023.

Ian contributed significantly to the U.S. Geological Survey under the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI) project. He helped the survey to understand the complex geological makeup of a section of the Minnesota River Valley subprovidence.

Gannon’s achievement is an inspiration for all the students who are passionate about research and innovation. Congratulations, Ian!

Ian Gannon

Nathan Manser on Mining History, Future, and Remaining Dangers

Nathan Manser (GMES) was interviewed by WJMN Local 3 for a story about the mining process and management of byproducts in the past and present, as well as what could lie ahead for the mining industry relative to future mineral exploration in the Upper Peninsula.

Manser noted people in the Upper Peninsula have had to deal with repercussions of what several legacy mines have left behind.

He says the problem and search for solutions to mine tailings is front-and-center for experts in the industry. “There has never been a bigger focus on just that particular topic than then the tailings storage systems have been, especially in the last five years. It’s really accelerated.”

Read more at WJMN Local 3, by Schyler Perkins.

Luke Bowman and Erika Vye Represent Michigan Tech at the GSA Annual Meeting

Assistant Teaching Professor Luke Bowman (GMES, PhD ‘15) and Research Scientist Erika Vye (GLRC/GMES, PhD ‘16) represented Michigan Tech at the Geological Society of America’s annual meeting in Pittsburgh, PA, October 14-18, 2023. They participated in a session titled “Field-Based Geoscience Education: Advances in Research, Program Evaluation, Pedagogy, and Curriculum”.

Bowman shared an oral presentation titled “Community Involvement in Building and Testing A Flash-Flood Model for Simulating Flood Frequency” (with co-authors Natalea Cohen (GMES, MS ‘23), John Gierke, Vanessa Bailey, Hannah Lukasik, Shannon McAvoy, Mario Hugo Mendez, Susan Toivonen, and David Yates).

This research, which involves several MTU researchers and students, is part of a multi-year project that addresses climate change-induced, water-related challenges in the Central American Dry Corridor, focusing on agricultural community adaptations to extreme hydrometeorological events in El Salvador. This project is a collaboration of Michigan Technological University (MTU), CUAHSI, and Lutheran World Relief (LWR) in El Salvador, funded as a National Science Foundation International Research Experience for Students (IRES).

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 55, No. 6, 2023
doi: 10.1130/abs/2023AM-394917

Bowman also participated in a workshop on Positive Mental Health in the Geosciences sponsored by GSA and the Science Education Resource Center (SERC). The workshop shed light on the challenges experienced by many geoscientists, explored the common signs that indicate when geoscientists are struggling with their mental health, and showcased best practices to create a safe and supportive working environment.

Vye shared an oral presentation titled “The Keweenaw Geoheritage Summer Internship: Exploring Our Shared Relationships with Land and Water” (with co-author Amanda Gonczi).

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 55, No. 6, 2023
doi: 10.1130/abs/2023AM-395861

Vye also supported and co-authored two first-time student presentations in a session titled “The Stories of Geoheritage”: “Connecting Geology, Mining, & Fish Sovereignty in the Keweenaw” by Naomi Smith (Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College),” and “Bridging Knowledges – Using Geospatial Technology to Support Place-Based Geoheritage Learning” by Steph Fones (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) with co-authors Daniel Lizzadro-McPherson and Naomi Smith. Fones and Smith participated in an 8-week Keweenaw Geoheritage internship at Michigan Tech in the summer of 2023. This work was supported by NSF Award # 2136139 – EAGER: Geoheritage and Two-Eyed Seeing – Advances in Interdisciplinary Earth Science Research, Learning, and Inclusion through Shared Ways of Knowing (PI Vye).

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 55, No. 6, 2023
doi: 10.1130/abs/2023AM-395218

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 55, No. 6, 2023
doi: 10.1130/abs/2023AM-395408

The Department of GMES also co-sponsored the Michigan Colleges/Universities Joint Alumni Reception at the GSA conference (together with Grand Valley State University, Western Michigan University, Hope College, Wayne State University, Eastern Michigan University, Albion College, and Central Michigan University). It was good to see and chat with our alumni, colleagues, and friends. This gathering was a testament to the enduring camaraderie within our geoscience community.

Pictured from R to L: Frederic Wilson (BS ’71), John Yellich, Luke Bowman (Ph.D. ’15), Erika Vye (Ph.D. ’16), Steph Fones, Naomi Smith, and J. Schneider

EPSSI Seminar: Role of Subsurface Engineering and Geology in the Energy Transition World

Mary Herrmann-Foley, MBA, returns to campus as the EPSSI Seminar guest speaker on Monday, October 23, 2023, from 4 – 5 p.m. in M&M room U113. Mary completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Geological Engineering at Michigan Tech in 1983. She continued her education at the University of Houston, earning her master’s in business administration in international finance in 1985. Currently, she serves as Manager of Central Support PetroSigns SSW application at Shell. Last fall, Mary was inducted into the Academy of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences. We are excited to welcome her back to campus once again!

