Category: Archives

Student News Brief: January 28, 2011

BIGFOOT SNOWSHOE EVENT REGISTRATION:  On-line registration for this year’s Bigfoot Snowshoe Event is finally OPEN!  Find event details and a link to registration at  The pre-registration deadline (for a cheaper price and guaranteed t-shirt on the day of the event) is Feb. 4…so register TODAY!

DELTA ZETA EVENT:  On Wednesday, February 2nd from 6-7pm Delta Zeta will be holding a Splash of Summer Event; we will be making fruit shishkabobs, having a limbo contest, beach ball volleyball, and other summery activities! Contact Jessi Thoresen, if you have any questions.

POETRY SLAM:  Calling all Poets/Spoken Word Artist!  Deadline Feb. 4th:  The Poetry Slam will be Friday February 25th at 8pm in the MUB Ballroom. Anyone who is interested in performing should submit a poem to Tayloria Adams at  Poems will be accepted from now until February 4th, one entry per person. Performers will be selected and notified via email by February 9th. CASH prizes of $200, $100, and $50 will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places winners, respectively.

BENEFIT 70’S DANCE:  Engineers Without Borders is hosting a 70’s Dance in the MUB Ballroom on Saturday, Feb. 5, 8 pm – midnight.  Snacks provided; $5 cover charge; cash bar (with valid ID); prize for the best costume!  All proceeds go toward supporting our current projects in Bolivia, Guatemala and Honduras.  For more information please email Erin Valdivia (

PAUL CASTLE BENEFIT:  There will be a Chili Fundraiser to benefit Paul Castle on FRIDAY, Feb. 11 (Friday of Winter Carnival) at St. Albert the Great Church (411 Macinnes Drive, Houghton) from 11 AM – 7 PM.  Suggested donation is $5 or more.  There will be a silent auction of local goods and services.  Volunteers are welcome and needed.  Questions can be directed to Genny Gierke (  Paul, a junior at Michigan Tech, was recently involved in a severe motor vehicle accident while traveling back to school to start the spring semester.  Icy conditions caused the vehicle in the oncoming lane to lose control and strike Paul’s vehicle. He was taken to Marquette General and later airlifted to U of M Medical Center, where he is still undergoing surgeries to repair his injuries.  All proceeds go towards Paul’s treatment and rehabilitation.

BUFFALO RIVER ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAK:  Join the Outdoor Adventure Program’s Alternative Spring Break, Buffalo River Paddling!   Dates: March 4-12; Cost: $400.  Swing by the Outdoor Adventure Program Rental Center to sign up or get more info by visiting  Paddle down the Buffalo River, our first national waterway.  A mildly challenging river, the Buffalo has something for all paddling levels, and the bluffs of the Ozarks are some of the most scenic in the country. The trip includes two experienced guides, transportation, food, boats, group gear, tickets into the St. Louis Arch, and a week in the sunny Arkansas climes. The trip also qualifies you to register for a PE credit. Guaranteed to be unforgettable!