Student News Briefs – March 2, 2018

 Seeking Nominations for the 24th Annual Student Leadership Awards

At Michigan Tech we are blessed with students that are crazy smart, motivated and adventurous. As faculty and staff, we partner with these students to inspire community, scholarship, possibilities, accountability and tenacity. We realize how lucky we are to be able to work alongside them in their academic and career pursuits.
Now is the time to recognize these students for their commitment, enthusiasm and leadership. On behalf of the University, we are seeking nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership, Vice President for Student Affairs and Advancement Award for Service, and various other student leadership awards. The recipient of each award will be honored at the 24th Annual Student Leadership Awards Ceremony at 6 p.m. Friday, April 20  in the Memorial Union Ballroom.
The nomination process is simple. All awards and information about each can be found online. For each individual award, simply click on the award title, then complete and submit the nomination form.
Nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership and the Vice President for Student Affairs and Advancement Award for Service are due by 5 p.m. Friday, March 9.  Nominations for all other Student Leadership Awards are due by 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 23. Questions concerning the awards can be directed to Student Activities.
Take a minute to nominate a student or colleague today!

Turkish Cuisine at Fridays Khana Khazana

By Khana Khazana

This week at the Memorial Union North Coast Grill and Deli, we are featuring a menu from Turkey.

The menu features:                      Turkish Cuisine

  • Beyti Kebab
  • Menemen
  • Pilaf
  • Baklava

Serving is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.(TODAY), Friday, March 2nd. The cost is $7.95 and includes a fountain beverage. Visit Khana Khazana on Facebook.

Tech Theatre Presents “When You Comin’ Back Red Ryder”

Tech Theatre presents When You Comin’ Back Red Ryder, a play by Mark Medoff. The employees and customers of Foster’s Diner in Hope, New Mexico, 88250, experience a terrorizing examination their personal desires and dreams when Teddy, a disillusioned biker, calls them on living in made-up worlds. Some pretend nothing happened, but others find a new direction for their lives. Emotionally charged and unpredictably brutal, the play plunges from the mundane to frightening. Please note: This play uses adult language, simulated violence, and a gunshot from a theatrical firearm will be discharged during this production. The play will run Thursday – Saturday, for two weeks, Thursday, February 22 -Saturday, February 24, and Thursday, March 1 – Saturday, March 3, at 7:30 pm each night, in the McArdle Theatre.

Applications Now Open for the ICE House!

The Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship (ICE) House’s mission is to promote innovation through group collaboration. Live in a house where you share in challenges and success, pool knowledge and expertise and live with a common purpose. The deadline for this is March 30th, 2018.

Amenities include:

  • On Campus

  • No Meal Plan Required

  • Professional Kitchen

  • Flat Screen TVs

  • Mentorships

  • Access to Venture Capitalists

  • Competition Opportunities

  • Entrepreneurship Guidance

  • Already have a housing contract? Transfer it to the ICE House!

Who knows, the next Facebook might be born here!

Apply Today!


More Information




Questions? or

Volunteer Opportunity 
2018 UP Health System Great Bear Chase Ski Marathon
Are you and your friends hanging around Houghton for Spring Break? If so, here’s a great opportunity to participate in one of the best Nordic Ski Races in the Midwest – the UP Health System Great Bear Chase.
We are looking for volunteers to help with parking, stadium set up, aid stations, and more. The event takes place on Saturday, March 10th at the Swedetown Trails in Calumet. There are volunteer opportunities from early morning to mid afternoon.
If you are interested in volunteering, please follow the link below and complete the short form. Full instructions and directions will be provided to you prior to the event.

Blue Key Survey

Blue Key would like to send a warm note of thanks for all the organizations and individuals who helped to make Winter Carnival great this year.  We could not do it without each and every one of you.

Every year, Blue Key sends out a survey asking for feedback on the competition and other events happening during Winter Carnival in order to know where we can improve and make the event even better for next year.  Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey to share your thoughts.  Direct messages regarding Winter Carnival can also be addressed to

Survey ends March 18, 2018.

Survey URL:


Last chance at Course Material Survey!

We’re almost there! We are on the last couple days of the Spring 2018 Course Material Survey. For those that have participated, we thank you tremendously! For those that still have yet to complete the survey, your opinions are important and we’d like to hear them. The survey is being fielded nationwide and your answers will help other participating universities and colleges as well as the Michigan Tech Campus Store.

Please check your email for the link to the survey. If you’ve misplaced the email with the link, please feel free to reach out to the Campus Store at As an added incentive, several gift cards will be available for winning!

Deadline for this survey is March 3, 2018.

Lean and Continuous Improvement Information Session

The students from the Office of Continuous Improvement will be holding a Lean and Continuous Improvement information session. This semester’s topic will be on 5S. What is 5S you may ask? Well 5S stands for sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain. 5S is used to identify and reduce waste using the red-tag technique which helps create a more efficient workspace or area. It can be applied in many different areas like the workplace, study space, or even in your own home! Come find out more about how to 5S your life! We can’t wait to see you there!

Where: Library East Reading Room

When: Thursday, March 8th

Time: 6-7 PM

*Food and Refreshments will be available!!*


Spring HuskyLEAD Series

Student Activities announces the Spring 2018 HuskyLEAD series.  HuskyLEAD is a series of hour-long workshops that help Michigan Tech students develop personal, professional, academic and organizational leadership skills.  The workshops are free and open to everyone.  All sessions will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Memorial Union Alumni Lounge A.

Faculty and staff are encouraged to pass this information along to students.  Attendance is taken at the workshops and can be forwarded to faculty who assign them as a supplement to their curriculum.

The Spring 2018 schedule is as follows:   HuskyLEAD A

Thursday, March 22 – “Leading with Inclusivity:  How to impact Your World with Intentional and Inclusive Actions, Language and Purpose.”  This workshop will raise your awareness and understanding of how to recognize how our conscious and subconscious actions affect others and how we can shift our behaviors to create a more welcoming and inclusive community.  The presenter is Amy Howard from the Center for Diversity and Inclusion.

Thursday, April 5 – “Mindfulness 101:  Improve Focus and Reduce Stress Before Finals.”  Learn the basics of mindfulness to help you reduce stress and increase your focus for final exams.  The practice of mindfulness can be applied to starting a new job or internship, or just reducing daily stress and living more fully in the present.  The presenter is Joan Kero, health coach and yoga instructor.

For more information, visit the HuskyLEAD website at  If you have any questions or comments about the workshops, email Rochelle Spencer at, or Maryann Wilcox at, or call 7-1963.

Become an Agent for Innovative Change at Michigan Tech:

Apply to be a University Innovation Fellow!

As a fellow, you will:

– gain skills, tools, and a national network of peers      UIF 2018 Header

– hone in on your leadership and communication skills

– broaden your understanding of design thinking

– attend a 4-day retreat at Stanford University and Google

– impact student innovation and entrepreneurship at Michigan Tech

The application can be found here: We will be accepting applications until Wednesday, March 21st at 11:59pm. If you are interested in learning more information, info sessions will be held on Tuesday, March 6th at 5 pm in EERC 103, or Wednesday, March 7th at 7 pm in Fisher 125.

 Funding Available for your Organization

Do you have a great idea that would benefit Tech students, but your organization doesn’t have the funding to support it?

The Tech Parents Annual Fund may be able to help!

Registered student organizations (RSO), University departments, and those representing new campus initiatives intended to benefit the students of Michigan Technological University may request support from the Tech Parents Annual Fund for an event, program, travel, or equipment purchase.

For more information or to submit a Parents Fund request visit: .

Buti Yoga
Join instructor Natasha for a new HuskiesFit adult group fitness class – Buti Yoga! Classes start soon!

Buti Yoga Basics Express – Perfect for the beginner and open to all fitness levels; anyone who wants to blast through their Friday lunch hour.

Buti Yoga Intensive – An 80-minute calorie-scorching worButi yogakout open to all fitness levels and perfect for those with a basic knowledge of Yoga. If you’re looking for a way to finish your weekend strong, this intensive class will be exactly what you need!

Commit to Be HuskiesFit with Buti Yoga!

2018 Summer Sports Camps

Summer Sports Camps

Registration for 2018 Michigan Tech Summer Sports Camps officially opens today! We are offering 15 programs in 8 different sports for youth of all ages.

Sign your #futurehuskies up today!

For more information and to register, visit Summer Sports Camps.



