Category: Faculty and Staff

MTU Ecosystem Ecologist Helps Bring ‘Foundations of’ series into a New Era

Amy Marcarelli stands outdoors at the Great Lakes Research Center on a sunny day.
Michigan Tech Biological Sciences Professor Amy Marcarelli is the co-editor of recently published Foundations of Stream and River Ecology, a revival of Chicago Press’ Foundations of… series.

Biological Sciences professor Amy Marcarelli is the proud co-editor of recently published Foundations of Stream and River Ecology: A Guide to the Classic Literature. The book is a continuation of the University of Chicago Press Foundations of series, which began with the first publication of Foundations of Ecology over 30 years ago. The series had temporarily lapsed in publications as resources for academic papers shifted to digital availability, but has been brought back with a new perspective in this latest addition.

Previous editions in the series reprinted academic research papers in their entirety, with a brief introduction explaining the editors’ reason for including those particular papers. The goal, Marcarelli said, was to get these foundational papers into the hands of graduate students and others exploring a new field. Now that academic papers are more readily available online, Marcarelli and her co-editors took a different approach with their compilation.

“If you don’t know the original literature you run the risk of reinventing the wheel.”

– Amy Marcarelli, biological sciences

The book is designed to not only refer researchers to classic literature in the field, but to provide additional context to each paper’s place in the history of stream and river ecology. Instead of fully reprinting each paper, the book is presented as an annotated bibliography with summaries of each paper, and a “looking forward” section highlighting changes to the field after those papers were published.

This book is also the first comprehensive work of its kind in the relatively new field of stream and river ecology. While most established labs and courses have a recommended reading list passed down by mentors, Marcarelli said this is the first compilation published with additional context for those papers. Most papers included in the book were published before the 2000s, which was an intentional reaction to the modern landscape of digital research paper databases.

“When students go to do research there is sort of a sense that newer papers are better or sometimes it is more difficult to find older papers,” said Marcarelli, “Some of those indexes don’t go much before the mid-80s or they have poor coverage of papers before then.”

The book sits on a brown table. The cover art shows a rocky stream in the forest. The text reads: “Foundations of Stream and River Ecology: A Guide to the Classic Literature Edited by Wyatt F. Cross, Jonathan P. Benstead, Amy M. Marcarelli, and Ryan A. Sponseller
Amy Marcarelli co-edited Foundations of Stream and River Ecology: A Guide to the Classic Literature, which was published by University of Chicago Press in December 2024.

Marcarelli and her co-editors have found many seeds of unexplored ideas and unanswered questions still exist within older, classic papers and wanted to bring them to students’ attention.

“A lot of those early papers have a lot in them, and they get cited for one thing but there is so much more material and ideas embedded in those. Things that in our current, concise, very focused scientific writing style we don’t include in our modern papers but they are certainly there in the older papers,” said Marcarelli.

Marcarelli was invited to the project by her long-time colleague and lead editor Wyatt F. Cross. While she has never done research directly with Cross or her other co-editors, Jonathan P. Benstead and Ryan A. Sponseller, they have all collaborated in their shared field for many years and are members of the Society for Freshwater Science. The project was created with editors from a variety of backgrounds to provide additional perspectives, and that intentionality carried over to discussions of diversity when editing the book.

One of Marcarelli’s major contributions to the book was reconciling who did the research behind each paper and why, as well as who may have been excluded from the table in the past.

“You can’t discount the work that was done in the past because it was done in a culture where some people had opportunities and some didn’t, but you also have to be careful not to exacerbate past sins, for lack of a better word,” said Marcarelli.

Though Marcarelli said stream and river ecology has had key female leaders since the 1970s, representation in the field has still been predominantly male and white. Editors focused especially on highlighting diverse voices of up and coming researchers in the book’s “looking forward” sections. Their journey to encourage diversity in the field is expressed in greater detail in the book’s forward and epilogue.

“We talked a lot about not just paying attention to things like citation count. Thinking about where there might be papers by groups or people that maybe haven’t been recognized as as important as they should be and trying to highlight those where possible,” she said, “not just thinking about gender diversity, but also about geographic diversity.”

