Category: Funding Opportunities

Opportunities for funding graduate education.

Summer Undergraduate/Graduate Research Programs

NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates:

NIH Summer Internship Programs:

GREAT Group Summer Undergraduate/Graduate Research Programs for Biomedical Students:

Search Pathways Undergraduate/Graduate/Postdoc Research Summer Opportunities:

If you are interested in looking for a summer research experience/program, please contact Jodi Lehman (

Motivate Michigan Initiative: An idea-based competition

As you know, the State of Michigan has been hit very hard by this recession.
CIBER Inc. along with our partners is giving you the opportunity to help improve
Michigan’s economy.   We would like to request your creativity and ideas on how
to help restore Michigan to its former glory, and as a result, you could win one
of 10 scholarships.

The “Motivate Michigan” initiative is an idea-based competition designed for
economic impact.  It is open to students in accredited Michigan colleges and
universities.  T eams and individual students are encouraged to submit ideas
online.  The ideas will be judged on creativity, originality, practicality, and
the potential economic impact to the state of Michigan.

Our committee will determine the top 10 ideas which will be posted online to
allow the general public to vote for the best idea.  The five students that
receive the most votes will then present their ideas to a panel of judges
consisting of representatives from our corporate sponsors (including Comerica,
Meijer, MEDC and others).  Winners will receive one of ten possible scholarships
ranging from 1% to 40% of the scholarship pool, which is currently at $71,000.

The winning idea will undergo a feasibility test and an implementation plan will
be developed, free of charge by CIBER Inc.

For more information or to s ubmit your ideas go to
during the months of January and February.  All entries must be submitted no
later than February 26, 2010.   Complete contest rules are available at

Students have always been seen as the innovators and our hope for the future.
That future has finally come.  Think of the next big idea and you could be a part
of the economic turn-around in Michigan (and win a scholarship).

AIAA Graduate Fellowships: Open to International Students


The Foundation and the Technical Committees of AIAA present several funding opportunities.

Martin Summerfield Graduate Award in Propellents and Combustion

Eligible applicants will be actively participating in research endeavors in propellants and combustion as part of their graduate studies.

Guidance, Navigation, and Control

Eligible applicants will be participating in research endeavors that will impact one or more of the areas of guidance, navigation, and control as part of their graduate studies.

Gordon C. Oates Air Breathing Propulsion Graduate Award

Eligible applicants will be participating in research endeavors in air breathing propulsion as part of their graduate studies.

Orville and Wilbur Wright

Eligible applicants will be participating in research endeavors in engineering sciences.

John Leland Atwood

Eligible applicants will be participating in research endeavors in one of the 65 specialty areas represented by AIAA Technical Committees

Open Topic Graduate Award

Eligible applicants will be participating in research endeavors in one of the 65 specialty areas represented by AIAA Technical Committees

Open to any nationality.

Eligible applicants must have completed at least one academic year of full-time graduate work.  Applicant must have a grade point average of not less than 3.3 on a 4.0 scale.

Deadline: Jan 31

Fusion Energy Sciences Fellowship Program

Description: Offers talented students the opportunity to engage in the study and research of fusion energy sciences and technology, while fostering practical work experiences at recognized research facilities. Provides incentive and support to students as they continue their education in graduate school and prepare for careers in fusion energy.

Discipline(s): physical sciences; engineering; mathematics; related scientific disciplines

Eligibility: U.S. Citizens and Legal Permanent Residents. Undergraduate seniors; bachelor’s recipients; and first and second year graduate students at the time of application

Location(s): Various locations across U. S. Participating universities with practicums at various U.S. Department of Energy research facilities

Duration: Maximum 36 months with annual renewal

Deadline(s): January 31

Benefits: $24,000 annual stipend and full payment of tuition and fees; $750 per month practicum allowance; opportunity to attend professional meetings and to participate in long-term graduate research ad DOE fusion research facilities.

Funding source(s): U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences

How to apply: Application materials available at

Stanton Nuclear Security Fellowship Program

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is seeking nominations for its highly competitive Stanton Nuclear Security Fellowship Program. The program, made possible by a generous grant from the Stanton Foundation, offers younger scholars studying nuclear security issues the opportunity to spend a period of twelve months at CFR’s offices in New York or Washington, DC, conducting policy-relevant research. I am hoping you can help us identify outstanding candidates for the fellowships.

CFR will award up to three fellowships in 2010. Candidates may be junior (non-tenured) faculty, post-doctoral fellows, or pre-doctoral candidates from any discipline who are working on a nuclear security related issue. The fellowships will be awarded on the basis of academic and professional accomplishments and promise, and on the merits of the specific research projects proposed. The fellows could work on a wide range of issues, including nuclear terrorism, nuclear proliferation, nuclear weapons, nuclear force posture, and, as it relates to nuclear security, nuclear energy.

Deadline: February 15, 2010.

A complete description of the Stanton Nuclear Security Fellowship Program and the application process can be found at:

If interested, please contact Jodi Lehman (

American Society of Naval Engineers Scholarship Program

ASNE Scholarship Announcement

The purpose of the American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) Scholarship Program is to    improve and promote the profession of naval engineering. The Society’s goal is to encourage college students to enter the field of naval engineering and to provide valuable support to naval engineers seeking advanced education in the field.

Since the program was inaugurated in 1979, 421 ASNE scholarships have been awarded.  For the 2009-2010 academic year, ASNE scholarship awards supported 12 undergraduate students ($3,000) and 9 graduate students ($4,000).

Eligibility:  Applicant must be a U.S. citizen enrolled in or entering a graduate program in engineering or physical science

Deadline: Feb 12, 2010

Predoctoral STEM Awards

The Association for Women in Science offers $1000 awards for women pursuing PhDs in the STEM fields.  Four categories of awards are available:

  • Predoctoral Award
    For a female graduate student who has advanced to PhD candidacy studying in any STEM field except Physics (
  • Schutzmeister Award
    For a female predoctoral student who has advanced to PhD candidacy studying Physics
    The Schutzmeister Award has a separate application process managed by Dr. Gerald Hardie at Western Michigan University. Do not use the materials on this site. To request application forms contact Dr. Hardie at
  • Satter Award
    For a female predoctoral student who has interrupted her career for three or more years to raise a family
    The Satter Award application includes an additional document provided by the applicant’s graduate department certifying that you meet the Satter criterion.
  • Filner Award
    New this year, this award honors Barbara Filner, a long-time active AWIS member who served as President of National AWIS, and as President of the AWIS Educational Foundation for ten years. This award is given to a predoctoral student who has advanced to PhD candidacy and has participated in activities, such as mentoring and organizing workshops, that encourage women to pursue careers in science and related fields. The application process includes an additional document (up to 700 words) reviewing activities to help women achieve their career goals.