HuskiesFit Adult Group Fitness – Round 2!


Several HuskiesFit Adult Group Fitness Classes will be starting new sessions soon! Choose your fit and try one of the following:
  • Afrobeat Fitness
  • Aikido
  • Aqua-Fit
  • Buti Yoga Basics Express NEW!
  • Buti Yoga Intensive NEW!
  • Fitbarre
  • Muay Thai
  • Simple Changes for a Healthier Lifestyle
  • TRX Fit
  • TRX Body Blast
  • Yoga for Back Health

For more information and to register, visit HuskiesFit Adult Programs. Commit to be HuskiesFit!

Get Certified As A Lifeguard

Earn your lifeguard certification @ the SDC on March 3 & 4! Get a jump on summer employment now! Class size limited. #lifeguard #arc#huskiesfit


Future Huskies 2018 Spring Camps, Clinics & Tournaments
Spring is right around the corner! Register today for the following spring mini camps and clinics:

2018 Spring Camps & Clinics

For more information, visit Spring Camps and Clinics. Commit your Future Huskies to be HuskiesFit this spring!

Donation Bin Information

If your student organization or department is collecting donations, Facilities Management must be notified of any donation bins being placed on campus. Bins may only be placed in approved locations, for a list of approved locations please click here.

Only one bin is allowed per building at a time. Bins are allowed on a first “notify” first serve basis, so please submit your information to us early.

Student organizations or departments are responsible for:
-Notifying Facilities Management of bin placement at least 2 days prior to placing the bin
-Periodically emptying the bins
-Removing any donated items left outside of the bins
-Removal of the bin on the date reported

Facilities Management will monitor the bins and notify the student organization or department contact if:
-There is already a bin placed in the location you have requested during the same time period
-Bins are full
-Bins are located outside of the approved area
-Donation items have been left outside of the bin
-It is past the date that bin should have been removed

For additional information or to complete a “Donation Bin Notification Form” please click here.

5K Run/Walk to Raise Money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society

This event is a 5k run/walk to raise money to donate to the Michigan Chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society. The Physical Therapy Student Organization will the hosting the event, with volunteers from Finlandia, Walgreen’s, and the Pre-PT Club at MTU assisting (approximately 40 volunteers total). Faculty advisor, Dr. Cameron Williams (, will be present during the event. The run will take place on April 14, 2018, with registration beginning at 9 am, the running event starting at 9:30 am, and the walk beginning at 9:40 am. Volunteers will inspect the course the previous evening and will be on location at approximately 7 am to begin set-up for the race. The event will conclude no later than 1:00 pm, with clean-up following the event and concluding by 2:00 pm. Volunteers will ensure all trash (empty water bottles, paper, plates, napkins, etc.) has been placed in the proper trash and recycling bins, and all tables, markers, and other equipment are removed from the starting area and the course.

There will be 3-4 tables set up (rented from Superior Rentals) for registration, t-shirt pick-up, raffle prizes, multiple sclerosis information, and post-race refreshments (bottled water, muffins, fruit, etc.). A DJ will be present, using a generator to power his equipment to provide music before the race, during the race start, and as the runners are crossing the finish line. The tables will be located on the sidewalk behind Lot 14, where the starting line of the race will be. Volunteers will be marking the course with brightly colored flags and follow the course outlined in the image below. Volunteers will be stationed at all intersections with orange shirts and stop signs to halt traffic and provide participants with directions to stay on course. Participants will be provided with a course map prior to the race.

This event involves physical activity, either running or walking on paved sidewalks or crosswalks. There is a low risk of musculoskeletal injury, such as sprains, strains, abrasions, or bruises, or other exercise-associated illnesses (heat illness, etc). Event organizers will work diligently to prevent such injuries by maintaining a clear race course, posting crossing guards at all intersections, and monitoring participants during the event. All PTSO volunteers are CPR/AED certified, and have completed Blood Borne Pathogen training. There will be a certified athletic trainer covering the event, and there are several other volunteers with first aid training. These volunteers will be spread out along the race course and placed at the starting/finishing line to assist runners. EMS services have also been requested for the event. Prior to the event, participants will be required to sign a liability waver.

In the event that an injury or illness occurs, these previously mentioned volunteers will provide assistance within their scope of ability. Volunteers will have radios to contact EMS or the athletic trainer for assistance with more serious injury or illness. If a serious emergency occurs, EMS will be activated (911 will be called and EMS will be flagged down).

The event will be held even if inclement weather occurs, including rain or snow. However, if weather conditions pose a serious threat (lightning, heavy rain fall, dangerous temperatures, tornado, etc.), the event will be cancelled, and tickets refunded, or the event will be rescheduled for the following weekend.

MTU Surveys

Look for these signs around campus and submit your feedback for a chance to win a free coffee!

Student News Briefs – February 23, 2018

906 Night: featuring Adelee & Gentry
Do you love LIVE MUSIC? Join MUB Board in the MUB Commons tonight (2/23) as we kick off our first 906 night! What’s 906 Night? Well, it’s music – live music – right here on campus, it’s free, and it’s starting at 9:06 pm – of course!
Adelee & Gentry are sisters, songwriters, and storytellers. “This singer/songwriter duo have a polished foll-pop sound that is grounded by a rootsy base but elevated by the self-taught sisters’ unique yet captivating styles of two-part harmonies.”
Paper Airplane Contest

Enjoy making paper airplanes? Want to put your creativity to the test? Join MUB Board for a Paper Airplane Contest on March 1st at 7 pm in Fisher 135. You could win a $50 Amazon gift card if your airplane flies the furthest or looks the best! What are you waiting for? Join us and show off your paper airplane making skills!
*Supplies will be provided at the event.

Paper Airplane EDS and TV

Movie Screening: “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom”
As part of the Black History Month celebration, the African Students’ Organization (ASO) and the Black Students Association (BSA), with the support of the Center for Diversity and Inclusion, is organizing a screening of the movie Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (2013), starring Idris Elba. The movie chronicles the life of Mandela. It is based on his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom (1994).
Date: Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018   Poster 1-page-001
Venue: Fisher 139
Time: 6:00 pm.
We will serve food (pizza and soda). We look forward to sharing this special moment together as we remember Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, an icon for the fight against apartheid and equality. Facebook:

OAP Spring Break Trips

ASB – Buffalo River, AR
Come channel your inner Lewis and Clark and spend a week navigating the gorgeous Buffalo River in Arkansas. Spend spring break paddling through the wild Ozark Mountains, seeing dozens of waterfalls, and making killer memories with great people. No experience necessary! The cost of the trip is $400. This includes transportation, food, camping permits, and canoe rentals! Stop by the OAP to sign up! Limited spots available.Questions? Email Kate Patronik,, or Michael Del Signore,
ASB – Mountain Biking in the Pisgah National Forest

Come mountain bike and camp in the Pisgah National Forest, outside of Asheville, NC for a week! We’ll be shredding some sweet trails, and be stopping at the Mega Caverns in Louisville, KY! This trip will mainly be mountain biking – you don’t need to consider yourself an expert, but you must be comfortable riding singletrack for full days. The cost of the trip is $350, this includes transportation, food, lodging, and mega caverns ticket. Stop in the OAP to sign up! You must pay half the total to reserve a spot, only open to 6 participants. If you have questions please email Kate Patronik, or Russ Crofton,

Applications Now Open for the ICE House!

The Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship (ICE) House’s mission is to promote innovation through group collaboration. Live in a house where you share in challenges and success, pool knowledge and expertise and live with a common purpose.

Amenities include:

  • On Campus

  • No Meal Plan Required

  • Professional Kitchen

  • Flat Screen TVs

  • Mentorships

  • Access to Venture Capitalists

  • Competition Opportunities

  • Entrepreneurship Guidance

  • Already have a housing contract? Transfer it to the ICE House!

Who knows, the next Facebook might be born here!

Apply Today!


More Information




Questions? or

Come Dance with NOSOTROS
Where: MUB ballroom
Time: 8-9 pm salsa lessons, 9-11 pm open floor
When: Saturday 24th FebruaryFeb 24th-1
Cost: FREE!

All levels! No partner needed! Family friendly!