Copies can be purchased through The University of Chicago Press. Marcarelli also plans to make copies available in the J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library as well once they have been shipped to her.

About the College of Sciences and Arts

The College of Sciences and Arts is a global center of academic excellence in the sciences, humanities, and arts for a technological world. Our teacher-scholar model is a foundation for experiential learning, innovative research and scholarship, and civic leadership. The College offers 33 bachelor’s degrees in biological sciences, chemistry, humanities, kinesiology and Integrative physiology, mathematical sciences, physics, psychology and human factors, social sciences, and visual and performing arts. We are home to Michigan Tech’s pre-health professions and ROTC programs. The College offers 25 graduate degrees and certificates. We conduct approximately $12 million in externally funded research in health and wellness, sustainability and resiliency, and the human-technology frontier.

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From a Childhood Dream to the Forests of the Pacific Northwest: New Documentary Chronicles Michigan Tech Entomologist’s Journey

Thomas Werner sits inside his mobile lab tent in front of a microscope, imaging fruit flies. The lighting is tinted blue as it filters through the tent walls.
Genetics and developmental biology professor Thomas Werner’s quest to document fruit flies across North America is captured in the new documentary All the Little Things.

How do you capture microscopic images of miniscule fruit flies when you’re 3,000 miles away from the lab? Grab some popcorn and kick back in the Van Pelt and Opie Library at Michigan Tech to find out.

All the Little Things, a new documentary film featuring the work of genetics and developmental biology professor Thomas Werner will be screened at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22. A Q&A will follow the 40-minute film. Admission is free, the public is invited, and yes, popcorn will be served.

CSA Students Observe Climate Issues and Initiatives  at United Nations Conference

A large three-dimensional sign saying #COP29 stands in front of a green interior wall. The wall above the sign reads, “In solidarity for a Green World”.
Four Huskies attended the United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP 29, in Baku, Azerbaijan.

For the fifth year, Huskies attended the United Nations Climate Change Conference to observe the world’s only multilateral decision-making forum on climate change, also known as COP 29. COP 29 stands for the 29th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), a landmark international treaty agreed in 1992, and parent treaty to the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Physicist’s Search for a New Project Leads to Discovery and Publication

View of the HAWC Observatory with mountains in the background
Data from the HAWC Observatory, shown here, was central to the research project. (Image credit: Jordan Goodman/HAWC Collaboration)

When postdoctoral scholar Xiaojie Wang of the Michigan Technological University Physics Department went looking for her next research topic, she found a previously unexplored region and a path to publication.

Wang is lead corresponding author of the article, “Ultra-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Bubble around Microquasar V4641 Sgr” recently published in Nature journal. The findings highlighted in the article offer new insights into how microquasars might contribute to the cosmic-ray energy spectrum—a long-standing puzzle in astrophysics.

“While reviewing the sky maps in search of my next project, I noticed a region five degrees away from our galactic plane with bright emissions that had not been visible in previous datasets,” said Wang, who works with Petra Huentemeyer, a distinguished professor of physics at Michigan Tech. “No gamma-ray source has been identified nor analyzed in this region—so I seized the opportunity and led the analysis.”

Statewide Billboard Campaign, Michigan Words, Features Michigan Tech Associate Professor

One of M. Bartley Seigel’s billboards along US Highway 41 between Negaunee and Marquette.

If you’re traveling through Escanaba, Marquette, Flint, or the metro Detroit area, keep an eye out for a familiar Michigan Tech Humanities Department faculty member. M. Bartley Seigel will be hard to miss. He’s larger than life thanks to Michigan Words, a statewide billboard campaign celebrating contemporary Michigan poets.

Abe Stone: Making a Difference and Making Headlines

Undergraduate researcher Abe Stone records inoculation data in his notebook.

Michigan Tech undergraduate researcher Abe Stone has been garnering headlines for his work. The ecology and evolutionary biology major demonstrates the adage that science isn’t done until it’s communicated. He also illustrates how the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program helps students conduct impactful interdisciplinary research.

