Search Results for "thesis and dissertations acrobat tips"

Nov 24 Seminar: Tips from former NSF Program Director

Min Song, new chair of the Department of Computer Science and former program director at NSF, will give a research seminar on Monday, Nov. 24, in Rekhi 101 from 11 a.m. to noon.  The talk will first explore the critical elements that could strengthen a research proposal and then illustrate a list of typical mistakes that PIs make. At the end of the presentation, samples of programs in the area of computer information science and engineering will be discussed.

Originally Posted in Tech Today (11/19/2014)

Choosing an advisor – tips to getting the advice you need

Choosing an advisor is one of the most important decisions a graduate student makes in their career.  Having an advisor whose goals support your aspirations is essential to ensuring your success as a student and young professional in your chosen field.

This article from the Journal of Higher Education illustrates some of the ways students can shape their advisor experience by putting their goals first and leveraging each other’s strengths to get the most out of the partnership.  One idea, for example, is to ensure you get career feedback by asking for it.  Although good advisors are willing to give this advice, most simply don’t have the time to plan to provide this feedback at regular intervals.

How to rotate landscape pages in a pdf file

For your thesis or dissertation, you must either present all pages in portrait orientation, or list all of the landscape pages on the Degree completion form.  If you have many landscape pages, it may be easier to rotate the pages in the pdf than list all of the pages one by one.

This tip requires Adobe Acrobat, and applies to either a single sided or double sided document.

Graduate School Summer Seminar Series

The Graduate School is pleased to announce its summer seminar series.  Seminars focus on topics of interest to students completing a thesis or dissertation, and some will be presented in conjunction with the Library.

The start time for all seminars will be 2:30pm.

Please register online so we can plan for your attendance and let you know the location of the seminar.  Space is limited, but all seminars will be taped to provide access to our off campus students and those unable to attend.

  • June 9, Tips and Tricks for MS Office
    Learn how to use efficiently use MS Office.  Seminar will be similar to GSG lunch and learn from spring 2010.
  • June 30, An Introduction to EndNote
    EndNote helps you organize, search, and enter citations in your documents.  Co-presented with Rhianna Williams from the Library.
  • July 14, An Introduction to Copyright
    Learn the basics about copyright and how to use materials published by others in your thesis or dissertation. Co-presented with Nora Allred from the Library.

Our first seminar this summer, “Submitting your Thesis or Dissertation to the Graduate School” is now available online.

Graduate School Announces Summer Seminar Series

The Graduate School is pleased to announce our summer seminar series.  Join the Graduate School to learn about the following topics:

  • May 19th: Submitting your thesis or dissertation to the Graduate School
    Learn important tips about the thesis and dissertation process from formatting to final submission.  Session will include demonstrations of the submission process, and descriptions of all of the forms involved.
  • May 26th: Great images for papers and presentations
    Creating high resolution images is a new requirement for theses and dissertations.  Learn what a high resolution image is, and how to create them with a variety of popular software packages.
  • June 23rd: An introduction to LaTeX
    The seminar will provide general information on getting started with LaTeX – the document markup language/preparation system – including how to install it on commonly used operating systems [Linux, Mac and Windows] and typesetting a variety of documents [from simple text to journal manuscripts with mathematical expressions, graphics, tables, etc.]. It will also cover how to use the thesis/dissertation templates developed specifically for Michigan Tech.

All seminars will start at 2:05pm.  Please register online to receive an e-mail confirmation, the location of the seminar, and reminders before the event.

Seating is limited – register early!  These seminars will be taped and available on our professional resources web page for viewing later.

Submission 101 and Formatting 101-103 for Summer 2020

Students who are completing a dissertation, thesis, or report are invited to join the Graduate School to learn about the resources available to them to assist in scheduling their defense, formatting their documents, and submitting their documents.  In one afternoon, you can learn everything you need to be successful and complete your degree in a timely fashion! Faculty and staff who assist students with submissions are also welcome to attend. Attend the entire event, or stop in for the seminar that interests you.

  • When: Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 2 – 4pm (see detailed schedule below)
  • Who: Students completing a dissertation, thesis or report; faculty and staff who assist students with submission
  • Where: Attend online; please register to receive reminders and the Zoom URL. The seminar will be available online as well as on campus.

If you are unable to join us, the event will be taped and available online after the event. The previous semester’s seminars are always available online.

Information on submitting, formatting, and more can be found online for dissertations and theses or reports.

Detailed schedule

  • 2 – 3pm – Submission 101
    Learn what is required to submit your document to the Graduate School and the deadlines for the upcoming semester.  Best for students who are completing their degree this semester or next semester.
  • 3 – 4pm – Formatting 101-103
    Learn about templates, checking your document with Adobe Acrobat, and how to use copyrighted materials. You’ll also learn where resources are on the web page so you can learn more about the topics that interest you.