Seeking Nominations for the 24th Annual Student Leadership Awards
At Michigan Tech we are blessed with students that are crazy smart, motivated and adventurous. As faculty and staff, we partner with these students to inspire community, scholarship, possibilities, accountability and tenacity. We realize how lucky we are to be able to work alongside them in their academic and career pursuits.
Now is the time to recognize these students for their commitment, enthusiasm and leadership. On behalf of the University, we are seeking nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership, Vice President for Student Affairs and Advancement Award for Service, and various other student leadership awards. The recipient of each award will be honored at the 24th Annual Student Leadership Awards Ceremony at 6 p.m. Friday, April 20  in the Memorial Union Ballroom.
The nomination process is simple. All awards and information about each can be found online. For each individual award, simply click on the award title, then complete and submit the nomination form.
Nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership and the Vice President for Student Affairs and Advancement Award for Service are due by 5 p.m. Friday, March 9.  Nominations for all other Student Leadership Awards are due by 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 23. Questions concerning the awards can be directed to Student Activities.

Take a minute to nominate a student or colleague today!

Tech Theatre Presents “When You Comin’ Back Red Ryder”

Tech Theatre presents When You Comin’ Back Red Ryder, a play by Mark Medoff. The employees and customers of Foster’s Diner in Hope, New Mexico, 88250, experience a terrorizing examination their personal desires and dreams when Teddy, a disillusioned biker, calls them on living in made-up worlds. Some pretend nothing happened, but others find a new direction for their lives. Emotionally charged and unpredictably brutal, the play plunges from the mundane to frightening. Please note: This play uses adult language, simulated violence, and a gunshot from a theatrical firearm will be discharged during this production. The play will run Thursday – Saturday, for two weeks, Thursday, February 22 -Saturday, February 24, and Thursday, March 1 – Saturday, March 3, at 7:30 pm each night, in the McArdle Theatre.

Legendary Ailey II Comes to the Rozsa Center on their 32-City Tour
Ailey II in Alvin Ailey's Revelations. Photo by Kyle Froman_cropped
Photo by Kyle Froman

The Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts is pleased to present the legendary Ailey II: The Next Generation of Dance on Tuesday, February 27, 7:30 PM, as a part of their 32-city US tour on their 2017-2018 season. The Alvin Ailey dance spirit shines in Ailey II, known for their exhilarating and timeless performances nationally and internationally. Ailey II has been hailed as “second to none” by Dance Magazine, and for their “off the charts energy” by The New Yorker.

Folding Flyer version 2Folding for Philanthropy (formerly Michigan Tech Trivia Night)

Do you want to win $500 for your student organization?

Please join the Student Philanthropy Council for Folding for Philanthropy (formally Michigan Tech Trivia Night) in the MUB Commons on Tuesday, February 27th from 7:00 – 8:00pm.

There will be 3 rounds of 10 trivia questions about philanthropy at Michigan Tech. Paper airplanes that you fold will be thrown at targets to answer the questions, so start practicing!

Prizes will be awarded for each round and a grand prize of $500 for your student org.

All registered student organizations are invited to participate with a team of up to 3 members.

To register fill out the Google Form at

Any questions, email Adam Portmann at

Course material survey – one more week!
If you’ve already completed the survey, thank you and we appreciate your participation! If you’ve not completed the survey, there is still time left to complete the Spring 2018 course material survey. This is the last week we are able to collect your responses. The Michigan Tech Campus Store is participating in a nationwide survey regarding course materials. The information collected is important to the Campus Store as we strive to provide the broadest course material options and most cost-conscious pricing through strategic partnerships, transparency, and industry awareness. Many chances to win gift cards!

Thank you from the Campus Store staff!


GSG Hosting Graduate Research Colloquium




Dodgeball: Deadline on March 2nd @ 8:00 am

Racquetball Ladder: Deadline on March 5th @ 5:00 pm

Spring Volleyball: Deadline on March 7th @ 5:00 pm

Battleship: Deadline on March 22nd @ 5:00 pm


Register your team at

– For more information:  E-mail

HuskiesFit Adult Group Fitness – Round 2!


Several HuskiesFit Adult Group Fitness Classes will be starting new sessions soon! Choose your fit and try one of the following:
  • Afrobeat Fitness
  • Aikido
  • Aqua-Fit
  • Buti Yoga Basics Express NEW!
  • Buti Yoga Intensive NEW!
  • Fitbarre
  • Muay Thai
  • Simple Changes for a Healthier Lifestyle
  • TRX Fit
  • TRX Body Blast
  • Yoga for Back Health

For more information and to register, visit HuskiesFit Adult Programs. Commit to be HuskiesFit!

Winter WonderHack is Back!

36 hours | prizes | food | tools and gadgets | industry talks and workshops | 300 students | multiple schools | Feb 23-25 at the library

Join us for Winter WonderHack, a 36-hour make-something hackathon hosted at MTU in the Van Pelt and Opie library over the weekend following career fair!

Open to current and recent students from any school in teams of 1-4 and from all disciplines. This is an industry sponsored event; there will be workshops/talks/demos on Friday night and on Saturday on topics that participants could use in their projects or may just find interesting by mentors, sponsors and faculty and community guests. Try new things like metal casting, how to design circuit boards, run a start-up, or graphic desig, try out new tech like microcontrollers and 3d printers, and have some fun with drone racing and lN2 ice cream. This event is FREE and open to all current students of all experience levels.

If you haven’t already, register and find more info at

If you have any questions, email

Student News Briefs- February 16, 2018


Nominations Open for Undergraduate Student Government Positions

Nominations are now open for USG Executive Board and At-Large representatives. Students are encouraged to nominate themselves or fellow students that would represent these positions well.

Nominating someone is quick and easy – simply paste the link below into your address bar and fill out the form. A description of each position is provided in the Google Form.

Executive Board and At-Large Representative Nomination:

You will have until 11:59PM on February 21st, 2018 to make your nominations. For questions, contact Melanie Thomas, Undergraduate Student Government secretary, at

Campus Store During Career Fair

Are you ready for the 2018 Michigan Tech Career Fair? Visit us at the Campus Store for resume paper, padfolios, and check out our great selection of men’s and women’s career apparel. We have a new selection of shirts, pants, ties, belts, and more to help complete your polished ensemble. We want to see YOU succeed! Show visiting companies and recruiters what you’re made of, and let us help you look your best! From all of us at the Campus Store, keep smiling and best of luck to you in your search!

Safe Place Training This Sunday

This Sunday, February 18th, there will be a students only Safe Place Ally Training. For more information visit:

For any questions please contact Amy Howard, Campus Diversity Educator:

OAP Staff Lead ASB Trip to Buffalo River, Arkansas


Come channel your inner Lewis and Clark and spend a week navigating the gorgeous Buffalo River in Arkansas. Spend spring break paddling through the wild Ozark Mountains, seeing dozens of waterfalls, and making killer memories with great people. Anyone will enjoy this trip, no experience necessary! 
The cost of the trip is $400. This includes transportation, food, camping permits, and canoe rentals! Stop by the OAP to sign up! The cutoff for registration is 2/28/18.

Questions? Email Kate Patronik,, or Michael Del Signore,

Exhibit “Always Room for Rain” Opens in the Rozsa Gallery

Image_Alvizures_1rotated Image_Chaney2 USE THIS bright

The Department of Visual and Performing Arts and the Rozsa Center are excited to announce the spring gallery exhibition, Always Room for Rain, featuring work by artists Ross Chaney (Santa Fe, NM) and Raquel Alvizures (Guatemala). The exhibit will run from February 16 through March 31, 2018. Gallery hours are M-F 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM and 1:00 – 8:00 PM on Saturdays. A reception with both artists will be held Friday March 2 at 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM. An artist talk will occur at 5:30 PM that evening.

Attention Student Orgs:

Please join the Student Philanthropy Council for Folding for Philanthropy in the MUB Commons on Tuesday February 27th from 7:00 – 8:00pm.  All registered student organizations are invited to participate with a team (3 member maximum).  There will be 3 rounds of 10 trivia questions about philanthropy at Michigan Tech. The paper airplanes you fold will be used to answer the questions, so start practicing! Prizes will be awarded for each round and a grand prize of $500 for your student org.  To register or for more information please email Adam Portmann at


Highlighting Your Enterprise Experience on Your Resume and to Recruiters

Join E.B. Mayer and Heather DeJong on Monday, February 19th from 4-5:30pm in M&M 722 as they discuss their experiences mentoring Enterprise teams and recruiting technical talent at various universities. They will also focus on areas of student Enterprise experience that are of particular interest to industry.