Stone was most recently quoted by The Cool Down in a story about SuperPurp, his unconventional fungus-based treatment aimed at controlling the spread of invasive buckthorn trees that threaten to engulf forest landscapes in the Midwest. The story referenced the research’s debut on Michigan Tech’s Unscripted Research Blog, and was picked up by Yahoo! News. Stone was also interviewed by ABC-10 in Marquette.

Stone was a guest on the Mushroom Revival podcast in June to talk about his research journey to Michigan Tech, where he worked to develop a sprayable fungus as a more efficient way to propagate chondrostereum purpureum, the pathogen that causes silverleaf disease in trees. Nicknamed SuperPurp and developed in the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science’s forest microbiology lab, it’s a locally sourced chemical-free alternative to control buckthorn that could help to slow the spread of invasive buckthorn without harming nearby species.

New Institute Brings Keweenaw Time Traveler to the World—And New Researchers to Keweenaw

Two children viewing the time traveler demo with an researcher

Deep-mapping projects like Keweenaw Time Traveler can engage communities in meaningful, multi-generational explorations. (Image courtesy KeTT)

An advanced institute in the spatial and digital humanities is coming to Michigan Tech.

Don Lafreniere, a professor of geography and geographic information science (GIS) in Tech’s Department of Social Sciences is leading a team of researchers, staff, and students from Michigan Tech and Wayne State University on project that will develop the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Community Deep Mapping Institute. The project is supported by a $250,000 NEH grant.

Tech’s Workshop Brass Band Gets a Musical Education in New Orleans and on the Road

Earlier this year, members of Michigan Tech’s Workshop Brass Band got a taste of the jazz musician’s life on the road.

Preston Dibean performs a solo, showcasing musical education with MTU’s Workshop Brass Band at the Broadway Oyster Bar in Saint Louis.
 Preston Dibean blows a solo in front of MTU’s Workshop Brass Band at the Broadway Oyster Bar in Saint Louis. (All photos courtesy of Michigan Tech’s Workshop Brass Band)

Huskies tested their mettle by embarking on a five-day road trip to New Orleans. Even more than that, they discovered — through practice, through performance, through instruction — how to be a musician’s musician by being faithful to the original music, open to learning and willing to make mistakes.

Adam Meckler, associate professor and director of jazz studies, and visiting instructor Drew Kilpela led 16 jazz students on a 2,000-mile odyssey that began on New Year’s Day 2024. Meckler coordinated gigs, workshops with jazz legends and opportunities for Tech students to teach high school band students. The journey began with a rehearsal before the musicians set out. What they learned on the road can’t be taught in a classroom.

Doctor Kemmy Taylor: Dynamic Dedicated Pre-Health Professions Director Debuts

Kemmy Taylor
Doctor Kemmy Taylor

Michigan Tech’s College of Sciences and Arts has hired Dr. Kemmy Taylor as the Director of Pre-Health Professions. In her role, Dr. Taylor is responsible for advising and mentoring students and creating opportunities for shadowing, internships and professional school admissions. She began her duties on May 15.

“We are very excited to hire someone with Dr. Taylor’s clinical experience for this role,” Interim Dean of the College of Sciences and Arts Ravindra Pandey said. “She knows exactly what the student journey is like to get into medicine, from the pre-health professions program as an undergraduate to the application process, graduate school, residency and clinical experiences they will encounter along the way. Plus, her connections to the local medical community helps our students to find shadowing and clinical opportunities. I look forward to working with her as we continue to grow Michigan Tech’s Pre-Health Professions program.”

Read more about Dr. Taylor at the Pre-Health Professions Blog.

For VP of Diversity Gersie, Progress Won’t Be Complete Without Sense of Belonging

Wayne Gersie
Wayne Gersie

Most are familiar with the shorthand “DEI” for diversity, equity and inclusion. But when he speaks on the topic, Michigan Tech Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion Wayne Gersie almost always adds something. “Sense of belonging.”

