Day: April 11, 2013

Assistant Professor Louise Dyble Awarded NEH Fellowship

NEHAssistant Professor of History Louise Dyble (SS), has been awarded a fellowship from the National Endowment of Humanities (NEH). From the NEH website:

“The NEH Summer Stipends program provides awards for individuals to pursue scholarly work in the humanities during the summer. Projects may contribute to scholarly knowledge in a particular discipline or to the general public’s understanding of the humanities, and they may address broad topics or focused research in a single field. Recipients typically produce scholarly articles, books, archeological site reports, translations, editions, or other scholarly tools in either traditional print or electronic formats.”

From Tech Today.

Proposals in Progress for April 11, 2013

Associate Professor Audrey Mayer (SS/SFI), Assistant Professor Laura Brown (CS/SFI), Research Engineer Robert Handler (ChE/SFI), Assistant Professor Timothy Havens (ECE/SFI) and Assistant Professor Mark Rouleau (SS/SFI), “Collaborative Research: CyberSEES: Type 2: Development of Data Driven Constitutive Platform of Models for Bioenergy Sustainability Assessment,” NSF.

From Tech Today.