A biologist at Michigan Tech is working on a way to remove lead from soil that is simple, inexpensive, and, quite literally, green. Rupali Datta began her tests with vetiver grass back in 2004, when she was on the faculty of the University of Texas at San Antonio. “The city was removing lead paint in an old neighborhood, but there was still lots of lead in the soil,” she remembers. “The soil was tracked in the house as lead-laced dust…” [read more]
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) have been awarded to seven students in the College of Sciences and Arts, in biological sciences, exercise science, physics, biochemistry/molecular biology, and computer science programs. SURF at Michigan Tech is funded by the Vice President for Research and the Honors Institute… [read more]
Stacey Frankenstein-Markon is serving in Uganda as part of Michigan Tech’s Peace Corps Master’s International (PCMI) program in applied science education. Brad Baltensperger, chair of the Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences and program director of the PCMI Applied Science Education Program, and Casey Huckins, an associate professor of biological sciences who heads the University’s new PCMI in biological sciences, spent a week in Uganda to discuss the graduate students’ research… [read more]
A forty-fifth anniversary is a great reason to celebrate, and the jazz program at Michigan Technological University intends to party hearty. It all starts with the Off ‘Dem Jam Session at the Orpheum Theatre in downtown Hancock. The forty-fifth anniversary concert takes place at the Rozsa Center. It will also be the twelfth annual Don Keranen Memorial Concert… [read more]
Doctorate in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: This is an interdepartmental program that builds on existing faculty and existing courses in the Departments of Biology and Chemistry, as well as the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science. Bachelor of Arts in Physics and Bachelor of Arts in Physics with a concentration in secondary education: Seel says, “The motivation for offering a BA in physics is to provide students with a strong foundation in the field, but fewer course requirements…” [read more]
Sarah Weinreis completed her BS in Chemistry at Michigan Technological University in 2008, but her dream was to help high school students succeed in science and mathematics. She found a path to her goal through the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship program, which enabled her to earn her teacher certification. The Noyce program, run by the Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences, placed her at Arthur Hill High School in Saginaw, MI, a high-needs urban school… [read more]
Exactly what role the thousands of different small RNAs play has been a puzzle. Now, Guiliang Tang, an associate professor of biological sciences, has developed a way to put a single small RNA out of commission and observe what happens when it can’t do its job… [read more]
Roxane Gay, who received her PhD in Rhetoric and Technical Communication from the Department of Humanities in 2010, has had a story, “North Country,” selected for the 2012 edition of Best American Short Stories, published by Houghton Mifflin Co. Gay is the coeditor of [PANK] Magazine… [read more]
Assistant Professor of Psychology Edward Cokely has led an initiative to develop the Berlin Numeracy Test, which began in 2007 at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, Germany. The study addresses risk literacy–the ability to comprehend and act on information about life’s many risks… [read more]