How Not to Plagiarize

Having trouble deciding when you need to cite a source? Not quite sure whether you should quote that paper you’re reading or summarize it? Worried about whether the passage you summarized is too close to the original? Join us from 4:05 to 4:30 p.m. Thursday (April 12) in Library 242, for a workshop on citing your sources and how to avoid plagiarism. Feel free to bring specific questions or examples.

Please note that this workshop does not focus on the nuts and bolts of any particular citation style (e.g. APA, MLA, etc.), but a broader discussion of when it’s appropriate to cite. You can register to attend.

Using the Redaction Tool in Adobe Acrobat Pro

One of the requirements for a Thesis, Dissertation, or Report to pass our formatting checks to make sure that all signatures in your document are properly obscured to protect the identity of the signer.  To help you figure this out, we’ve created a step by step blog post on how you can use the Redact tool in Adobe Acrobat Pro to remove signatures.


To begin, you will need to open your document or the letter which you need to redact a signature from in Adobe Acrobat Pro. Make sure that you are using Acrobat Pro as the redaction tool is not available in Adobe Reader.

We will use this example letter to guide you through the redaction process.


Create a “Board of Advisors” for your PhD

In a recent interview with Dr. Ansley Abraham, director of the SREB Doctoral Scholars Program, he recommends forming a “Board of Advisors” to help you complete your PhD. Forming strong relationships with a variety of individuals who can support you will help your current and future career. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and don’t wait until it is too late. Read more in Tomorrow’s Professor, issue #1633.

Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching Award – Spring 2018 Recipients

Congratulations! Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award Spring 2018 Recipients

Rasmi Adhikari (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology PhD)
Mohammad Alizadeh Fard (Environmental Engineering PhD)
Apurva Baruah (Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Timothy Butler (Biological Sciences MS)
Chethan Ramakrishna Reddy (Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Daniel Crane (Mathematical Sciences PhD)
James Davis (Electrical Engineering MS)
Jennifer Dunn (Environmental and Energy Policy PhD)
Silke Feltz (Rhetoric, Theory, and Culture PhD)
Sanaz Habibi (Chemical Engineering PhD)
Arash Jamali (Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Matthew Kilgas (Integrative Physiology PhD)
Anindya Majumdar (Biomedical Engineering PhD)
Aeshah Khudaysh M Muqri (Physics PhD)
Rohit Sunil Pandhare (Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Sagar Umesh Patil (Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Nishchal Sharma (Electrical Engineering MS)

EndNote Workshop

Save lots of time by using EndNote software to manage your citations! No prior knowledge of EndNote is required for Thursday’s workshop. During the session, we will cover how to create and build an EndNote “library,” add references from online databases and PDFs, and best practices for organizing your citations.

How to incorporate references into a Microsoft Word document and changing output styles will also be covered.

The workshop is at 5:05 p.m. Thursday (March 29) in Library 242 Register here.

Summer Data Science Fellowship Opportunity

Program: The Data Incubator is an intensive 8 week fellowship that prepares masters students, PhDs, and postdocs in STEM and social science fields seeking industry careers as data scientists. The program is free for Fellows and supported by sponsorships from hundreds of employers across multiple industries. In response to the overwhelming interest in our earlier sessions, we will be holding another fellowship.

Who Should Apply: Anyone who has already obtained a masters or PhD degree or who is within one year of graduating with a masters or PhD is welcome to apply. Applications from international students are welcome. Everyone else is encouraged to sign-up for a future session.

Locations: In addition to the below in-person locations, we will have a remote online session:

  • New York City
  • San Francisco Bay Area
  • Seattle
  • Boston
  • Washington, DC.

Dates: All sections will be from 2018-06-18 to 2018-08-10.

Application Link:

Data Science in 30 minutes: Learn how to build a data-science project in our upcoming free Data Science in 30-minutes webcast. Signup soon as space is limited.

Learn More: You can learn about our fellows at The New York Times, LinkedIn, Amazon, Capital One, or Palantir. To read about our latest fellow alumni, check out our blog. To learn more about The Data Incubator, check us out on Venture Beat, The Next Web, or Harvard Business Review.

Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarship – Spring 2018 Recipients

Congratulations! Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarship Award Spring 2018 Recipients

Shadi Ahmadi Darani (Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Ting Bao (Civil Engineering PhD)
Kishan Bellur (Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics PhD)
El Hachemi Bouali (Geology PhD)
Liang Chang (Materials Science and Engineering PhD)
Joshua Davis (Accounting MS)
Wenping Deng (Forest Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology PhD)
Jennifer Dunn (Environmental  and Energy Policy PhD)
Brandon Jackson (Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Meghnath Jaishi (Physics PhD)
Zhaoxiang Jin (Computer Science PhD)
Steven Landry (Applied Cognitive Science and Human Factors PhD)
Xiaoyu Liang (Mathematical Sciences PhD)
Ameya Narkar (Biomedical Engineering PhD)
Kimberly Tweedale (Rhetoric, Theory, and Culture PhD)
Le Zhao (Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Saeedeh Ziaeefard (Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics PhD)

Thesis/Dissertation/Report Formatting Workshops- Spring 2018

Are you working on formatting corrections for your dissertation, thesis, or report? Do you need help? Are you unsure where to submit your dissertation, thesis, or report?

Join the Graduate School ( for group work hours. These workshops are provided at no charge to students working on a dissertation, thesis, or report. Staff will able to help with the changes required by the Graduate School for these documents in MS Office. Assistance will also be available for converting documents to PDF from Word and how to make simple corrections and check your document in Adobe Acrobat. The workshops will be in rooms with PCs with University software, or you may bring your own laptop. Distance students may contact about remote assistance during these times via web conferencing.  If you need additional help outside of these times, please contact the Graduate School.  On a limited basis, one-on-one assistance may be available. Please contact the Graduate School for more information.

All workshops will be held from on the following dates at the mentioned time:

  • Thursday, April 5, 2018 | 1:30-3:30pm | Dillman 208
  • Thursday, April 12, 2018 | 10:00am -12:00pm | EERC 0723-Last Day to Submit A Post-Defense document is April 16!
  • Friday, April 20, 2018 | 1:30-3:30pm |EERC 0723
  • Tuesday, May 1, 2018 | 10:00am -12:00pm | EERC 0723
  • Thursday, May 3, 2018 | 1:30-3:30pm | Dillman 208-Last Day to Submit Final Revisions is May 4!

KCP Nominations Sought for Fall and Summer 2018

Applications are being sought for Summer and Fall 2018 KCP Future Faculty Fellowships, a program funded by the State of Michigan.  Applications are due no later than 4pm on April 9, 2018.  KCP fellowships provide students up to $20,000 (MS students) or $35,000 (PhD students) to pursue their degrees.  The Graduate School and nominating department must also contribute matching funds to help support the student.

The goal of the KCP Future Faculty Fellowship program is to increase traditionally underrepresented candidates pursuing teaching careers in postsecondary education.

To be eligible, an applicant must:

  • Be a US citizen.
  • Be a Michigan resident (contact the Graduate School for questions).
  • Be accepted into his or her Michigan Tech graduate program of choice.
  • Be planning and able to teach or secure an administrative position in postsecondary education.
  • Not have received another KCP Fellowship award for the same degree level (master’s or doctorate).
  • Not be in default status on any guaranteed student loan and/or a KCP fellowship.

A complete application will include:

  • A 1-2 page statement of purpose written by the student as it applies to the KCP fellowship goals
  • A current resume or curriculum vitae that includes positions held, fellowships received, current funding, and expected funding, if applicable
  • A letter of support from the graduate program (chair, dean, program director, or advisor) detailing:
    • the merit of the candidate.
    • how the student will contribute to the diversity of the program.
    • willingness to provide financial support to supplement the KCP funds.
    • the mentoring plan for the student.
    • if the student has already earned a graduate degree, the letter must also address why a second graduate degree is necessary in order to obtain employment in post-secondary education.

Please submit complete applications to the Graduate School, attention Dr. Debra Charlesworth (a single PDF via e-mail to is preferred).  The review panel will also consider the candidate’s application to Graduate School (for students entering in the next academic year) and current Michigan Tech transcript (if applicable).

Additional information on the KCP fellowship is available on our web page.