Category: Applied Cognitive Science and Human Factors

Dr. Jeon and Graduate Students Attend AutomotiveUI Conference

Philart and StudentsThis past week, Dr. Myoung “Philart” Jeon and seven of his students from CLS and CS attended the International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications at the University of Michigan.

Dr. Jeon and his team received a tremendously positive response to the tutorial they hosted titled “In-Vehicle Auditory Interactions: Design and Application of Auditory Displays, Speech, Sonification, & Music”.


Graduate Student Receives Prestigious Scholarship

Lavanya Rajesh Kumar, a first-year graduate student in the Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences, was selected for the prestigious J.N. Tata Endowment Scholarship. The J.N. Tata Endowment for the Higher Education of Indians awards scholars who have distinguished themselves and have had outstanding achievments.  Lavanya is advised by Dr. Kevin Trewartha and works in the Aging, Cognition, and Action lab.

Flint Teachers Visit Michigan Tech

Flint teachers recently participated in a four day Teacher Professional Development summer institute at the Great Lakes Research Center. The program, which was funded by General Motors, focused on the Flint River Watershed, drinking water treatment, and wastewater treatment.

“These are the people that are going to change the lives that need to get this work done over the next several decades. If we can reach these teachers, then we can stimulate a process that’s going to engage the young people and that’s where the future is,” said Martin Auer, a Professor in Michigan Tech’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

From abc 10 news. Read full article

Congratulations, Assistant Professor Jeon and Graduate Students!

Myounghoon "Philart" JeonMyounghoon “Philart” Jeon (CLS/CS) and his graduate students Jason Sterkenburg (CLS), Steven Landry (CLS) and Ridwan Khan (CS) presented five papers at the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD) which was held at Australian National University in Canberra, Australia July 3 through July 7.

The graduate students earned the Best Student Paper Award at the conference. Sterkenburg and Khan’s research proposals were selected for the doctoral colloquium at the conference and their travel was partly supported by NSF.

The papers presented were “Tempo-fit heart rate app: Using heart rate sonification as exercise performance feedback”, “Musical robots for children with ASD using a client-server architecture”, “Listen to your drive: Sonification architecture and strategies for driver state performance”, “LifeMusic: Reflection of life memories by data sonification” and “Towards an in-vehicle sonically-enhanced gesture control interface: A pilot study.”

Robot Theatre Play

Robot Theatre Play
Robot Theatre Play

Kids at Dollar Bay Elementary School are putting on performances this week using two robots. The students have been working with Michigan Tech graduate students as part of the school’s Great Explorations program.

The graduate students are supervised by Assistant Professor Philart Jeon, who coordinates the Mind Music Machine Lab. The group is giving children exposure to technology and the arts.

The theatrical performance is taking place after National Robotics Week.

Watch the interview in Michigan Tech Unscripted: Science and Research.