In her talk, Role of Subsurface Engineering and Geology in the Energy Transition World, she will discuss the essential role of subsurface engineering and geology in the changing world of energy transition.

From the abstract: The world is in the midst of the first “truly global energy crisis,” the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in its World Energy Outlook in October 2022. It’s multidimensional and comes with the challenge of global warming and the need to reduce/eliminate CO2 emissions. We are all experiencing the impact of rising CO2 in the atmosphere: ocean levels rising, more intense storms, and increasing temperatures with corresponding implications on us and the environment around us. Conflicting pressures linked to continued high-energy demand, the need for energy security, and the imperative for reducing CO2 emissions are driving unprecedented renewable energy growth. This presentation will touch on the challenges related to these conflicting pressures and how existing and start-up energy companies are addressing some of these challenges through numerous renewable energy and carbon sequestration options, mainly focusing on the crucial role subsurface engineering and geology can play in this journey. Highlights of Michigan’s current situation and related business opportunities will also be discussed.

All are welcome to attend.

Mary Herrmann-Foley

GMES Students Wow Houghton Elementary

We are delighted to recount the recent visit of two Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences (GMES) students to Houghton Elementary School, where the Rock Your School event sparked geologic wonder. Jhuleyssey Sanchez Aguila, an MS student in geological engineering, and applied geophysics undergrad student Brendan Harville took center stage as they masterfully conducted a captivating presentation on volcanic hazards, capturing the imaginations of the bright minds in the third, fourth, and fifth grades.

It was an immensely gratifying experience for all involved as the students exhibited an insatiable curiosity, inspiring questions that underscored their genuine interest in the particularities of geological science. The eagerness displayed by the young learners further reinforced the value of fostering scientific curiosity at an early age. This collaborative effort between our university and the elementary school enriched the children’s educational experience. It exemplified the profound impact that dedicated mentorship and knowledge-sharing can have on the budding scientists of tomorrow. TV6 gives a nod to Michigan Tech in the concluding comments of their news segment.

A special thank you to Jhuleyssey and Brendan!

Houghton Elementary School Principal Cole Klein introduces Jhuleyssy and Brendan to a group of 3rd, 4th, & 5th graders.
PC: Jennifer D’Luge

Two GMES Students Receive DeCleene Scholarships from the Copper Country Rock and Mineral Club

Three people standing together, two holding letters.
Pictured left to right: Sean Miller, Lydia Lamey, and George Schriver, immediate past president of the Copper Country Rock and Mineral Club.

Lydia Lamey, a senior in Applied Geophysics and Sean Miller, a junior in Geological Engineering, were awarded the Copper Country Rock and Mineral Club (CCRMC) DeCleene Memorial scholarship for the 2023–2024 academic year. This scholarship is for students in the Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences at Michigan Tech who have demonstrated excellent academic performance, and best exemplify the blending of mineralogy and mineral collecting as both a hobby and an educational pursuit.

The scholarship was established in memory of Nathan DeCleene, a geological engineering student and an active member of the CCRMC.

Michigan Tech GMES Students Camp Out for Success: A Memorable Journey to the AIPG National Conference

Group of GMES students stand in rows for the photo.
Sienna Meekhof, Conor Large, Kiera Watson, John Myaard, Elliz McClelland, Brendan Harville, Clarissa Gordon, Sean Miller, Yalmer Primeau, Anton Smirnov, Samuel Johnson, Konraad VanDyke, Sarah Aardal, Emily Gehrke, Jacob Ojala, Demetri Papas, Logan Harris.

Professional development often means enduring challenges. For GMES students, not even the hardships of staying at campgrounds or incredibly long drives can deter them!

Sixteen GMES students recently marked their presence at the 60th Anniversary National Conference of the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) held in Covington, Kentucky, from September 16-19. Throughout the conference, the students gained insights into the organization and functions of AIPG, engaged in a Student Career Workshop, and networked with seasoned AIPG professionals.

Samuel Johnson inspects new Brunton compass product.

The students attended presentations by a mining geologist, a National Park geoscientist, and a geotechnical contractor, and asked questions regarding their respective fields. One of those students was Anton Smirnov (Geology ‘24). “It was a great way to learn about the wide range of fields available to graduates in geological sciences,” he said.

Students were treated to a technical seminar by Brunton, Wyoming-based maker of precision equipment for field-based professionals. Students also received some hands-on time with the company’s products. Samuel Johnson shared: “The demonstration of how the different models of compasses worked was a great educational experience, especially for students who haven’t used these compasses before.”

Busily planning the day ahead on the morning of the conference.

Finally, the chapter took part in a meet-and-greet event. The students rotated between tables of professionals and scientists specializing in various fields in geology and geological engineering. They also met with Kalan Briggs, the AIPG Michigan Section President; Adam Heft, the AIPG Michigan Section Newsletter editor; and Michigan Tech alumnas Sienna Meekhof (BS Geology ‘21) and Elana Barth (MS Geology ’23).

