Tag: Finishing Fellowship

Fall 2017 Finishing Fellowship Nominations Open

Applications for fall 2017 finishing fellowships being accepted and are due no later than 4pm, July 6, 2017 to Dr. Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School. Instructions on the application and evaluation process are found online.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student.
  2. Must expect to finish during the semester supported as a finishing fellow.
  3. Must have submitted no more than one previous application for a finishing fellowship.
  4. Must be eligible for or in Research Mode at the time of application.

Finishing Fellowships provide support to PhD candidates who are close to completing their degrees. These fellowships are available through the generosity of alumni and friends of the University. They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD candidates who are in need of financial support to finish their degrees and are also contributing to the attainment of goals outlined in The Michigan Tech Plan. The Graduate School anticipates funding up to ten fellowships with support ranging from $2000 to full support (stipend + tuition). Students who receive full support through a Finishing Fellowship may not accept any other employment. For example, students cannot be fully supported by a Finishing Fellowship and accept support as a GTA or GRA.

Summer 2017 Finishing Fellowship Nominations Open

Applications for summer 2017 finishing fellowships being accepted and are due no later than 4pm, February 21, 2017 to Dr. Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School. Instructions on the application and evaluation process are found online.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student.
  2. Must expect to finish during the semester supported as a finishing fellow.
  3. Must have submitted no more than one previous application for a finishing fellowship.
  4. Must be eligible for or in Research Mode at the time of application.

Finishing Fellowships provide support to PhD candidates who are close to completing their degrees. These fellowships are available through the generosity of alumni and friends of the University. They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD candidates who are in need of financial support to finish their degrees and are also contributing to the attainment of goals outlined in The Michigan Tech Plan. The Graduate School anticipates funding up to ten fellowships with support ranging from $2000 to full support (stipend + tuition). Students who receive full support through a Finishing Fellowship may not accept any other employment. For example, students cannot be fully supported by a Finishing Fellowship and accept support as a GTA or GRA.

Fall 2016 Finishing Fellowship Nominations Open

Applications for fall 2016 finishing fellowships being accepted beginning June 1, 2016, and are due no later than 4pm, July 14, 2016 to Dr. Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School. Instructions on the application and evaluation process are found online.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student.
  2. Must expect to finish during the semester supported as a finishing fellow.
  3. Must have submitted no more than one previous application for a finishing fellowship.
  4. Must be eligible for or in Research Mode at the time of application.

Finishing Fellowships provide support to PhD candidates who are close to completing their degrees. These fellowships are available through the generosity of alumni and friends of the University. They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD candidates who are in need of financial support to finish their degrees and are also contributing to the attainment of goals outlined in The Michigan Tech Plan. The Graduate School anticipates funding up to ten fellowships with support ranging from $2000 to full support (stipend + tuition). Students who receive full support through a Finishing Fellowship may not accept any other employment. For example, students cannot be fully supported by a Finishing Fellowship and accept support as a GTA or GRA.

Fellowship opportunities for Michigan Tech Graduate Students

The Graduate School has several fellowship opportunities for new and returning students. A complete listing of all awards and fellowships is online.  Several have deadlines in the next few weeks and are highlighted below.

  1. The DeVlieg Foundation provides funding for two summer fellowships for current PhD students. Applications due February 9, 2016.
  2. Doctoral finishing fellowships are available for up to ten PhD students expecting to complete their degree in summer. Applications due February 16, 2016.
  3. PHF Graduate Fellowships are available to PhD students completing health-related research that is aligned with the PHF’s mission. Applications due February 16, 2016.
  4. KCP Future Faculty Fellowships are available to MS and PhD students (new and continuing) who are underrepresented in their fields and intending on a career in higher education (administration or faculty). Applications due March 1, 2016 for full consideration.
  5. Dean’s Fellowships are available to PhD students entering in the summer or fall. Applications due March 15, 2016.

Contact the Graduate School (gradschool@mtu.edu) with any questions about these opportunities.

Summer 2016 PHF Graduate Fellowship Nominations Open

Applications for summer 2016 PHF Graduate Fellowships are now being accepted, and are due no later than 4pm, February 16, 2016 to Dr. Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School. Instructions on the application and evaluation process are found online.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student participating in health-related research that is aligned with the PHF’s mission.
  2. Must be eligible for or in Research Mode at the time of application.
  3. Must be 2 years after starting the graduate program at the time of application.

Priority will be given to students originally from Houghton, Keweenaw, Baraga, or Ontonagon counties. Non-resident students and international students are encouraged to apply if their health research is applicable to health needs and job shortages of our local community (obesity research, rural health, medical informatics, drug delivery and lab testing, physical therapy, etc.). Preference will also be given to applicants who will complete their degree during the funding period.

These fellowships are available through the generosity of the Portage Health Foundation. They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD talent in health-oriented research areas. Applicants should be a catalyst for promoting and improving the overall health of Houghton, Keweenaw, Baraga, and Ontonagon communities through one of the following:

  • health research and technology development
  • health education or preventive and wellness initiatives
  • rural healthcare access, informatics, and assessment of care

Students who receive full support through a PHF Graduate Fellowship may not accept any other employment. For example, students cannot be fully supported by a PHF Graduate Fellowship and accept support as a GTA or GRA.

