Michigan Tech Graduate Student Aids International Bird Rescue Effort

By Jennifer Donovan

Michigan Tech News

November 16, 2009—

Conservation could be Amber Roth’s middle name. She loves anything to do with nature. Birds, trees, grasses, ecosystems: she’s fascinated by it all.

So after tucking a Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology and International Relations and a Master of Science in Wildlife Ecology under her belt, the Green Bay native came to Michigan Tech to earn a PhD in the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science (SFRES).

Roth studies how to manage aspen forests to produce the maximum amount of biomass per acre without harming wildlife habitat. “It’s a management trade-off question,” she explains, and the basis of her PhD research

But Roth was raised by a devoted bird-watcher, and a tiny songbird that is facing hard times has also captured her heart. She has become an active member of the Golden-winged Warbler Working Group, an international conservation organization that spans two continents.

Weighing only 9 grams (equal to 4 dimes), the golden-winged warbler incredibly flies thousands of miles twice a year, migrating from its breeding grounds in the northern Midwest to its winter home in Central and South America.  The tiny bird makes the long migration 6 to 10 times in a lifetime.

Its fuel efficiency is the equivalent of several hundred thousand miles per gallon,” Roth says with a smile.

But the far-flying warbler is in trouble. There used to be as many as half a million of the birds, and now there are fewer than 200,000. “Its numbers are declining sharply, and we don’t know why. We don’t know where the patient is bleeding,” says Roth.

The Golden-Winged Warbler Working Group got a small grant from the US Fish and Wildlife Service to try to determine what’s happening to the bird. Their research is a collaborative effort involving American, Canadian and Latin American scientists.

Some of the researchers are examining the bird’s genetics, to locate genetically pure populations. Only one has been found so far, in Manitoba, Canada. Others are studying the biochemical signature in the golden-winged warbler’s feathers, which can reveal where the young birds go after their first migration. And a third group is working to connect where the birds winter in Central and South America to where they breed.

It’s a real skin-and-bones project,” says Roth. But money isn’t the only resource the researchers need.

Michigan Tech has contributed 21 mist nets—fine nylon nets used to safely capture birds for study before releasing them.  “These are older, damaged nets that I have in my lab, and the Latin American scientists know people who can repair them so that they can be reused,” SFRES associate professor David Flaspohler explains. Flaspohler is one of Roth’s PhD advisors, the other being Chris Webster.

If the nets were purchased new, they would cost as much as $100 each.

Like most of the other things she’s ever done, Roth says her work with the Golden-winged Warbler Working Group is helping prepare her for her dream career.  With work experience in the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and her PhD from Michigan Tech, she’s looking forward to climbing what she calls her “career triangle”—comprising research, education and conservation management.  “I like being involved in all three,” she says, “the research, the outreach, and the management on the ground.”

Muslim Graduate Students Invited to Apply for Islamic Society of North America Fellowship Program in Nonprofit Management

Philanthropy News Digest

The HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Society of North America Fellowship Program is designed to prepare Muslim graduate students to become effective and knowledgeable leaders of nonprofit organizations in North America.

Fellows will be given the opportunity to study nonprofit management, fundraising, capacity development, and other relevant subjects. These courses will be offered at the Indiana University Center on Philanthropy or other similar institutions of higher education and centers of philanthropic studies.

Visit site for more information: http://foundationcenter.org/pnd/rfp/rfp_item.jhtml?id=272700027

Spring 2009: New online course in intellectual property

Do you understand the rules of intellectual property – copyright, patents and scholarly publishing?  These are critical to your success in graduate school and your career.

We’re looking for 30 students in science, technology, engineering and math fields to participate in an on-line course that will be interactive and dynamic.  You will learn more about these important aspects of responsible conduct for research, collaborate with students online with a wiki and blog, and evaluate a new way of teaching these concepts.  Visit:


to learn more.  Register online today to reserve your spot:


New Form for all Graduate Students

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the introduction of the Degree completion form.  All graduate students will be required to complete this form in their final semester.  Effective immediately, this replaces the Life after Michigan Tech and TD-Bindery forms, which will reduce the number of forms most students complete.  The new form also incorporates dynamic features which will make it easier to complete, and reflects changes made by the bindery for charging of binding fees.

Additionally, we are pleased to announce that online payment of binding fees is now available.

In support of these procedural changes, we will host a seminar on November 17th at 4:05pm to introduce the form and online payment system to interested students, faculty, and staff.  Please register online so we can plan for your attendance.  Your confirmation e-mail will have the location of the seminar.

Reminder: Michigan Space Grants Available

Tech Today

The Michigan Space Grant Consortium (MSGC) is inviting applications for 2010-11. The application and review processes are all online at www.umich.edu/~msgc .

Funding is available for the following:

* Fellowship Program
* Research Seed Grant Program
* Precollege Education Program
* Public Outreach Program
* Teacher Training Program

Applications are due to Institutional Diversity no later than 3:30 p.m., Monday, Nov. 16.