“We can be successful on many metrics for diversity, equity and inclusion,” he says. “If students don’t have a sense that they belong — that they are welcomed and valued — then numeric gains won’t mean as much and may even be temporary.”

Shortly after coming to Tech as its first VP-level diversity officer, Gersie said that making progress on campus would require the efforts of many.

“In the words of Helen Keller, ‘Alone, we can do so little. Together we can do so much,’ “ he said. “Campus culture will be enhanced as we work together with respect and openness towards a community where differences are valued, where equal access, opportunity, and representation are achieved, and where we are able to sustain an inclusive environment where all feel a sense of belonging.”

And, he stresses in a recent interview, that involves following a process.

“We need a definite plan so that we can be intentional in our implementation of it.”

Wayne Gersie, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion

In getting DEI buy-in from faculty, students and staff, he says it can’t be won with strictly top-down initiatives.

“The thoughts must come from leadership, yes, but also from the grassroots,” he says. “If this effort is too top-down, there will never be enough buy-in. The happy plan is something that lies between the two.”

“That’s why I want to focus on sense of belonging,” he said. “Because everyone has a stake in that process.”

It’s also why he didn’t arrive and immediately impose a series of decisions or programs. So, overall, how does he view his role?

“I’m here to help set the 10,000-foot tone, perhaps some goals, and see what we can accomplish together,” he said.

A complete program he says, will create efforts and success in three primary areas:
• High-impact practices
• Recruitment and retention
• Communications and branding

Gersie hopes that current and prospective students see his hiring last fall as a “promissory note” from the university, representing clear intent to make progress on DEI issues.

He is currently working with the President’s Council Task Force for Diversity and Inclusion to perform a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis that they will use to generate a plan that will be shared transparently.

“We first need to know what we’re doing now. Then we can plan the things we’re going to do and say ‘here are the metrics,’ and hold ourselves to these actions a year from now,” he said. “We need a definite plan so that we can be intentional in our implementation of it.”

“I know many students, faculty and staff want to see action,” he said, adding that he wants to be able to list steps that will provide immediate benefit while working on the longer-term process.

“I’m happy, for instance, that CSA and other colleges will form groups that will say, “This is what our plan looks like.’ “He said he was also encouraged that some schools and departments had already taken the initiative to publish statements affirming commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Beyond that, though, he said the possibilities are endless. “Maybe we should have a statement on every syllabus,” he said.

He also said that much of the process could be about teaching the skills and benefits of self-reflection and consideration of one’s own heritage, privileged or not. “Maybe part of this is the need to show students how to value their own identity as well as commit to valuing it ourselves.”

Among the measurable outcomes he hopes to improve: The fact that the six-year graduation rate for all underrepresented minority students is less than 62%, compared with 72.2% for all students (based on the freshman class of 2014).

“Representation has an effect on so many things, from recruitment to retention,” Gersie said, adding that one way to increase representation is to ensure blind screening to eliminate unconscious bias in admissions.

“We will be judged in the things we do day-to-day,” he said. “For instance, we can write job postings that have inclusive language. We must do enduring things. It’s clear that people here at Michigan Tech have the passion to create change. But we need to direct that.”

He said the successful dialogue (he had already talked with more than 100 students in March) on diversity has five key components:
• Active listening
• The suspension of judgment
• Leaning into discomfort
• Understanding one’s own privilege
• Having and showing compassion.

Asked about possible resistance to change, including those who would argue that diversity efforts somehow negatively affect quality, Gersie is firm: “The underlying truth is that diversity and excellence are not mutually exclusive,” he said.

Gersie’s Ph.D. is from Penn State University and is in workforce education and development. Previous to becoming Michigan Tech’s first VP for Diversity and Inclusion, he was the chief diversity officer and director of diversity enhancement, student programs and outreach at Penn State’s Applied Research Laboratory. Before that, he was director of the multicultural engineering program there.

Learn more about Gersie.
Follow Michigan Tech’s diversity efforts.
See the College of Sciences and Arts’ diversity statement.
