Category: Funding Opportunities

Opportunities for funding graduate education.

SWE Graduate Fellowship Scholarship Postings

Society of Women Engineers has posted updated funding opportunities  for undergraduate and graduate level students majoring in any area of engineering.

For a complete listing of graduate scholarship see:

For a complete listing of undergraduate scholarships see:

Steinman Fellowship

The National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) awards this fellowship to a graduate from an ABET-accredited engineering program entering a graduate program in engineering. To be eligible for the fellowship, a candidate must be a senior in an undergraduate engineering program that is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). The candidate must also have taken and passed the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam and must have been accepted into a graduate engineering degree program at a school with an EAC-ABET-accredited graduate or undergraduate program. U.S. citizenship is required.

Application deadline: March 1st

Award amount: $10,000

For more information visit:

Hudson River Graduate Fellowships


The purpose of the Hudson River Foundation is to make science integral to decision-making with regard to the Hudson River and its watershed and to support competent stewardship of this extraordinary resource. The programs of the Hudson River Fund pursue this mission by providing leadership and support for an integrated program of research, monitoring, modeling, synthesis, and education to the management of the resources of the Hudson River.

Under the terms of the Settlement Agreement that established it, the Hudson River Fund is dedicated to supporting

“scientific, ecological, and related public policy research on issues and matters of concern to the Hudson River, its tributaries and its drainage basin, with emphasis given, but not limited to, mitigating fishery impacts caused by power plants, providing information needed to manage the fishery resources of the Hudson River, understanding the factors related to the abundance and structure of fish populations, and gaining knowledge of the Hudson River ecosystem.”

The geographical area of primary interest is the estuarine portion of the River (the mouth of New York Harbor to the Troy Dam, including the waterways and tributaries to the Harbor). However, the Foundation will consider proposals related to any part of the watershed or nearby coastal areas. Such areas are defined as those that either serve as seasonal habitats for biota of the estuary or influence the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of the estuary in other ways.

Although the central purpose of the Hudson River Fund is to sponsor research in the natural sciences and public policy, the Foundation also assists in the coordination of research concerning the Hudson River system and promotes efforts leading to improved management policies. The Foundation seeks to advance understanding of the issues affecting the River by supporting the dissemination of information gained through Foundation-funded research programs and through other sources. The Foundation sponsors workshops and conferences, bringing together authorities working within the Hudson River Valley and elsewhere to discuss scientific and public policy issues. Reports from these meetings give direction for further scientific work and improve the information used as a basis for public policy decisions.

View the full 2011 Request for Proposals here.

Divising of Analytical Chemistry Fellowship Program

The American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry Graduate Fellowship Program is designed to encourage basic research in the field of analytical chemistry, to promote the growth of analytical chemistry in academic institutions and industry, and to provide recognition of future leaders in the field of analytical chemistry.  The program has endeavored to be a model of the benefits of cooperation between the academic and industrial communities, with chemical companies employing Ph.D. analytical chemists sponsoring the fellowships for outstanding analytical graduate students.

The Graduate Fellowship Committee of the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry, which is comprised of representatives from the sponsoring companies, analytical faculty from undergraduate institutions, and scientists from national laboratories, evaluate the applications and make the fellowship awards.  Both nine-month ($21,000) and summer ($7,000) fellowships are available.

Eligibility criteria

The applicant must be a full-time student working toward a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry and must have completed the second year of graduate study by the time the fellowship period begins.  The applicant’s research supervisor must be a member of the American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry. Only one nomination per research supervisor will be accepted. Summer Fellowships must begin on June 1, 2011, therefore applicants for summer 2011 fellowships must not have completed their thesis research before September 1, 2011. Nine-month fellowships may begin on June 1, July 1, August 1 or September 1, 2011, therefore applicants for 2011-2012 nine-month fellowships must not have completed their thesis research before March 1, 2012. Applicants for awards in previous years are encouraged to reapply. Previous nine-month fellowship recipients, however, are not eligible for a second award.

