Adam Wellstead published “Plus ça Change, Plus C’est La Meˆme Chose?,” a review of Paul Sabatier’s ‘‘An Advocacy Coalition Framework of Policy Change and the Role of Policy-oriented Learning Therein’’ in Policy Sciences.
Adam Wellstead published “Plus ça Change, Plus C’est La Meˆme Chose?,” a review of Paul Sabatier’s ‘‘An Advocacy Coalition Framework of Policy Change and the Role of Policy-oriented Learning Therein’’ in Policy Sciences.
Roman Sidortsov recently published an article, “At the Crossroads of Policy Ambitions and Political Reality: Reflections on the Prospects of LNG Development in Russia” in OGEL (Oil, Gas, and Energy Law) 4 (2017), in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).
Chelsea Schelly, Joshua Pearce, and Edward P. Louie (who completed an MS in Environmental and Energy Policy at Michigan Tech) published a new article, “Examining interconnection and net metering policy for distributed generation in the United States,” which was published in Renewable Energy Focus.
Adam Wellstead co-authored a paper “Policy Mixes and their Alignment over Time: Patching and Stretching in the Oil Sands Reclamation Regime in Alberta, Canada” for a Special Issue on Policy Mixes: Aligning Instruments for Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Service Provision in the Journal Environmental Policy and Governance.
Kari Henquinet’s essay, Women’s Rights and Transnational Aid Programs in Niger: The Conundrums and Possibilities of Neoliberalism and Legal Pluralism, was published in the new book In Human Rights Encounter Legal Pluralism, Eva Brems, Giselle Corradi and Mark Goodale, eds. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2017.
Erin Pischke and Kathy Halvorsen are co-authors of a newly-published article “Barriers and Solutions to Conducting Large International, Interdisciplinary Research Projects” in Environmental Management.
Nancy Langston published a new book titled “Sustaining Lake Superior” (Yale University Press, Fall 2017).
“How can communities help sustain the health of Lake Superior in the face of mining, climate change, forest change, invasive species, and emerging chemicals of concern? The challenges facing Lake Superior are many–yet local, regional, and international communities overcame enormous threats to the lake’s ecosystems in the past century.
Sustaining Lake Superior asks: What can we learn from the recoveries around Lake Superior over the past century, as we face new interconnected challenges from climate change, synthetic chemicals, and forest change?” Retrieved from http://www.sustaininglakesuperior.com/
Adam Wellstead recently co-authored two new articles: “Explaining through Causal Mechanisms: Resilience and Governance of Social-Ecological Systems” in Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability and “Policy Advice from Outsiders: The Challenges of Policy Co-construction” in International Journal of Public Administration.