The Graduate School is pleased to announce the recipients of the fall 2012 finishing fellowships. The fellowships were made available by the support of the Graduate School. Among the recipients is physics graduate student Xiaoliang Zhong.
Physics Colloquium
Michigan Technological University
Thursday, March 7, 2013
at 4:00 pm
in Room 139 Fisher
Functionalized Boron Nitride Nanotubes for Switching Devices
Boyi Hao
Advisor: Dr. Yoke Khin Yap
Physics Department
Michigan Tech University
Physics Colloquium
Michigan Technological University
Thursday, March 7, 2013
at 4:00 pm
in Room 139 Fisher
Detection of Long-lived Weakly Interacting Particles
in the Cosmic Ray Shower Experiment
Niraj Dhital
Advisor: Dr. Brian Fick
Physics Department
Michigan Tech University
Graduate students in Physics will be giving poster and oral presentations at the Graduate Research Colloquium 2013. Their presentations will take place on the second day of the colloquium, February 22, 2013, in the MUB Ballrooms A & B. Presenters, abstracts, and schedules are posted on the Graduate Student Government website.
Day 2 Feb 22 Poster Presentations 10am-12pm
Abhilash Kantamneni
Day 2 Feb 22 Oral Presentations 1:00pm to 3:00 pm
Colin Gurganus
Matthew Beals
Tolga Yapici
Boyi Hao
Madhusudan Savaikar
GRC Awards Banquet 2013
A night of food and festivity to celebrate the best of Michigan Tech in research, scholarship and service.
View the gallery on the GSG Facebook page.
The Discover blog “Out There” features Professor Robert Nemiroff’s (Physics) research on the nature of spacetime. In “Dispatches from AAS: The Not-There Universe,” editor Corey Powell writes about three discoveries that are remarkable for what they did not find and quotes Nemiroff as saying “perhaps the golden age of cosmology is not over just yet. There may be more discoveries out there.”
Special for classic rock fans: Powell draws a parallel with the 1960s Zombies hit “She’s Not There.”
From Tech Today.
Dispatches from AAS: The Not-There Universe
Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity implies that space should be smooth at very small distances, just as it is smooth at the distances we experience. Some newer theories, which attempt to go beyond relativity, suggest otherwise: They predict that sub-subatomic space is a froth of unseen particles and energy. Nemiroff figured out a way to see who is right. He tracked gamma rays—radiation that is like light but much more energetic—from an exploding star roughly 7 billion light years from Earth, and looked for signs that they had scattered off any frothy space along the way. He found none. For the umpteenth time, a challenge to Einstein has failed.
Read more at Discover Magazine, by Corey S. Powell.
The Yap Research Lab has updated publications for 2012 and 2013 in Peer Reviewed Papers and Other Publications.
Physics Colloquium
Michigan Technological University
Thursday, January 31, 2013
4:00 pm
Room 139 Fisher Hall
First-principles Study of Bio-conjugated Ultra-thin Silicon Nanowires:
Interaction with a PNA-RNA Double Helix
Xiaoliang Zhong
PhD Physics Graduate Student
Advisor: Ravindra Pandey
Physics Department
Michigan Tech University
Once again the Michigan Tech chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) has been selected as one of the Outstanding SPS Chapters. This is the third year in a row for such a distinction with this chapter.
The Michigan Tech chapter is part of Zone 09. The award criteria include K-12 outreach, community service, interactions with alumni, and other considerations.
Assistant Professor Kim Fook Lee (Physics), “Classical to Quantum Correspondence Device: Graphene-deposited Fiber and Silicon Waveguide,” NSF.
From Tech Today.