E.B. Mayer is an accomplished Agile and DevOps Information Technology transformation strategist and thought leader with over 15 years of experience across multiple industries and fortune 500 companies. Heather is an energetic and experienced IT and Operational leader recognized for developing talent, building strong teams, and driving results across a broad spectrum of capabilities.

This event is open to everyone on campus. Students enrolled in the Enterprise Program or considering joining an Enterprise team are encouraged to attend.

NEW! Buti Yoga


Join instructor Natasha for a new HuskiesFit adult group fitness class – Buti Yoga! Classes start soon! Try out Buti Yoga for only $2 at the February 23 & March 2 workshops! #butiyoga #huskiesfit

Engineers Week Events

EDS Slide

Course Material Survey starting February 19. 2018

Do you prefer e-books or print? How about rental versus purchase? Do you shop the Campus Store your course materials or elsewhere? We at the Campus Store want to know your thoughts. The information collected is important to the Campus Store as we strive to provide the broadest course material options and most cost-conscious pricing through strategic partnerships, transparency, and industry awareness. The survey should take roughly 20 minutes of your time. The Campus Store and OnCampus Research are offering financial incentives for your opinions and would greatly appreciate your participation! Check your email starting next week for the link!Thank you for your time from the Campus Store staff!

Donation Bin Information

If your student organization or department is collecting donations, Facilities Management must be notified of any donation bins being placed on campus. Bins may only be placed in approved locations, for a list of approved locations please click here.

Only one bin is allowed per building at a time. Bins are allowed on a first “notify” first serve basis, so please submit your information to us early.

Student organizations or departments are responsible for: -Notifying Facilities Management of bin placement at least 2 days prior to placing the bin -Periodically emptying the bins -Removing any donated items left outside of the bins -Removal of the bin on the date reported

Facilities Management will monitor the bins and notify the student organization or department contact if: -There is already a bin placed in the location you have requested during the same time period -Bins are full -Bins are located outside of the approved area -Donation items have been left outside of the bin -It is past the date that bin should have been removed

For additional information or to complete a “Donation Bin Notification Form” please click here.


Student News Briefs – February 9, 2018

Josh Blue to Headline Winter Carnival 

The Rozsa Center is pleased to announce the 2018 Winter Carnival Comedian: Josh Blue, winner of NBC’s Last Comic Standing, will headline this year’s Winter Carnival Entertainment, on Friday, February 9, 9:00 pm, at the Rozsa Center.

Perhaps best known as the comedian who puts the cerebral in cerebral palsy, Josh Blue centers much of his self-deprecating act around his dJosh Blue Headshot Aisability. He exploded onto the national comedy scene by capturing the attention and endearment of the country as the winner of NBC’s Last Comic Standing.

In 2011, Josh starred in Comedy Central Presents: Josh Blue, which received rave reviews from fans and critics alike, in addition to being named the 11th best special on the network.

Tickets are on sale now, $15 General Admission, and no charge for Michigan Tech students. Tickets are available by phone at (906) 487-2073, online at, in person at the Central Ticketing Office in the Student Development Complex, or at the Rozsa Box Office the evening of the performance.  Please note the Rozsa Box Office only opens two hours prior to performances.

Mediterranean Cuisine at Fridays Khana Khazana

This week at the Memorial Union North Coast Grill and Deli, we are featuring a menu from the Mediterranean.
Mediterranean Cuisine a
The menu features:

  • Yogurt-Marinated Chicken & Creamy Greek Sauce
  • Chickpea & Couscous in Creamy Sauce
  • Chocolate Mousse with Strawberry

Serving is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, February 9th. The cost is $7.95 and includes a fountain beverage. Visit Khana Khazana on Facebook.

This weekend, Film Board presents:

Thor: Ragnarok

Friday, Feb. 9 @ 5:30, 8:30, 11:30

Saturday, Feb. 10 @ 2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 11:30

Sunday, Feb. 11 @ 2:30, 5:30

Located on Michigan Tech’s campus in Fisher 135. Tickets are $3 and concessions are $1 each. We hope to see you at the show this weekend, and enjoy Winter Carnival this week!

Thor: Ragnarok is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action, and brief suggestive material.


The MUB Board is hosting Stuff-A-Husky on Tuesday, February 13th from 6-8 pm in the MUB Commons.

Stuff A Husky EDS Slide

Comedian Jourdain Fisher

 Jourdain Fisher is a New York based comedian that was born in raised in North Carolina. With his fun material and open personality, audiences are drawn to his style and sense of humor. He started doing stand up comedy at the age of 17 to avoid working for his family’s funeral home. Since then, Jourdain has found success in clubs and colleges across the country. He has been a part of various festivals including, The New York Comedy Festival, Laughing Skull Festival, and Laugh Your Asheville Off. Jourdain was a back-to-back winner of The Ultimate Comic Challenge, a finalist in The Carolina’s Funniest Competition and a Regional Showcase Finalist for Stand Up NBC in New York. He is currently a writer and actor on BET’s sketch comedy show, 50 Central.

Jourdain Fisher SNB a

The fun starts at 10 PM in the MUB Ballroom on February 16!

This performance is FREE (Funded by the Student Activity Fee) and hosted by Late Night Programs.

Winter Carnival

The 2018 Michigan Tech Winter Carnival is here and there are only three locations to get your official Winter Carnival gear: the Michigan Tech Campus Store, University Images, and online at We’ll be offering Winter Carnival long and short sleeve t-shirts, crewneck sweatshirts, hoodies, hats, and glassware. For store operating hours, check our website and social media feeds.

Career Basics 

Are you ready for the 2018 Michigan Tech Career Fair? Visit us at the Campus Store and check out our great selection of men and women’s career apparel to help complete your polished ensemble. We want to see YOU succeed! Show visiting companies and recruiters what you’re made of, and let us help you look your best! From all of us at the Campus Store, keep smiling and best of luck to you in your search!

American Society for Engineering Management:

Next meeting: Monday, February 12, 2018 at 6 p.m. in Chem. Sci. 104B.

The agenda includes a presentation from Oshkosh Corp. about what they do and how Engineering Management fits into their organization, along with resume and Career Fair tips. Pizza will be provided! Meetings are open to existing and potential members. Anyone who has interest in Engineering Management is welcome to attend and participate. You don’t have to be an Engineering Management major to join. If you have any questions or are unable to attend but are still interested, email Emma LaFleur ( or Bridget Becker ( to stay in the loop.

Attention Student Orgs:

Please join the Student Philanthropy Council for Folding for Philanthropy in the MUB Commons on Tuesday February 27th from 7:00 – 8:00 pm.  All registered student organizations are invited to participate with a team (3 member maximum).  There will be 3 rounds of 10 trivia questions about philanthropy at Michigan Tech. The paper airplanes you fold will be used to answer the questions, so start practicing! Prizes will be awarded for each round and a grand prize of $500 for your student org.  To register or for more information please email Adam Portmann at


Spring HuskyLEAD Series

Student Activities announces the Spring 2018 HuskyLEAD series.  HuskyLEAD is a series of hour-long workshops that help Michigan Tech students develop personal, professional, academic and organizational leadership skills.  The workshops are free and open to everyone.  All sessions will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Memorial Union Alumni Lounge A.

Faculty and staff are encouraged to pass this information along to students.  Attendance is taken at the workshops and can be forwarded to faculty who assign them as a supplement to their curriculum.

The Spring 2018 schedule is as follows:   HuskyLEAD A

Thursday, February 15 – “Leveraging Leadership Skills with Employers.”  You don’t have to be in a leadership position to be a leader.  Learn innovative strategies to showcase your best self to future employers.  The presenters are Career Services and Doug Stage from Kimberly Clark.

Thursday, March 22 – “Leading with Inclusivity:  How to impact Your World with Intentional and Inclusive Actions, Language and Purpose.”  This workshop will raise your awareness and understanding of how to recognize how our conscious and subconscious actions affect others and how we can shift our behaviors to create a more welcoming and inclusive community.  The presenter is Amy Howard from the Center for Diversity and Inclusion.

Thursday, April 5 – “Mindfulness 101:  Improve Focus and Reduce Stress Before Finals.”  Learn the basics of mindfulness to help you reduce stress and increase your focus for final exams.  The practice of mindfulness can be applied to starting a new job or internship, or just reducing daily stress and living more fully in the present.  The presenter is Joan Kero, health coach and yoga instructor.