Submission process:

1) Contact Kellie Buss, Research and Sponsored Programs, to create a budget at 487-2226 or kellie@mtu.edu .

2) Complete online forms at www.umich.edu/~msgc . (Do not submit until after step number 4.)

3) Complete transmittal form, click here .

4) Print the materials and bring them to Institutional Diversity, which will provide a letter of approval to submit. This step needs to be completed during the week of Nov. 16.

Michigan Tech’s MSGC liaison is Chris Anderson, special assistant to the president for institutional diversity. For more information, contact Anderson at csanders@mtu.edu or contact Michigan Tech’s MSGC assistant, Carol Argentati, at 487-2474 or caargent@mtu.edu .

Grant To Boost Michigan Science, Math Teachers

WWJ Newsradio

Addressing the shortage of math and science teachers who will equip Michigan’s vulnerable students with the skills they need to compete in the work force, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation has awarded the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation with a $16.7 million grant to establish a new statewide teaching fellowship program.

The new W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s Woodrow Wilson Michigan Teaching Fellowship will provide 240 future teachers with an exemplary intensive master’s program in education and place those Fellows in hard-to-staff middle and high schools. Over the five-year timeline, almost 20,000 public school students in Mich. will receive high quality instruction in the critical subject areas of science, technology, engineering and math.

WKK Foundation

MMMF Educational Grants for International Students From Developing Countries

MMMF Educational Grant

For students from developing countries who are currently studying in the United States or Canada, the MMMF awards  grants of approximetly $12,000 each; grants are not renewable. Every year, the MMMF also invite the recipients in Washington DC to participate in a three day Awards Program organized in their honor.

Deadline: February 18, 2012

Application information and eligibility

NSF Federal Cyber Service: Scholarship for Service Program

NOTE: This is an institutional level, limited submission solicitation.  Students cannot apply directly.

NSF is seeking applications for the Federal Cyber Service: Scholarship
for Service program. The program seeks to increase the number of
students entering the fields of information assurance and computer
security and enhance capacity to produce such students and
professionals. The program is composed of two tracks. The first, a
Scholarship Track, provides funding for students completing the final
two years of undergraduate, two years of master’s level, or the final
two years of Ph.D.-level study in the relevant fields. Upon graduation,
awardees are required to serve two years in the federal government. The
Capacity Building Track provides funds to institutions to improve
quality and increase production of such professionals in these key
areas. $11.3 million is available for FY 09; 6-8 Scholarship Track
awards and 7-9 Capacity Building awards will be granted. Applications
are due February 2, 2010.

More information

The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship

The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship is a highly competitive, portable fellowship that is awarded to U.S. citizens and nationals who intend to pursue graduate study in one of the 15 supported disciplines. NDSEG confers high honors upon its recipients, and allows them to attend whichever U.S. institution they choose. NDSEG Fellowships last for three years and pay for full tuition and all mandatory fees, a monthly stipend, and up to $1,000 a year in medical insurance.

All applicants are required to submit the application online by 1:00 p.m. EST, January 4, 2010. All materials must be submitted electronically or received by this deadline.

Contact Jodi Lehman (jglehman@mtu.edu) if interested in applying.

AT&T Labs Fellowship for Women and Minority in Computer and Communications-Related Fields

AT&T Labs Fellowship are available to outstanding under-represented minority and women students who are U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents and who are pursuing Ph.D. studies in computer and communications-related fields. If you really want to make a difference as a professional scientist, we can help you get started.
Program Description

The ALFP program awards a three-year fellowship and is contingent on an annual review demonstrating that the recipients are making satisfactory progress toward their PhD.

Each fellowship recipient participates in a research summer internship during their first summer in the program.  During the summer, students work as a part of research teams on various projects within AT&T Labs.  You can learn about AT&T Research by viewing our current research areas and sample projects from prior years.


  • Students must be seniors graduating in the current academic year or in their first or second year of grad school.
  • They must be female or members of a minority underrepresented in science fields (Hispanic, African-American, or Native American).
  • They must be enrolled, or planning to enroll, in a graduate school program leading to a PhD.
  • They must be U.S. Citizens or permanent residents.
  • The student’s major field  must be in computer science, math, statistics, electrical engineering, operations research, systems engineering, industrial engineering, or related fields.

What the Fellowship Provides

  • All educational expenses during the school year, including tuition, books, fees, and approved travel expenses.
  • Education expenses for summer study or university research.
  • A stipend for living expenses (currently $2380 per month, paid for 10 months of the year, plus a $500 book allowance).
  • Support for attending approved scientific conferences.
  • A summer internship during the student’s first summer in the program.
  • A mentor who is a staff member at AT&T Labs. The program emphasizes personal interaction with your mentor. For the typical recipient, this component of the program is often the most important one of all.

Applying for a Fellowship

Important Dates

Applications are accepted beginning September 5.  The on-line application form must be submitted and all supporting materials must be mailed to the address below by January 31.


Complete this on-line application, which requires the following items. Please be sure to select the ALFP program.