Formatting Workshops for Summer 2019

Are you working on formatting corrections for your dissertation, thesis, or report? Do you need help? Are you unsure where to submit your dissertation, thesis, or report?

Join the Graduate School ( for group work hours. These workshops are provided at no charge to students working on a dissertation, thesis, or report. Staff will able to help with the changes required by the Graduate School for these documents in MS Office. Assistance will also be available for converting documents to PDF from Word and how to make simple corrections and check your document in Adobe Acrobat. The workshops will be in rooms with PCs with University software, or you may bring your own laptop. Distance students may contact about remote assistance during these times via web conferencing.  If you need additional help outside of these times, please contact the Graduate School.  On a limited basis, one-on-one assistance may be available.

Last day to submit a post-defense document to successfully complete your degree in summer is August 12, 2019 by 4pm EST!

All workshops will be held from on the following dates at the mentioned time:

  • Tuesday, August 6, 2019 | 12:05-1:55 p.m. | Library 242
  • Thursday, August 8, 2019 | 12:05-1:55 p.m. | Library 242
  • Thursday, August 22, 2019 | 12:05-1:55 p.m. | Library 242

Formatting and submission help sessions for Summer 2017

Are you working on formatting corrections for your dissertation, thesis, or report? Do you need help? Are you unsure where to submit your dissertation, thesis, or report?

Join the Graduate School ( for group work hours. These workshops are provided at no charge to students working on a dissertation, thesis, or report. Staff will able to help with the changes required by the Graduate School for these documents in MS Office. Assistance will also be available for converting documents to PDF from Word and how to make simple corrections and check your document in Adobe Acrobat. The workshops will be in rooms with PCs with University software, or you may bring your own laptop. Distance students may contact about remote assistance during these times via web conferencing.  If you need additional help outside of these times, please contact the Graduate School.  On a limited basis, one-on-one assistance may be available. Please contact the Graduate School for more information.

All workshops will be held from on the following dates at the mentioned time:

  • Tuesday, July 18, 2017 | 9 – 11am | EERC 723
  • Tuesday, July 25, 2017 | 9 – 11am | EERC 723
  • Thursday, July 27, 2017 | 10am – 12pm | Dillman 208
  • Monday, July 31, 2017 | 10am – 12pm | Dillman 208 – Deadline for summer 2017 is 4pm on July 31st
  • Wednesday, August 9, 2017 | 10am – 12pm | MEEM 202
  • Wednesday, August 16, 2017 | 10am – 12pm | MEEM 202

Formatting workshops for Fall 2018

Are you working on formatting corrections for your dissertation, thesis, or report? Do you need help? Are you unsure where to submit your dissertation, thesis, or report?

Join the Graduate School ( for group work hours. These workshops are provided at no charge to students working on a dissertation, thesis, or report. Staff will able to help with the changes required by the Graduate School for these documents in MS Office. Assistance will also be available for converting documents to PDF from Word and how to make simple corrections and check your document in Adobe Acrobat. The workshops will be in rooms with PCs with University software, or you may bring your own laptop. Distance students may contact about remote assistance during these times via web conferencing.  If you need additional help outside of these times, please contact the Graduate School.  On a limited basis, one-on-one assistance may be available.

 Last day to submit a post-defense document to successfully complete your degree in fall is December 10, 2018 by 4pm EST!

All workshops will be held from on the following dates at the mentioned time:

  • Tuesday, December 4, 2018 | 2:30-4:30pm | Dillman 211
  • Thursday, December 6, 2018 |2:30-4:30pm | EERC 723
  • Thursday, December 20, 2018 | 2:30-4:30pm |EERC 723

Formatting Workshops for Fall 2019

Are you working on formatting corrections for your dissertation, thesis, or report? Do you need help? Are you unsure where to submit your dissertation, thesis, or report?

Join the Graduate School ( for group work hours. These workshops are provided at no charge to students working on a dissertation, thesis, or report. Staff will be able to help with the changes required by the Graduate School for these documents in MS Office. Assistance will also be available for converting documents to PDF from Word and how to make simple corrections and check your document in Adobe Acrobat. The workshops will be in rooms with PCs with University software, or you may bring your own laptop. Distance students may contact about remote assistance during these times via web conferencing.  If you need additional help outside of these times, please contact the Graduate School.  On a limited basis, one-on-one assistance may be available.

Last day to submit a post-defense document to successfully complete your degree in fall is December 9, 2019 by 4pm EST!

All workshops will be held on the following dates at the mentioned time:

  • Monday, November 11, 2019 | 12:05pm – 01:55pm  | Library 0242
  • Monday, December 02, 2019] | 12:05pm – 01:55pm  | Library 0242
  • Friday , December 06, 2019 | 10:05am – 11:55am  | Library 0242