Applicants must demonstrate outstanding research ability and accomplishment, as evidenced by peer-reviewed publications in analytical chemistry. Consequently, fellowships are normally awarded to students in their third or fourth years of graduate study when they have established a publication record.

Application process

Students must submit an application package consisting of a nomination form from the research advisor, an application describing previous accomplishments and the proposed research during the fellowship period, and all undergraduate and graduate transcripts.  In addition, students must arrange to have three letters of recommendation submitted on their behalf.

Application package (due December 10, 2010):

  1. 1)the completed nomination form from the research supervisor (1 page, available for download here)
  2. 2)the completed application form (5 pages, available for download here)
  3. 3)complete undergraduate and graduate transcripts

Please contact Jodi Lehman ( or (487-2875) if interested in applying.

Humanistic Fellowships

The School for Advanced Research (SAR) awards approximately six Resident Scholar Fellowships each year to scholars who have completed their research and analysis and who need time to think and write about topics important to the understanding of humankind. Resident scholars may approach their research from anthropology or from related fields such as history, sociology, art, and philosophy. Both humanistically and scientifically oriented scholars are encouraged to apply.

SAR provides Resident Scholars with low-cost housing and office space on campus, a stipend up to $40,000, library assistance, and other benefits during a nine-month tenure, from September 1 through May 31. A six-month fellowship is also available for a female scholar from a developing nation, whose research promotes women’s empowerment. SAR Press may consider books written by resident scholars for publication in its Resident Scholar Series.

Six types of fellowships are available:

Weatherhead Fellowships

Up to two nine-month fellowships are available for either Ph.D. candidates or scholars with doctorates whose work is either humanistic or social scientific in nature.

Katrin H. Lamon Fellowship

One nine-month fellowship is available for a Native American PhD candidate or post-doctoral scholar working in either the humanities or the social sciences.

Henry Luce Fellowship

One nine-month fellowship is available for a postdoctoral Asian or American scholar whose research focuses on East Asia or Southeast Asia.

National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship

One nine-month fellowship is available for a postdoctoral scholar whose project relates to the humanities.

Anne Ray Fellowship

One nine-month fellowship is available for an established Native American scholar, working in the humanities, arts, or social sciences, who has a commitment to providing mentorship to recent Native graduates or graduate students. In addition to working on their own research, the Anne Ray Resident Scholar serves as a mentor to two Native interns working at the Indian Arts Research Center.

Campbell Fellowship

One six-month fellowship is available for a female social scientist from a developing nation, either a PhD candidate or post-doctoral scholar, whose work addresses women’s economic and social empowerment in that nation.

In addition, SAR is interested in hosting exceptional scholars who have received funding through the following programs: Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships, Mellon/ACLS Recent Doctoral Recipients Fellowships, and Visiting Fulbright Scholar fellowships. Applicants to these non-SAR fellowship programs whose research is consistent with SAR’s mission may be able to join the School’s dynamic intellectual community for the duration of their fellowship. Interested scholars can contact SAR’s Resident Scholar Program for more information.

Please contact Jodi Lehman ( if interested in applying for a fellowship position.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Scholarship Program

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) realizes that the country’s strong science and technology community provides a critical advantage in the development and implementation of counter-terrorist measures and other DHS objectives. The DHS Scholarship and Fellowship Program is intended for students interested in pursuing the basic science and technology innovations that can be applied to the DHS mission. This education program is intended to ensure a highly talented science and technology community to achieve the DHS mission and objectives. Eligible students must be studying in a homeland security related science, technology, engineering and mathematics (HS-STEM) field with an interest, major, or concentration directly related to one of the homeland security research areas listed below:

  1. Advanced Data Analysis and Visualization
  2. Biological Threats and Countermeasures
  3. Border Security
  4. Chemical Threats and Countermeasures
  5. Communications and Interoperability
  6. Community, Commerce and Infrastructure Resilience
  7. Emergency Preparedness and Response
  8. Explosives Detection, Mitigation and Response
  9. Food and Agriculture Security
  10. Human Factors
  11. Immigration Studies
  12. Infrastructure Protection
  13. Maritime and Port Security
  14. Natural Disasters and Related Geophysical Studies
  15. Risk, Economics, and Decision Sciences
  16. Social and Behavioral Sciences
  17. Transportation Security