Barth is former president of Michigan Tech’s AIPG Student Chapter. She is now a geologist at AECOM, and generously assisted with accommodations for several students. However, embodying the true spirit of geoscientists, the majority of the students opted to stay at a campground near Covington.

All in all it was a rewarding time for the students. “Attending the 60th AIPG National Conference in Covington was a fantastic experience,” said applied geophysics major Brendan Harville. “I was able to speak with numerous professionals from a variety of geology industry disciplines, who not only provided insight into their own non-linear career paths, but also a great deal of excellent advice.”

The trip was organized and funded by the Michigan Tech AIPG Student Chapter: President Anton Smirnov, Vice President Clarissa Gordon, Treasurer Conor Large, and Secretary Brendan Harville.

This year the Michigan Tech GMES chapter was selected as the Second Place 2023 AIPG Student Chapter of the Year. The MTU chapter sponsor is David Adler, CPG-11377, a Mannik Smith Group Certified Professional Geologist (BS Geology ‘82).

“Bright future ahead!”
Sarah and Clarissa are having fun; Conor Large talks to Elana Barth

Geologic Society of America: Michigan Colleges Joint Alumni Reception

Will you be in Pittsburgh for GSA Connects 2023? Please join us on Monday evening for the Michigan Colleges/Universities Joint Alumni reception (Albion, CMU, EMU, GVSU, Hope, Michigan Tech, WMU, and WSU). Enjoy snacks and a cash bar.

Monday, October 16, 2023
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Sky Room, 17th floor
Omni William Penn Hotel

Questions? Contact Aleksey Smirnov, GMES Chair. We hope to see you there!

Wickstroms Fund Scholarships in Their Father’s Memory

For some families, the impact of Michigan Tech can be felt generations later. That is the case with the Walter Wickstrom ’37 family.

Three of Walter’s children, Betty Wickstrom Kendrick, Jean Wickstrom Liles, and Phil Wickstrom—none of whom are Michigan Tech alumni or live anywhere close to Michigan Tech—all fund scholarships in memory of their father and to support Tech, which they credit with setting up their family for success.

Group of five people outside in the woods near a lake.
The Wickstroms hosted two of their scholarship recipients for lunch at their family summer home in Christmas, Michigan. Pictured (l-r): Carly Lindquist, Betty Wickstrom Kendrick, Phil Wickstrom, Jean Wickstrom Liles, and John Myaard.

Walter Wickstrom Sr. earned a mining engineering degree from Michigan Tech in 1937 (then called the Michigan College of Mining and Technology).

Read more at Michigan Tech Alumni News, by Wes Frahm.


My story: John Myaard, MTUengineer

My story: John Myaard, MTUengineer

John sits at a table with brochures and MTU Geo Mining banners
Geological Engineering student John Myaard ’23
John and others wear hardhats and yellow shirts on a mining platfrom in an open air mine, surrounded by rock formations.
John Myaard (far right) in Roff, Oklahoma, during his summer internship with Covia.

Geological engineering student John Myaard interviewed for an internship with Covia Corporation during a Michigan Tech Career Fair, and landed the job.

“Covia develops mineral-based and material solutions for the materials and energy markets. I spent a summer with Covia’s operations team at their mine and plant in Roff, Oklahoma. During my time there I learned a lot about operations as I worked in a variety of positions—from slurrying sand to loading railcars and everything in between. I also completed new miners training: MSHA Part 46 Certification, required by the U.S. Department of Labor.

“My time at Tech has been influential. I’ve met many good peers with whom I’ve weathered both the classroom and the elements.”

John Myaard

“Michigan Tech was always on my radar. I am from Michigan and grew up in Hudsonville, home to Hudsonville ice cream. I had family in the UP, so I’d already had a chance to see the MTU campus. Originally I was going to major in computer science, but after being exposed to some geology courses in high school and then experiencing a favorable tour of the GMES Department, I decided geological engineering would be a better fit.”

“I’m passionate about the interdisciplinary problem solving required in the field of mining. I see a lot of value in geological engineers getting involved with operations and mineral processing. We bring a diverse set of skills to the table.”

“There are more opportunities within the geological disciplines than most people are aware of. Especially now, as I am looking to graduate, many diverse career options exist, and the future of the discipline looks good.”

John is drilling in an underground mine.
John operates a drill in an underground mine. Hands-on learning is the norm for GMES students at Michigan Tech.

“The Career Fair is not only a great resource for students to find new opportunities, it’s a great place to receive professional development, as well. I took part in several callback interviews that helped me develop and improve my interview skills. The callbacks were instrumental in landing my internship, and hopefully in launching my future career.”

“There is no singular path for success. It is a journey, try your best.”

Advice for incoming students, from John Myaard