Category: News

SS Faculty Panel – Keynote Presenters at D80 Conference

D80-2015A panel of Social Sciences faculty will be presenting at the 9th annual D80 Conference in Michigan Tech’s Dow Building – room 641 – at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 24, 2015.

Discussion:  “How Does Change Happen? Cases in Technology and Design”. 

Panel includes:

Moderator: Kari Henquinet, Director Peace Corps Master’s International Program

Sarah Fayen Scarlett, Assistant Professor of History

Jonathan Robins, Assistant Professor of History

Laura Walikainen Rouleau, Instructor, Social Sciences

Steve Walton, Assistant Professor of History


Click on D80 Conference 2015 for more information.

Geoseminar with Tim Scarlett

Dr. Tim Scarlett

Join us Friday from 3-4 p.m. in DOW 610 for a discussion with Tim Scarlett on Geoarchaeology, Industrial Archaeology and Industrial Heritage: Collaborations and Potential Archaeology. Archaeology has deep roots in geology. The geological sciences contribute a great deal to archaeological method and today’s archaeologists must have basic training in geological principles and practices.

The peculiar field of Industrial Archaeology presents excellent and fertile ground for interaction between the disciplines, but this unusual ground is unevenly exploited. Current developments in Industrial Heritage in the Keweenaw and around the globe point to ways that we can enhance collaborations. Scarlett will introduce some brief examples of how geological and mining engineers and scientists could fruitfully interact with archaeologists involved in the study of industrial heritage, discussions will ensue.

Susanna Peters Interviewed for Constitution Day

Susanna Peters Constitution Day
Susanna Peters

University Students celebrate Constitution Day

Students at Michigan Tech gathered outside for a ceremony on campus to honor the occasion. The founding document was signed on September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is a federal requirement that all universities do something to mark the anniversary date.

“I think it gives students a really good reminder to think about the Constitution as the document that we all admire and has worked a long time for this country,” said Social Sciences Department Lecturer Susanna Peters.

Read more and watch the video at ABC 10 UP, by Rick Allen.

Lafreniere Co-Hosts Panel in Quebec City

Lafreniere_QuebecCityDon Lafreniere (SS/GLRC) co-hosted a scientific panel on Spatial Analysis in Historical Demography last week at the Université du Québec in Quebec City, Canada. Sponsored by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, the panel brought together researchers from around the world to discuss emerging scholarship in spatial demography and to strengthen dialogue between historical and contemporary demographers.

Community Discussion Series: Langston and the GLRC on Sustaining Lake Superior

Langston1From Tech Today:

The second year of community seminars/discussions at the Carnegie Museum of the Keweenaw were announced this week by emeritus professors Bill Rose and Susan Martin. The initial discussion is September 15 and will be led by Nancy Langston (SS) and the GLRC: Sustaining Lake Superior. The museum’s doors will open at 6:30 p.m. for refreshments and introductions, and the lecture will begin at 7 p.m. The series will run through April 2016, with a guest speaker featured on the third Tuesday of each month.

Rose and Martin, Carnegie Museum board members, say they have lined up distinguished senior researchers from Michigan Tech to address topics of interest to teachers, students, residents and the larger community.

For more information, see the Carnegie Museum website.