For more information, visit the HuskyLEAD website at  If you have any questions or comments about the workshops, email Rochelle Spencer at, or Maryann Wilcox at, or call 7-1963.

2018 Cummins Video Competition

Each student organization has to create a 10-15 minute video highlighting their need for funding then submit it to Zack Fredin, Enterprise Program Coordinator by Friday, February 23rd at noon. Any questions should be directed to CumminsFlyer2018 A

Guidelines for the creation of the video are here.→

This competition will help your student organization receive more funds.

Deadline for video submissions is Friday, February 23 at 12 noon.




 Love Better Campaign

Order of Omega is helping raise awareness about healthy relationships by supporting the #LoveBetter campaign.  There are a few ways you can help out.  You can take the pledge to #LoveBetter HERE, you can stop by Love Better jpgtheir booth on Tuesday, February 13 between 10 AM and 2 PM in the DOW commons, and you can share this message to let others know how they can help, too! The booth will have candy and paper hearts that can be filled out to let everyone know how you plan to #LoveBetter this Valentine’s Day.


Integrative Nutrition Health Coach 

Join Joan Kero, certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, for weekly talks as she shows us how simple changes can add up to a hHealthyLife1ealthier you.

Next session: February 21 – March 14, Wednesdays, 12:10-12:50 p.m. in SDC Rm 237

For more information or to register, visit Simple Changes.

Social Justice Lecture 
It is time to mark your calendars for the next Social Justice Lecture Series installment. On February 21st at 7:30 pm in the Rozsa we welcome Reverend Sharon Washington Risher!Risher poster 6
“Reverend Risher was catapulted into the limelight after the Charleston, South Carolina shooting at the Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on June 17, 2015.”
Tickets for this event are free but you must reserve your space via the Rozsa website HEREWe look forward to seeing you on the 21st for an impactful, riveting, and timely lecture and Q&A.

Get Certified As A Lifeguard

Earn your lifeguard certification @ the SDC on March 3 & 4! Get a jump on summer employment now! Class size limited. #lifeguard #arc#huskiesfit


Future Huskies 2018 Spring Camps, Clinics & Tournaments
Spring is right around the corner! Register today for the following spring mini camps and clinics:

2018 Spring Camps & Clinics

For more information, visit Spring Camps and Clinics. Commit your Future Huskies to be HuskiesFit this spring!

Order Your Cap, Gown & Tickets Today!

Graduation FB Post 1.23

Summer Youth Programs is Hiring!

Looking for a summer job that’s fun and makes an impact? Consider joining the staff of Summer Youth Programs! SYP provides exciting and engaging hands-on camps for middle and high school students. If you’re looking for a position that lets you channel your creativity, innovation, enthusiasm, and team spirit, all in a professional environment, we have just the job for you!

We are looking for outstanding individuals who bring awesome experiences and fresh perspectives to the table. Applicants should be positive, forward thinking, innovative, and eager to make a difference in the lives of young people.

We offer a flexible schedule in a casual, fun work environment, and provide valuable professional development experiences. With over 1200 middle and high school students attending each summer, we are constantly problem-solving and seeking to provide the best camp experience we can.

Interested? Even if you missed our information sessions, you can still learn about the opportunities available with SYP. Please contact the Center for Pre-College Outreach at or visit for more information.

Design Expo 2018 Registration Now Open

Design Expo 2018 will be held in the MUB Ballroom on Thursday, April 19th. Please save the date!

Design Expo highlights hands-on, discovery-based learning at Michigan Tech. More than 600 students on Enterprise and Senior Design teams showcase their work and compete for awards. A panel of judges, made up of distinguished corporate representatives and Michigan Tech staff and faculty members, critique the projects. Many team projects are sponsored by industry, which allows students to gain valuable experience through competition, as well as direct exposure to real industrial problems. Design Expo is co-hosted by the College of Engineering and the Pavlis Honors College.

Registration is now open for Senior Design and Enterprise teams. Students should visit the Design Expo website to review important instructions, deadlines and poster criteria. All Senior Design and Enterprise teams must register by Monday, February 12th, 2018.


Floor Hockey Deadline on February 14th @ 8:00 am

Soccer-Tennis Deadline on February 16th @ 8:00 am

Innertube Water Polo Deadline on February 21st @ 8:00 am

Register your team at

– For more information:  E-mail

Mind Trekkers Spring Break in Charlotte, NC

March 10-18

Already sick of the winter, but can’t afford the cost to travel somewhere warm? Come travel with Mind Trekkers to Charlotte, NC for Spring Break! For only $100 (+ $50 deposit), you will have your rooming, several meals, and transportation covered! Planned activities include: SkyWildGreensboro Science Center, and the US National Whitewater Center. We will be hosting the Passport to STEM festival on the Thursday and Friday of the trip, where you will have the opportunity to excite over four thousand students about science & engineering with fun and hands-on demonstrations!

If you (and your friends) would like to apply, please fill out this form: MIND TREKKERS SPRING BREAK APPLICATION.  No previous experience with Mind Trekkers is required.

Please contact the Mind Trekkers President ( if you have any questions about this trip.

HuskiesFit Yoga

Experience variety at its best with HuskiesFit Yoga! Yoga classes are offered 6 days a week at the SDC so you can fit it into even the busiest ofYogaSlider A schedules.

8- and 16-punch yoga cards are also available at discounted student rates!

For more information, visit HuskiesFit Yoga. Commit to be HuskiesFit!

MTU Surveys

Look for these signs around campus and submit your feedback for a chance to win a free coffee!

Student News Briefs – February 2, 2018

Andrew-Sleighter pic A

Comedian Andrew Sleighter

Andrew Sleighter will emcee at the crowning of the Queen at the Winter Carnival. See Andrew’s comedy act on Saturday, February 3 at the Rozsa Center at 7 pm.

Andrew made his debut performance on Conan. He has also written and performed sketch comedy for Comedy Central’s online platforms.

Admission is $10 for general public and  free for Michigan Tech students.


Josh Blue to Headline Winter Carnival 

The Rozsa Center is pleased to announce the 2018 Winter Carnival Comedian: Josh Blue, winner of NBC’s Last Comic Standing, will headline this year’s Winter Carnival Entertainment, on Friday, February 9, 9:00 pm, at the Rozsa Center.

Perhaps best known as the comedian who puts the cerebral in cerebral palsy, Josh Blue centers much of his self-deprecating act around his dJosh Blue Headshot Aisability. He exploded onto the national comedy scene by capturing the attention and endearment of the country as the winner of NBC’s Last Comic Standing.

In 2011, Josh starred in Comedy Central Presents: Josh Blue, which received rave reviews from fans and critics alike, in addition to being named the 11th best special on the network.

Tickets are on sale now, $15 General Admission, and no charge for Michigan Tech students. Tickets are available by phone at (906) 487-2073, online at, in person at the Central Ticketing Office in the Student Development Complex, or at the Rozsa Box Office the evening of the performance.  Please note the Rozsa Box Office only opens two hours prior to performances.

Michigan Tech Winter Carnival

The 2018 Michigan Tech Winter Carnival is here and there are only three
locations to get your official Winter Carnival gear: the Michigan Tech
Campus Store, University Images, and online at

“During the week of Winter Carnival”, we will be offering Winter Carnival long and short sleeve t-shirts, crew neck sweatshirts, hoodies, hats, and glassware.
For store operating hours, check our website and social media feeds. Don’t
forget! We will be open until 10 pm on Wednesday, February 7th, for the
all-nighter. Stop by to warm up and enjoy some fun games! Accept no
substitutes as we are your official headquarters for all your Michigan Tech
and Winter Carnival apparel and souvenirs.

Karaoke During The All-Nighter

The MUB Board would like to invite you to have a fun time doing Karaoke with some free hot chocolate during the All-Nighter. 

MUB Commons Wednesday, February 7th from 8 – 11 pm.


If you plan to be on-campus after 8 pm on February 7 during the Winter Carnival All-Nighter, please read the information below.

In an effort to mitigate property damage during the Winter Carnival All-Nighter on Wednesday, February 7, the Winter Carnival Safety Task Force will secure all exterior campus doors at 8 pm.

