Tag: audio production

Sound Girls Student Org Creates Spooky Short Film Based on Silent Found Footage

Black and white. Sound Girls student members run down a hallway chasing fellow student Jos Olson towards the camera in this still from the groups’ short film.
Sound Girls members get involved on both sides of the camera for their spooky short film Creeping Up with the Sound Ghouls

CAUTION: The following content contains the actual, unedited transcript of the Michigan Tech’s Sound Girls chapter executive board meeting recorded in October 2024. 

Vice President Jos Olson: “Do you want to pull up the found footage?”

President Vanessa Dulong: “Yes.”

Olson: “I love how we say ‘found footage’ as if it is real found ghost footage.”

Secretary Jack Summers: “It’s not?”

Dulong: “Well, it’s found in our Google Drive.”

Summers: “Are you telling me it’s not real?”

Olson: “No, it’s very real, you’re right.”