Fellowships in the Energy Field, Simulation and Training, and Ocean Engineering

The Link Foundation has posted three competitive fellowships for students working toward a Ph.D. degree:


Simulation and Training

Ocean Engineering

No limitations have been placed on citizenship.

If you would like to apply, please make an appointment with Jodi Lehman (jglehman@mtu.edu).   University endorsement required for proposal submission.

Sustainable Futures Institute Banquet at the Rozsa

Published in Tech Today

To celebrate its many research, education and outreach accomplishments toward securing a more sustainable future, the Sustainable Futures Institute (SFI) will host the fifth annual SFI poster session and banquet it the Rozsa lobby on Friday, Oct. 16. The banquet keynote speaker will be Charles Kerfoot, professor of Biological Sciences, who will talk about Michigan Tech’s new Great Lakes Research Center. New scholars of SFI will also be inducted at this time.

New awards will be offered! This year there are even more reasons than ever to submit a poster. In addition to an award of $150 from the Graduate Student Council for the People’s Choice Award for Best Poster, SFI will award a second and third prize of $75 and $50, respectively. Also new this year is the Rick Donovan SFI Operations Manager Inaugural Award for $200. Donovan reserves the right to decide his criteria and announce the award on the spot.

To register for the poster session, email your 100-word abstract by Oct. 9 to Denise Heikinen and RSVP to Heikinen if you plan to attend the banquet.

The banquet is open to all SFI members and poster presenters. SFI regrets it cannot accommodate significant others. To view slides of last year’s SFI banquet and poster session, the names of newly inducted SFI scholars, and menu of sustainable food for the event, click here .

Midyear Commencement – plan now!

Students who would like to participate in midyear commencement should note some upcoming deadlines.

Submit the Commencement application form to the Graduate School no later than October 16, 2009.

Order your academic garb no later than October 23, 2009.  Academic garb is required to participate in commencement.  Any order received after Oct. 23 will be assessed a shipping fee of $10, and orders received after Nov. 8, $25. After Nov. 22, cap and gown rental cannot be guaranteed.

To coordinate your rental, Contact Beckie Belanger at the Campus Bookstore at 487-2410 or bmbelang@mtu.edu . You may also order garb online.

Attend Gradfest on October 21st from 3:30-6:00 to order your garb, get special discounts on select items, and enjoy free pizza!

$12.5 Million in Recovery Act Funding for STEM Graduate Fellowships

US Department of Energy

The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) has established the DOE Office of Science Graduate Fellowship ( DOE SCGF) program to support outstanding students to pursue graduate training in basic research in areas of physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, computational sciences, and environmental sciences relevant to the Office of Science and to encourage the development of the next generation scientific and technical talent in the U.S.

The Fellowship award provides partial tuition support, an annual stipend for living expenses, and a research stipend for full-time graduate study and thesis/dissertation research at a U.S. academic institution for three years.

The application deadline is November 30th.

For more information on eligibility and how to apply please click here.

National Physical Science Consortium

NPSC Graduate Fellowships in Physical Science

Michigan Tech female and minority graduate students are qualified, as Michigan Tech is a participating NPSC Member University, for the NPSC fellowship.

NPSC welcomes applications from any qualified U.S. citizen who has the ability to pursue graduate work at an NPSC member institution. NPSC attempts to recruit a broad pool of applicants with special emphasis on underrepresented minorities and women. Applicants should be in one of the following categories:

For the Traditional Program:

  • Be in your senior year with at least a 3.0/4.0 GPA
  • Be in your first year of a graduate program.
  • Be in a terminal master’s program (your university offers no Ph.D. in your discipline).
  • Be returning from the workforce with no more than a master’s degree

For the Dissertation Support Program, be near the point at which your research will begin.

Fields of Study:

Though the fields supported can vary annually depending on employer needs, in general NPSC covers the following: Astronomy, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Materials Science, Mathematical Sciences, Physics, and their subdisciplines, and related engineering fields: Chemical, Computer, Electrical, Environmental, Mechanical.

For more information please visit COS.

If interested in applying, please contact Jodi Lehman (jglehman@mtu.edu)

Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Program

Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Program

Dissertation Fellowship Program seeks to encourage a new generation of
scholars from a wide range of disciplines and professional fields to
undertake research relevant to the improvement of education. These
$25,000 fellowships support individuals whose dissertations show
potential for bringing fresh and constructive perspectives to the
history, theory, or practice of formal or informal education anywhere
in the world. This highly competitive program aims to identify the most
talented researchers conducting dissertation research related to

More information on how to apply. 

Deadline Wednesday, October 21st. 

Michigan Tech Offers S-STEM Scholarship

Michigan Tech’s S-STEM Scholarship is awarded  to qualified U.S. graduate students enrolled in:

  • PhD Program in Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering
  • Peace Corps Master’s International MS in Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering
  • MS Program in Environmental Engineering, Environmental Engineering Science and Civil Engineering

The scholarship is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

For more information visit: http://www.sfi.mtu.edu/s-stem/