Building Schedules

  • Campus buildings will lock at 8 pm
    • o Evening classes will be in session by this time
    • o Students should not leave the building while class is in session otherwise they will be locked out
  • All undergraduate and graduate students will have card access removed beginning 8 pm on Wednesday, February 7 through 6 am on Thursday, February 8
    • Students needing access for research or other department sanctioned purposes should request permission from their department chair by 8 am on Wednesday, February 7
    • An email address and M-number will be needed by the department chair to request student access
      • Faculty and staff will have normal access except as noted below

Fisher Hall

  • First floor open for restrooms and warming area
  • Basement, second and third floor stairwells will be locked, but will open in the event of an emergency
  • Elevators will be disabled
  • Faculty or staff needing access to or from the upper floors or needing access to the elevator should call Public Safety and Police Services at 906-487-2216, and a security clerk or officer will be sent to assist


  • Entire building open for restrooms and warming area

Walker Arts & Humanities Center

  • First floor open for restrooms and warming area
  • Second and third floor stairwells will be locked, but will open in the event of an emergency
  • Elevators will be disabled
  • Faculty or staff needing access to or from the upper floors or needing access to the elevator should call Public Safety and Police Services at 906-487-2216, and a security clerk or officer will be sent to assist


  • Closed

DHH, Hillside, McNair, and Wads

  • Exterior building doors will lock at 5 pm Wednesday, February 7 and return to normal operating schedule 6 am Thursday, February 8
  • Residential students will have access to the building where they live
  • Residential students will have access to the main door of Wads (lot 15 entrance) while the Dining Hall or Campus Cafe is open
  • McNair Dining Hall doors will remain unlocked during operating hours until 9 pm

See The Sides Event

The Undergraduate Student Government of Michigan Tech is planning to host its first ever See the Sides. This event is built to expose and educate people to the Democratic and Republican parties. Topics such as the economy, education, and foreign affairs will all be discussed in this hour long event.

Event Details:

Name: See the Sides

Time: 7-8 pm, February 2nd

Place: Fisher 139

Description: See the Sides is an event meant to expose students to both Republican and Democratic viewpoints. Please join us as representatives of both parties inform us of their beliefs, and the reasons behind them. This event will take no more than an hour, and cover many important topics from the economy to education. Grab a friend, and listen in for a short and informative experience.



The University Innovation Fellows are looking to influence the food options on campus driven by students and faculty. This will give Michigan Tech Dining Serves a better idea of which food options to provide on campus. Take part in responding to this survey:

granola bars

This event ends Friday, February 2, 2018 at 12 midnight.

Blue Key Honor Society Raffle

The Winter Carnival 2018 Raffle to support Blue Key Honor Society is now open with tickets available from Blue Key representatives or online at  Tickets are only $5 with the winners being selected at the Queens Coronation taking place Saturday, February 3rd at 7 pm in the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts.  You do not need to be present to win.

The grand prize this year is a:

  • Magnuson Hotel Franklin Square Inn Getaway package including a 3 night stay in a deluxe waterside whirlpool suite
  • Dinner for two at the Bonfire Grill during Carnival
  • Two complimentary beverages in the Bonfire Bar each night
  • Champagne served in your room during the Torch Light Parade and Fireworks Display
  • Michigan Tech hockey jersey signed by the team
  • Mount Ripley tubing tickets
  • Country Inn and Suites $100 gift card
  • $75 to Festival Foods
  • Quincy Mine tour ticket package
  • Mineshaft family fun package
  • Superior Graphics Book bag valued at $45
  • $25 gift certificate to Quincy Dinning

Thank you for your support of Winter Carnival and Blue Key Honor Society!

Finding a Research Mentor Workshop

Are you an undergraduate student interested in conducting research? Are you unsure how to locate a faculty member to work with? Dr. Lorelle Meadows, Dean of the Pavlis Honors College, will be hosting an interactive discussion on how to find and approach a faculty member for a research position. In addition, students will learn about paid research internship opportunities at Michigan Tech and beyond.

Workshop will take place on Tuesday, February 6th from 6-7 pm in Library 242.

For information on other upcoming undergraduate research workshops click here.


The MUB Board is hosting Stuff-A-Husky on Tuesday, February 13th from 6-8 pm in the MUB Commons.


Stuff A Husky EDS Slide

Spring HuskyLEAD Series

Student Activities announces the Spring 2018 HuskyLEAD series.  HuskyLEAD is a series of hour-long workshops that help Michigan Tech students develop personal, professional, academic and organizational leadership skills.  The workshops are free and open to everyone.  All sessions will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Memorial Union Alumni Lounge A.

Faculty and staff are encouraged to pass this information along to students.  Attendance is taken at the workshops and can be forwarded to faculty who assign them as a supplement to their curriculum.

The Spring 2018 schedule is as follows:   HuskyLEAD A

Thursday, February 15 – “Leveraging Leadership Skills with Employers.”  You don’t have to be in a leadership position to be a leader.  Learn innovative strategies to showcase your best self to future employers.  The presenters are Career Services and Doug Stage from Kimberly Clark.

Thursday, March 22 – “Leading with Inclusivity:  How to impact Your World with Intentional and Inclusive Actions, Language and Purpose.”  This workshop will raise your awareness and understanding of how to recognize how our conscious and subconscious actions affect others and how we can shift our behaviors to create a more welcoming and inclusive community.  The presenter is Amy Howard from the Center for Diversity and Inclusion.

Thursday, April 5 – “Mindfulness 101:  Improve Focus and Reduce Stress Before Finals.”  Learn the basics of mindfulness to help you reduce stress and increase your focus for final exams.  The practice of mindfulness can be applied to starting a new job or internship, or just reducing daily stress and living more fully in the present.  The presenter is Joan Kero, health coach and yoga instructor.

For more information, visit the HuskyLEAD website at  If you have any questions or comments about the workshops, email Rochelle Spencer at, or Maryann Wilcox at, or call 7-1963.

2018 Cummins Video Competition

Each student organization has to create a 10-15 minute video highlighting their need for funding then submit it to Zack Fredin, Enterprise Program Coordinator by Friday, February 23rd at noon. Any questions should be directed to CumminsFlyer2018 A

Guidelines for the creation of the video are here.→

This competition will help your student organization receive more funds.

Deadline for video submissions is Friday, February 23 at 12 noon.




Integrative Nutrition Health Coach 

Join Joan Kero, certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, for weekly talks as she shows us how simple changes can add up to a hHealthyLife1ealthier you.

Next session: February 21 – March 14, Wednesdays, 12:10-12:50 p.m. in SDC Rm 237

For more information or to register, visit Simple Changes.

Social Justice Lecture 
It is time to mark your calendars for the next Social Justice Lecture Series installment. On February 21st at 7:30 pm in the Rozsa we welcome Reverend Sharon Washington Risher!Risher poster 6
“Reverend Risher was catapulted into the limelight after the Charleston, South Carolina shooting at the Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on June 17, 2015.”
Tickets for this event are free but you must reserve your space via the Rozsa website HEREWe look forward to seeing you on the 21st for an impactful, riveting, and timely lecture and Q&A.

Order Your Cap, Gown & Tickets Today!

Graduation FB Post 1.23

Summer Youth Programs is Hiring!

Looking for a summer job that’s fun and makes an impact? Consider joining the staff of Summer Youth Programs! SYP provides exciting and engaging hands-on camps for middle and high school students. If you’re looking for a position that lets you channel your creativity, innovation, enthusiasm, and team spirit, all in a professional environment, we have just the job for you!

We are looking for outstanding individuals who bring awesome experiences and fresh perspectives to the table. Applicants should be positive, forward thinking, innovative, and eager to make a difference in the lives of young people.

We offer a flexible schedule in a casual, fun work environment, and provide valuable professional development experiences. With over 1200 middle and high school students attending each summer, we are constantly problem-solving and seeking to provide the best camp experience we can.

Interested? Even if you missed our information sessions, you can still learn about the opportunities available with SYP. Please contact the Center for Pre-College Outreach at or visit for more information.

Design Expo 2018 Registration Now Open

Design Expo 2018 will be held in the MUB Ballroom on Thursday, April 19th. Please save the date!

Design Expo highlights hands-on, discovery-based learning at Michigan Tech. More than 600 students on Enterprise and Senior Design teams showcase their work and compete for awards. A panel of judges, made up of distinguished corporate representatives and Michigan Tech staff and faculty members, critique the projects. Many team projects are sponsored by industry, which allows students to gain valuable experience through competition, as well as direct exposure to real industrial problems. Design Expo is co-hosted by the College of Engineering and the Pavlis Honors College.