Summer 2016 Finishing Fellowship Nominations Open

Applications for summer 2016 finishing fellowships are now being accepted, and are due no later than 4pm, February 16, 2016 to Dr. Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School. Instructions on the application and evaluation process are found online.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student.
  2. Must expect to finish during the semester supported as a finishing fellow.
  3. Must have submitted no more than one previous application for a finishing fellowship.
  4. Must be eligible for or in Research Mode at the time of application.

Finishing Fellowships provide support to PhD candidates who are close to completing their degrees. These fellowships are available through the generosity of alumni and friends of the University. They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD candidates who are in need of financial support to finish their degrees and are also contributing to the attainment of goals outlined in The Michigan Tech Plan. The Graduate School anticipates funding up to ten fellowships with support ranging from $2000 to full support (stipend + tuition). Students who receive full support through a Finishing Fellowship may not accept any other employment. For example, students cannot be fully supported by a Finishing Fellowship and accept support as a GTA or GRA.

Graduate School Announces Award Recipients

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the following graduate student award recipients:

CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award Nominee:

  • Gary Kaunonen, PhD Graduate in Rhetoric, Theory and Culture

DeVlieg Foundation Fellowships:

  • Joseph Niehaus, PhD Candidate in Atmospheric Sciences
  • Shawn O’Neil, PhD Candidate in Forest Science

Doctoral Finishing Fellowships:

  • Mehran Bidarvatan, PhD Candidate in Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
  • Kamal Dhungana, PhD Candidate in Physics
  • Rebecca Frost, PhD Candidate in Rhetoric, Theory and Culture
  • Ruilong Han, PhD Candidate in Civil Engineering
  • Jun Tao, PhD Candidate in Computer Science
  • Xu Yang, PhD Candidate in Civil Engineering

King-Chávez-Parks Future Faculty Fellowships:

  • Alexander Miranda, PhD Candidate in Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics
  • Renee Oats, PhD Candidate in Civil Engineering
  • Sterling Prince, PhD Candidate in Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics

Photographs and details of awards and fellowships coordinated by the Graduate School can be found online.

Spring 2016 Finishing Fellowship Nominations Open

Applications for spring 2016 finishing fellowships are now being accepted, and are due no later than 4pm, October 21, 2015 to Dr. Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School. Instructions on the application and evaluation process are found online.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student.
  2. Must expect to finish during the semester supported as a finishing fellow.
  3. Must have submitted no more than one previous application for a finishing fellowship.
  4. Must be eligible for or in Research Mode at the time of application.

Finishing Fellowships provide support to PhD candidates who are close to completing their degrees. These fellowships are available through the generosity of alumni and friends of the University. They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD candidates who are in need of financial support to finish their degrees and are also contributing to the attainment of goals outlined in The Michigan Tech Plan. The Graduate School anticipates funding up to ten fellowships with support ranging from $2000 to full support (stipend + tuition). Students who receive full support through a Finishing Fellowship may not accept any other employment. For example, students cannot be fully supported by a Finishing Fellowship and accept support as a GTA or GRA.

Fall 2015 Finishing Fellowship Nominations Open

Applications for fall 2015 finishing fellowships are now being accepted, and are due no later than 4pm, June 8, 2015 to Dr. Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School. Instructions on the application and evaluation process are found online.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student.
  2. Must expect to finish during the semester supported as a finishing fellow.
  3. Must have submitted no more than one previous application for a finishing fellowship.
  4. Must be eligible for or in Research Mode at the time of application.

Finishing Fellowships provide support to PhD candidates who are close to completing their degrees. These fellowships are available through the generosity of alumni and friends of the University. They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD candidates who are in need of financial support to finish their degrees and are also contributing to the attainment of goals outlined in The Michigan Tech Plan. The Graduate School anticipates funding up to ten fellowships with support ranging from $2000 to full support (stipend + tuition). Students who receive full support through a Finishing Fellowship may not accept any other employment. For example, students cannot be fully supported by a Finishing Fellowship and accept support as a GTA or GRA.

Graduate School Announces Summer 2014 Doctoral Finishing Fellowship Awardees

The Graduate School is pleased to announce that the following students have earned the Doctoral Finishing Fellowship:

  • Douglas Banyai, PhD candidate in Physics
  • Rasika Kishor Gawde, PhD candidate in Environmental Engineering
  • Ryan Lemmens, PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering–Engineering Mechanics
  • Seyedmehdi Morazavi Zanjani, PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering–Engineering Mechanics
  • Ranjeeth Naik, PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering–Engineering Mechanics
  • Ruiqiang Song, PhD candidate in Civil Engineering
  • Ehsan Taheri, PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering–Engineering Mechanics
  • Khrupa Vijayaragavan, PhD candidate in Chemical Engineering
  • Anqi Zhang, PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering–Engineering Mechanics
  • Yunzhu Zhao, PhD candidate in Environmental Engineering

Photographs and details of awards and fellowships coordinated by the Graduate School can be found online.

Nominations are currently being accepted for spring 2015 finishing fellowships. Nominations are due Oct. 21 by 4 p.m. to Debra Charlesworth. Please see the website for full details.