Graduate School Orientation – May 7th

Michigan Tech looks forward to welcoming our new graduate students for summer 2010. All new degree seeking students will be invited to orientation on May 7th beginning at 8:30am in the Memorial Union Alumni Lounge. Registration and light snacks will be available beginning at 8:00am.

Please register so we can plan for your arrival!

In addition to the orientation session sponsored by the Graduate School, students may also be required to attend sessions sponsored by:

Questions about Graduate School orientation may be directed to Debra Charlesworth or Carol Wingerson.

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Embedding fonts in your pdf file allows anyone who opens your file to see the document as you intended.  If you don’t embed a font, the pdf viewer will substitute a font if it is not available on the computer viewing the document, and the result usually isn’t what you intended.

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Jennifer Heglund represents Michigan Tech for MAGS Distinguished Thesis Award

Jennifer Heglund
Jennifer Heglund
The Graduate School is pleased to announce that Jennifer Heglund was Michigan Tech’s nominee for the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools Distinguished Thesis Award.  Ms. Heglund was nominated by her advisor, Dr. B. Barkdoll of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.  Her thesis, “Effects of Climate Change Induced Heavy Precipitation Events on Sediment Transport in Lower Michigan Rivers” modeled the potential effects of climate change, particularly heavy rainfall, on sediment transport in rivers.  Increased sediment transport could have an effect on erosion along rivers, and the models Ms. Heglund developed could be used for planning and land management. Ms. Heglund is currently employed by Northeast Technical Services in Virginia, Minnesota.

Fifty-one theses in the midwest were nominated for the award, and although her work was not recognized as the award recipient, it was well received by the reviewers.  One reviewer commented, “I enjoyed reading this thesis – it’s a pleasure to see such a complete approach to a problem.”

Seth DePasqual was also nominated by his advisor, Dr. T. Scarlett, on behalf of the Social Sciences Department.  His advisor described his thesis as, “…a study of the evolution of an early 20th century mining system in Spitsbergen as applied by Boston-based Arctic Coal Company.”

The committee to evaluate the nominees consisted of graduate faculty representing a broad range of graduate programs:  M. Neuman (Biomedical Engineering), S. Martin (Social Sciences), R. Froese (School of Forestry Resources & Environmental Science), B. Davis (School of Technology) and G. Campbell (School of Business and Economics).  Next year’s competition will consider applicants who have completed their degrees between October 1, 2009 and September 30, 2010.  An application consists of a recommendation letter from the advisor and an electronic copy of the thesis.  Please consider nominating your MS students next year.

Safari Club International Graduate Student Grant

The Safari Club International (SCI) Michigan Involvement Committee (MIC) is a non-profit corporation composed of representatives of each of the Michigan chapters of SCI. The Committee coordinates collaboration between SCI, its Michigan chapters, and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE); provides scholarships and grants to graduate students; and supports other wildlife conservation and education activities deemed appropriate by the organization.

The Award

Goal: To preserve and perpetuate the right to hunt and the commitment to conservation within the wildlife profession and potential future leaders of the DNRE.

Purpose: To provide financial assistance to a graduate student, preferably one working on a DNRE-funded university research project associated with the preservation of hunting.

Fund Financing: A minimum annual fund of $3,000 has been established by SCI MIC to finance the grant program. Additional grants may be awarded if funding is available. Grant amounts may vary depending upon the number of awards and the fund balance.

Award Duration: The grant will be available for use for one year between September 1 and August 31 of the next year. An award recipient can compete for additional grants in subsequent years with other applicants. If invited by participating chapters, each selected student will be required to visit the chapter at least once during the year of the award.

How to Apply

To Be Eligible:

1) Student must be accepted or enrolled in a Wildlife or related discipline graduate program at a college or university in Michigan.

2) Must be planning a career in the Wildlife Management field.

3) Student must be familiar with hunting, hunting ethics, the role of hunting in wildlife management, and hunting’s role in society.

4) If enrolled in a MS or MA program, it must be a thesis-based degree.

Application: There is no separate application form. Please send a resume which outlines your background, along with three reference letters from individuals knowledgeable of your field skills and experience. Include your name and graduate institution where enrolled on all materials submitted. In addition, in 500 words or less, provide a response to the questions: “What should the elements of wildlife management be 20 years from now, and in what role do you see yourself?”

Selection Process: An SCI MIC committee will review application materials and select finalists. A subcommittee will interview finalists and select the award recipient(s) by September 1, 2010.

Send all materials, by June 15, 2010 to Paul Royce, SCI-Lakeshore Chapter, 9881 84th Avenue, Zeeland, Michigan 49464

Former Tech President Ray Smith to Address Graduate

Michigan Tech will honor the achievements of nearly 1,000 graduates at Spring Commencement, set for Saturday, May 1. The University expects to award 139 master’s and PhD degrees and 856 bachelor’s and associate degrees.

Ray Smith, who led Michigan Tech as its president from 1965 to 1979, will address the graduates and receive the University’s highest honor, the Melvin Calvin Medal of Distinction.

The full release is available at Michigan Tech’s news website.

Published in Tech Today

Computer Science Doctoral Student Receives Best Paper Award

Computer Science doctoral student Bryan Franklin and Professor Steven Seidel received the Best Paper Award for, “A Parallel Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm in UPC,” at the High Performance Computing Symposium, April 12-14, in Orlando, Fla. Franklin presented the paper at the conference. The paper describes the design, implementation, and performance of a parallel algorithm for the longest common subsequence problem, an important problem in bioinformatics. This is the second consecutive year that Michigan Tech authors have won the Best Paper Award at the HPC Symposium.

Published in Tech Today

Six fellowships awarded from The DeVlieg Foundation

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the awarding of six fellowships made possible by the generous support of The DeVlieg Foundation.  This years recipients will tackle a wide range of research problems from osteoarthritis in the knee to comparing the cost and effectiveness of two water treatment technologies.  Recipients are:

  • Darrell Cass, Civil Engineering, MS Candidate
  • Colin Gurganus, Physics, PhD Candidate
  • Alexandru Herescu, Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics, PhD Candidate
  • Megan Killian, Biomedical Engineering, PhD Candidate
  • Jarod Maggio, Environmental Engineering, PhD Candidate
  • Ashlee Vincent, Environmental Engineering, MS Candidate

See our web page for details about the nomination process, and for photos of our recipients.

Thirteen Students Inducted into SBE Honor Society

The Michigan Tech School of Business and Economics chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma international honor society recently inducted 13 students into its membership. Beta Gamma Sigma recognizes students of high scholastic achievement and is among the highest honors that a business student can receive at Michigan Tech.

The following students in the School of Business and Economics were inducted:

  • Nicole Baumruk, Management Information Systems (MIS)
  • Stephanie Behrens, Finance
  • Jacob Carlson, Finance
  • Lucy Dernovsek, Accounting
  • Ming He, Management
  • Adam Kastamo (MBA Student)
  • Lindsey Lindstrom, Marketing/Management
  • Rebekka Mikkola, Marketing/Management
  • Asel Otunchieva, Accounting
  • Michael Schott, Management Information Systems (MIS)
  • Kipp Vaughn, Management
  • Geoffrey Weston (MBA Graduate)
  • Lijuan Xie, Accounting

The Michigan Tech chapter advisor for Beta Gamma Sigma is Mari Buche.

Visit the business newsblog for more information and photos from the induction ceremony.

Published in Tech Today.