For more information about the 17 research areas, the eight competition cycles, and laboratories and research centers please visit:

If you would like to apply, please contact Jodi Lehman ( or (487-2875)

Science Education Programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Whether you are a recent graduate, a graduate student, and
undergraduate, a K-12 teacher, or a faculty member, ORNL has a program
that will engage you in a scientific learning experience. Please browse
and apply to our educational opportunities at

Please browse through the Research Profiles on the different
participants and their research experiences at the right hand side of
the bottom of the web site.

YouTube at

Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship

The Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE
CSGF) application is now available online at .

Students must be planning full-time, uninterrupted study toward a Ph.D. degree at a U.S. university.  Students in their first or second year of graduate study in engineering, mathematics, or the physical, computer, or life sciences are eligible to apply for the Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (CSGF).  Exceptional senior undergraduates who can meet all the requirements listed in this application may also apply.

The deadline to apply is January 11th, 2011.

NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program

NASA announces a call for graduate fellowship proposals to the NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) program for the 2011-2012 academic year.  This call for fellowship proposals solicits applications from accredited U.S. universities on behalf of individuals pursuing Master of Science (M.Sc.) or Doctoral (Ph.D.) degrees in Earth and space sciences, or related disciplines.  The purpose of NESSF is to ensure continued training of a highly qualified workforce in disciplines needed to achieve NASA’s scientific goals.  Awards resulting from the competitive selection will be made in the form of training grants to the respective universities.

The deadline for NEW applications is February 1, 2011, and the deadline for RENEWAL applications is March 15, 2011.

All proposals must be submitted in electronic format only through the NASA NSPIRES system.  Your advisor will have an active role in the submission of the fellowship proposal.  To use the NSPIRES system, the advisor, the student, and the university must all register. You can register in NSPIRES at

For further information contact Ming-Ying Wei, Program Administrator for NESSF Earth Science Research, Telephone: (202) 358-0771, E-mail: or Dolores Holland, Program Administrator for NESSF Heliophysics Research, Planetary Science Research, and Astrophysics Research, Telephone: (202) 358-0734, E-mail:

Please contact Jodi Lehman ( for coordination of proposal submission.

Inter-American Foundation (IAF) Grassroots Development Fellowship Program

IAF Fellowships are available to currently registered students who have advanced to candidacy for the Ph.D. in the social sciences, physical sciences, technical fields and the professions as related to grassroots development issues. Applications for clinical research in the health field will NOT be considered.

Awards are based on both development and scholarly criteria. Proposals should offer a practical orientation to field-based information. In exceptional cases the IAF will support research reflecting a primary interest in macro questions of politics and economics but only as they relate to the environment of the poor. The Fellowship Program complements IAF’s support for grassroots development in Latin America and the Caribbean, and preference for those applicants whose careers or research projects are related to topics of greatest interest to the IAF.

IAF’s Fellowships provide support for Ph.D. candidates to conduct dissertation research in Latin America and the Caribbean on topics related to grassroots development. Funding is for between four and 12 months. The Inter-American Foundation expects to award up to 15 Doctoral Field Research Fellowships in 2011. Research during the 2011-2012 cycle must be initiated between June 1, 2011 and May 31, 2012.

  • Round-trip economy-class transportation to the field research site from the Fellow’s primary residence. Fellows must comply with the Fly America Act.
  • A research allowance of up to $3,000, pro-rated monthly.
  • A stipend of $1,500 per month for up to 12 months.
  • Accident and sickness insurance
  • Attendance at a required “mid-year” Grassroots Development Conference to discuss each Fellow’s progress with members of the IAF’s academic review committee and meet with IAF and IIE staff.

For more information please visit: