Category: Research

New Book: “Environmental Policy and the Pursuit of Sustainability” Edited by Schelly and Banerjee. Features Chapters by Kreuze, Pischke, and Sidortsov

SchellyBanerjeeChelsea Schelly and Aparajita Banerjee (PhD EEP) are co-editors of the volume Environmental Policy and Pursuit of Sustainability, just published by Routledge. Contributing authors/co-authors include Amanda Kreuze (MS EEP), Erin Pischke (PhD EEP), and Roman Sidortsov along with Banerjee and Schelly.

Scarlett, Trepal, and Keweenaw Time Traveler Research on how Copper Country Towns have Changed Featured in Detroit Free Press

Photo: Keweenaw Time Traveler
Photo: Keweenaw Time Traveler

Research by Sarah Scarlett (SS) and Dan Trepal, a PhD student in Industrial Heritage and Archeology, was featured in the Detroit Free Press. The article describes how the Keweenaw Time Traveler can be used to understand how Copper Country towns have changed over time.

L’Anse Area Solar Feasibility Study Released

lanse-cs-report2Michigan Technological University students and the Upper Peninsula Solar Technical Assistance Team (UPSTART) presented the results of the community solar feasibility study to Village of L’Anse community members on Dec. 13. The project seeks to determine whether L’Anse residents are interested in community solar and how to best design a program that would be affordable and accessible.

The full report is posted online at

To read more:

Papers Presented at Social Science History Association Conference

Social Sciences History Association
J. Baeten, D. Lafreniere, D. Trepal, S. Scarlett, and L. Rouleau

John Baeten, Don Lafreniere, Laura Rouleau, Sarah Scarlett, and Dan Trepal attended and presented papers at the 2017 Social Science History Association Conference in Montreal, Quebec. Papers include:

J. Baeten, N. Langston, D. Lafreniere. Navigating Impaired Waters: Water Quality Legacies of Historic Iron Mining in Minnesotas Mesabi Range.
L. Rouleau. Gendering Privacy: Public School Lockerrooms in the Early 20th Century.
D. Lafreniere, S. Scarlett, D. Trepal, J. Arnold. Capturing and Contextualizing History- Using Public Participatory Historical GIS to Build a Spatial Data Infrastructure of Historical Landscapes and Environments.
S. Scarlett, D. Lafreniere, J. Arnold, D. Trepal. Historical GIS and Public History: Engaging Todays Communities with Yesterdays Changing Places.
D. Trepal, D. Lafreniere, S. Scarlett, J. Arnold. Big Data for Industrial Heritage and Archaeology: the Copper Country Historical Spatial Data Infrastructure.

Burkett Awarded a Michigan Sea Grant Graduate Student Research Fellowship

erin-burkettErin Burkett, Environmental and Energy Policy PhD student, was awarded a $78,497 Michigan Sea Grant Graduate Student Research Fellowship. As a fellow, Erin will work with her faculty advisor Dr. Richelle Winkler and an agency sponsor at the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (Tracy Kolb) on a project that supports existing Great Lakes research. The awarded project, titled “I once caught a fish “THIS BIG”: Using Participatory Photovoice to Understand Michigan’s Great Lakes Anglers”, will explore the reasons Michigan residents participate in Great Lakes recreational fishing.