Teresa Wilson on Dark Skies

dark skyIt’s International Dark Sky Week: Take Back the Night

The Lyrid meteor shower peaked earlier this week, and here in the Upper Peninsula it would not have been difficult to see from pretty much anywhere. For the best view, one might drive out of town a little ways, maybe to the Breakers or McLain parks, but a short drive is all it takes.

The International Dark Sky Association tries to raise awareness to these affects and more. Information can be found at the IDSA website.

Read more at Tech Today, by Teresa Wilson, physics PhD candidate.

Nanotechnology Workshop for Pre-College Girls

High School Girls Come to Michigan Tech to Explore Nanotechnology

Michigan Tech’s GEAR UP, a Pre-College Innovative Outreach Institute, and the physics department sponsored a workshop on nanotechnology to help spark the interest of pre-college girls on Tuesday, April 15, 2014, at Michigan Tech. The workshop is funded by the outreach component of a National Science Foundation (NSF) research grant. Yoke Khin Yap, a physics professor, talked about the subject, and the students had the opportunity to build model molecules.

Read more at Tech Today, by Monica Lester.

View the Nanotechnology Day! Photo Album in the Facebook Page of Michigan Tech GEAR UP.

Duan a finalist in the Student Paper Competition

Ran DuanRan Duan, a PhD candidate in engineering physics, has been named a finalist in the Student Paper Competition of the 2014 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, cosponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Antennas and Propagation Society and the Union of Radio Science.

As a finalist, Duan has been been invited to present a poster on his paper titled “Multiband Unidirectional Cloaking Based on Geometric Optics” at the symposium in Memphis, July 6-11. He will also receive a $1,250 award to help him attend the symposium.

Duan won Michigan Tech’s Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award for the fall 2013 semester.

Duan’s research is on an invisibility cloak being developed by Associate Professor Elena Semouchkina (ECE/Physics). An invisibility cloak is a device that allows electromagnetic waves such as microwaves or light to bypass objects, essentially making them invisible.

From Tech Today.

Physics Senior Research Colloquium 2014

Department of Physics Senior Research Oral Presentations
Michigan Technological University
Thursday, April 17, 2014
3:15 – 5:00pm
Room 139 in Fisher Hall

Undergraduate Presentation Abstracts


Formation of the Midcontinent Rift System: Fossil Magnetization of Intrusive Rocks
Darcy Jacobson
Advisor: Dr. Aleksey Smirnov

High-Speed Imaging of Freezing Drops: An Investigation of Contact Nucleation
Joseph Charnawskas
Advisor: Dr. Raymond Shaw

Synthesis of molybdenum disulfide for applications in van der Waal’s heterostructures
By Emily Makoutz
Advisor: Dr. Yoke Khin Yap

Preliminary Search for Exotic Events in the Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory Data
Greg Furlich
Advisor: Dr. Brian FIck

Numerical Investigation of Water Vapor Effects in Rayleigh-Bénard Convection
Michael Adler
Advisor: Dr. Raymond Shaw

Synthesis and Characterization of Boron Nitride Nanosheets for Applications in Heat Dissipation
Sawyer Hopkins
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap

Boson Sampling Using Optical Microcavities
Stephen Dipple
Advisor: Ramy El-Ganainy