Registration is now open for Senior Design and Enterprise teams. Students should visit the Design Expo website to review important instructions, deadlines and poster criteria. All Senior Design and Enterprise teams must register by Monday, February 12th, 2018.


Table Tennis Doubles Tournament: Deadline on February 2nd @ 1:00 pm

Co-Rec Doubles Racquetball: Deadline on February 5th @ 5:00 pm

Floor Hockey Deadline on February 14th @ 8:00 am

Soccer-Tennis Deadline on February 16th @ 8:00 am

Innertube Water Polo Deadline on February 21st @ 8:00 am

Register your team at

– For more information:  E-mail

Mind Trekkers Spring Break in Charlotte, NC

March 10-18

Already sick of the winter, but can’t afford the cost to travel somewhere warm? Come travel with Mind Trekkers to Charlotte, NC for Spring Break! For only $100 (+ $50 deposit), you will have your rooming, several meals, and transportation covered! Planned activities include: SkyWildGreensboro Science Center, and the US National Whitewater Center. We will be hosting the Passport to STEM festival on the Thursday and Friday of the trip, where you will have the opportunity to excite over four thousand students about science & engineering with fun and hands-on demonstrations!

If you (and your friends) would like to apply, please fill out this form: MIND TREKKERS SPRING BREAK APPLICATION.  No previous experience with Mind Trekkers is required.

Please contact the Mind Trekkers President ( if you have any questions about this trip.

HuskiesFit Yoga

Experience variety at its best with HuskiesFit Yoga! Yoga classes are offered 6 days a week at the SDC so you can fit it into even the busiest ofYogaSlider A schedules.

8- and 16-punch yoga cards are also available at discounted student rates!

For more information, visit HuskiesFit Yoga. Commit to be HuskiesFit!

MTU Surveys

Look for these signs around campus and submit your feedback for a chance to win a free coffee!

Student News Brief – January 26, 2018

Daniel Martin Magician Here Tomorrow

Award winning Daniel Martin Magician will be on campus on Saturday, January 27, 2018 in MUB Ballroom. 

Daniel M

His shows have won him awards like “Entertainer of the Year” where he combines magic, cons, and sarcastic improv to create a stunning show. He has been performing since he was 12 years old. His high-energy blend of insane magic and sarcastic improv consistently leads to standing ovations at theaters and campuses nationwide.

Come and see one of the most creative acts touring today, Daniel Martin the Magician – tomorrow, January 27th in the MUB Ballroom at 10:00 pm.



Khana Khazana is Pakistani Cuisine

This week at the Memorial Union North Coast Grill and Deli, we are featuring a menu from Pakistan.

The menu features:                         Pakistani Cuisine picture

  • Sindhi Biriyani
  • Shahi Paneer Biriyani
  • Boondi Raitha
  • Falooda


Serving is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. The cost is $7.95 and includes a fountain beverage. Visit Khana Khazana on Facebook.


Josh Blue to Headline Winter Carnival 

The Rozsa Center is pleased to announce the 2018 Winter Carnival Comedian: Josh Blue, winner of NBC’s Last Comic Standing, will headline this year’s Winter Carnival Entertainment, on Friday, February 9, 9:00 pm, at the Rozsa Center.

Perhaps best known as the comedian who puts the cerebral in cerebral palsy, Josh Blue centers much of his self-deprecating act around his dJosh Blue Headshot Aisability. He exploded onto the national comedy scene by capturing the attention and endearment of the country as the winner of NBC’s Last Comic Standing.

In 2011, Josh starred in Comedy Central Presents: Josh Blue, which received rave reviews from fans and critics alike, in addition to being named the 11th best special on the network.

Tickets are on sale now, $15 General Admission, and no charge for Michigan Tech students. Tickets are available by phone at (906) 487-2073, online at, in person at the Central Ticketing Office in the Student Development Complex, or at the Rozsa Box Office the evening of the performance.  Please note the Rozsa Box Office only opens two hours prior to performances.


The Univesity Innovation Fellows are looking to influence the food options on campus driven by students and faculty. This will give Michigan Tech Dining Servies a better idea of which food options to provide on campus. Take part in responding to this survey:

granola bars

Blue Key Honor Society Raffle

The Winter Carnival 2018 Raffle to support Blue Key Honor Society is now open with tickets available from Blue Key representatives or online at  Tickets are only $5 with the winners being selected at the Queens Coronation taking place Saturday, February 3rd at 7pm in the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts.  You do not need to be present to win.

The grand prize this year is a:

  • Magnuson Hotel Franklin Square Inn Getaway package including a 3 night stay in a deluxe waterside whirlpool suite
  • Dinner for two at the Bonfire Grill during Carnival
  • Two complimentary beverages in the Bonfire Bar each night
  • Champagne served in your room during the Torch Light Parade and Fireworks Display
  • Michigan Tech hockey jersey signed by the team
  • Mount Ripley tubing tickets
  • Country Inn and Suites $100 gift card
  • $75 to Festival Foods
  • Quincy Mine tour ticket package
  • Mineshaft family fun package
  • Superior Graphics Book bag valued at $45
  • $25 gift certificate to Quincy Dinning

Thank you for your support of Winter Carnival and Blue Key Honor Society!

Third Annual Consumer Products Challenge

The third annual Consumer Products Challenge has arrived! On January 25-27, bring your team and put your minds together to make the most creative product and win cash! This year, competitors will have an edge: we will be releasing some product information prior to the event to get your creative juices flowing!

The winning team will take home $1,000. The second place prize is $750 and third place is $500. One of the three winning teams will represent Michigan Tech at Make48, a televised national competition in Baltimore, Maryland. This all-expense paid trip will take place August 8-10.

This year’s Consumer Products Challenge is sponsored by Kimberly-Clark, 3M and Amway. Register today:

Spring HuskyLEAD Series

Student Activities announces the Spring 2018 HuskyLEAD series.  HuskyLEAD is a series of hour-long workshops that help Michigan Tech students develop personal, professional, academic and organizational leadership skills.  The workshops are free and open to everyone.  All sessions will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Memorial Union Alumni Lounge A.

Faculty and staff are encouraged to pass this information along to students.  Attendance is taken at the workshops and can be forwarded to faculty who assign them as a supplement to their curriculum.

The Spring 2018 schedule is as follows:   HuskyLEAD A

Thursday, February 1 – “Know Your Role – Tips for Leading and Following in a Team.”  An effective team uses all members to get the most out of each person.  Learning which role you need to fill on a team can be vital to the success and efficiency of your group.  We will focus on finding your fit in the team and skills that you can use with any group.  This session will involve audience participation for most of the activities.  The presenters are Jared Johnson and the Outdoor Adventure Team.

Thursday, February 15 – “Leveraging Leadership Skills with Employers.”  You don’t have to be in a leadership position to be a leader.  Learn innovative strategies to showcase your best self to future employers.  The presenters are Career Services and Doug Stage from Kimberly Clark.

Thursday, March 22 – “Leading with Inclusivity:  How to impact Your World with Intentional and Inclusive Actions, Language and Purpose.”  This workshop will raise your awareness and understanding of how to recognize how our conscious and subconscious actions affect others and how we can shift our behaviors to create a more welcoming and inclusive community.  The presenter is Amy Howard from the Center for Diversity and Inclusion.

Thursday, April 5 – “Mindfulness 101:  Improve Focus and Reduce Stress Before Finals.”  Learn the basics of mindfulness to help you reduce stress and increase your focus for final exams.  The practice of mindfulness can be applied to starting a new job or internship, or just reducing daily stress and living more fully in the present.  The presenter is Joan Kero, health coach and yoga instructor.

For more information, visit the HuskyLEAD website at  If you have any questions or comments about the workshops, email Rochelle Spencer at, or Maryann Wilcox at, or call 7-1963.

2018 Cummins Video Competition

Each student organization has to create a 10-15 minute video highlighting their need for funding then submit it to Zack Fredin, Enterprise Program Coordinator by Friday, February 23rd at noon. Any questions should be directed to CumminsFlyer2018 A


Guidelines for the creation of the video are here.

This competition will help your student organization receive more funds.

Deadline for video submissions is Friday, February 23 at 12 noon.




Order Your Cap, Gown & Tickets Today!

