The Center for Water & Society World Water Day poster competition was held at the Great Lakes Research Center on Thursday March 21, 2013. Among the research poster presenters were:
Mariah Maggio (Graduate Student, Environmental & Energy Policy)
Advisor: Carol MacLennan
Investigation of the Utility of Rapid Assessment Process for the Environmental Development Work of Peace Corps Master’s International Students
Emma Schwaiger (Graduate Student, Industrial Archaeology)
Advisor: Carol MacLennan
Environmental Impact of the Torch Lake Industrial Waterfront
Andrew Kozich (Graduate Student, Forest Science)
Advisor: Kathleen Halvorsen
A Great Lakes Cultural Model for Water-Related Values, Beliefs, and Behaviors
The students are shown with their posters in DOE News.
Among the faculty presenters was Emma S. Norman, Assistant Professor of Geography, Department of Social Sciences, Environmental and Energy Policy Program. She discussed Water Without Borders, water governance, political ecology, water, security, and related topics. Her presentation runs from 10:00-17:20 in the World Water Day at Michigan Tech 2013 video.