Graduation FB Post 1.23


Michigan Tech Winter Carnival

The 2018 Michigan Tech Winter Carnival is here and there are only three
locations to get your official Winter Carnival gear: the Michigan Tech
Campus Store, University Images, and online at

“During the week of Winter Carnival”, we will be offering Winter Carnival long and short sleeve t-shirts, crew neck sweatshirts, hoodies, hats, and glassware.
For store operating hours, check our website and social media feeds. Don’t
forget! We will be open until 10 pm on Wednesday, February 7th, for the
all-nighter. Stop by to warm up and enjoy some fun games! Accept no
substitutes as we are your official headquarters for all your Michigan Tech
and Winter Carnival apparel and souvenirs.

Diversity in Jazz

That’s what you get with the Jazz Combos Backstage at the Rozsa.

Join us in Club Rozsa, featuring three Michigan Tech jazz ensembles: JazTec, Momentum, and the Dan Furhrmann Trio. The stage of the Rozsa is transformed into an historic jazz club with vintage atmosphere, complete with café tables and a cash bar. Join Jazz Studies Program Director Mike Irish and the Michigan Tech Jazz ensembles for Jazz Showcase: Backstage at the Rozsa this Friday and Saturday nights, January 26 and 27, 7:30 PM.

Design Expo 2018 Registration Now Open

Design Expo 2018 will be held in the MUB Ballroom on Thursday, April 19th. Please save the date!

Design Expo highlights hands-on, discovery-based learning at Michigan Tech. More than 600 students on Enterprise and Senior Design teams showcase their work and compete for awards. A panel of judges, made up of distinguished corporate representatives and Michigan Tech staff and faculty members, critique the projects. Many team projects are sponsored by industry, which allows students to gain valuable experience through competition, as well as direct exposure to real industrial problems. Design Expo is co-hosted by the College of Engineering and the Pavlis Honors College.

Registration is now open for Senior Design and Enterprise teams. Students should visit the Design Expo website to review important instructions, deadlines and poster criteria. All Senior Design and Enterprise teams must register by Monday, February 12th, 2018.


Table Tennis Singles Tournament: Deadline on February 2nd @ 8:00 am

Table Tennis Doubles Tournament: Deadline on February 2nd @ 1:00 pm

Co-Rec Doubles Racquetball: Deadline on February 5th @ 5:00 pm

Floor Hockey Deadline on February 14th @ 8:00 am

Soccer-Tennis Deadline on February 16th @ 8:00 am

Innertube Water Polo Deadline on February 21st @ 8:00 am

Register your team at

– For more information:  E-mail

Mind Trekkers Spring Break in Charlotte, NC

March 10-18

Already sick of the winter, but can’t afford the cost to travel somewhere warm? Come travel with Mind Trekkers to Charlotte, NC for Spring Break! For only $100 (+ $50 deposit), you will have your rooming, several meals, and transportation covered! Planned activities include: SkyWild, Greensboro Science Center, and the US National Whitewater Center. We will be hosting the Passport to STEM festival on the Thursday and Friday of the trip, where you will have the opportunity to excite over four thousand students about science & engineering with fun and hands-on demonstrations!

If you (and your friends) would like to apply, please fill out this form: MIND TREKKERS SPRING BREAK APPLICATION.  No previous experience with Mind Trekkers is required.

Please contact the Mind Trekkers President ( if you have any questions about this trip.

HuskiesFit Yoga

Experience variety at its best with HuskiesFit Yoga! Yoga classes are offered 6 days a week at the SDC so you can fit it into even the busiest ofYogaSlider A schedules.

8- and 16-punch yoga cards are also available at discounted student rates!

For more information, visit HuskiesFit Yoga. Commit to be HuskiesFit!


MTU Surveys

Look for these signs around campus and submit your feedback for a chance to win a free coffee!

Student News Briefs – January 19, 2018

Comedian Ian Lara Tonight
   Ian Lara is just a regular Dominican kid from Queens, New York. Youngest of five and born to immigrant parents since a young age being funny became a way of life. He started comedy right after college after being told by some really successful lawyers that he should skip going to law school and he’s loved every second since. Usually you can catch him performing every night in some of the best and worst shows in New York City, or he’s on the road at a club or college near you. Ian Lara might become a household name Lara Cbut his real dream is to one day get big enough where he can wear those big cowboy hats Pharrell wears to awards shows.
Join Late Night Programming for a bunch of laughs with comedian Ian Lara.  He will be performing Friday, January 19 in the MUB Ballroom at 10:00 PM.  This event is free (funded by the Student Activity fee).
This event is scheduled for Friday, January 19, in the MUB Ballroom at 10 pm.

The 29th Annual MLK Banquet is here!

 In our 29th year of MLK celebrations, Michigan Technological University invites you to reflect on Dr. King’s vision of inclusion. 2018 marks 50 years since we lost one of the most influential visionaries and impactful social justice advocates of United States history.MLK picture

  •  On January 23, 2018, we will celebrate our 29th banquet in the Rozsa Lobby.
  • Please arrive at 5:00 pm

Reserve your space here:

LA Theater Works Presents – The Mountaintop at the Rozsa Center

This year, in conjunction with Michigan Tech’s Martin Luther King Jr. celebration, and the 50th anniversary of the assassination of the Martin Luther King Jr., the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts and Michigan Tech’s Center for Diversity and Inclusion are proud to present LA Theatre Work’s brand new production of Katori Hall’s play, The Mountaintop. On the evening of April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated outside room 306 of The Lorraine Motel in Memphis, TN. What happened inside room 306 the night before the killing is a mystery. In her internationally acclaimed play, playwright Katori Hall imagines what may have transpired in the overnight hours between the legendary civil rights leader and a seemingly inconsequential hotel maid. See The Mountaintop at the Rozsa Center on Tuesday, January 23rd, at 7:30 PM. There will also be a panel discussion and Q & A with student members of Michigan Tech’s National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), L.A. Theatre Works’ The Mountaintop cast, and staff from The Center for Diversity and Inclusion in the Rozsa Lobby, with beverages and dessert served, immediately following the play.

For more details, please see our press release, attached. Also attached is a press release from LA Theatre Works, announcing their national tour.

The cast will be available for interviews in advance by phone. Please contact me or the LA Theatre Works PR contact, Lucy Pollack, to set those up.


The Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success is Hiring for 2018-19!

Are you looking for leadership opportunities where you encourage the success of other Michigan Tech students?  Com join the staff of the Wahtera Center in the following positions:  OTL (Orientation Team Leader), ExSEL Peer Mentor, Academic Success Coach, Commuter Assistant, Success Course Peer Teaching Assistant, Transfer Student Assistant.

To apply for any of these positions, you must attend one of the following info sessions to obtain an application.

January 19, 2018 — 3:05 pm, Fisher 135

If you have any questions, please email:

Join The Meeting for USG Budget Hearing Process

So what is the USG budget hearing process? It’s the process by which Registered Student Organizations can receive funding for the following school year from the Student Activity Fee. The Undergraduate Student Government oversees the disbursement of these funds every year, with the opportunity for organizations to receive this funding happening every spring. If your organization would like to be funded by the Student Activity Fee for the 2018-2019 school year, this email and process pertain to you.

So what is the first step? The first step in the process is the Mandatory SAF Info Session. For your organization to be eligible for SAF funding, a representative from your organization must be present and sign-in to this info session. This info session will take place on Wednesday, January 24, in Fisher 135. The session will start at 6:00PM, and should last 25 – 30 minutes. Please plan to arrive 10 – 15 minutes ahead of time in order to sign in and receive your informational packets at the door.

At this meeting you will be given all the information needed to get started planning a budget and submitting the required documents. At this info session I will be going over a detailed timeline that includes submission deadlines. As a reminder, only open student organizations are eligible for SAF funding. If you are not sure if your organization is eligible, I invite you to attend this information session to see.

(Note: If your organization does not want SAF funding for the 18’ – 19’ school year, it is not required that you attend this info session. SBG’s are also not required to attend this info session.)

Third Annual Consumer Products Challenge

The third annual Consumer Products Challenge has arrived! On January 25-27, bring your team and put your minds together to make the most creative product and win cash! This year, competitors will have an edge: we will be releasing some product information prior to the event to get your creative juices flowing!

The winning team will take home $1,000. The second place prize is $750 and third place is $500. One of the three winning teams will represent Michigan Tech at Make48, a televised national competition in Baltimore, Maryland. This all-expense paid trip will take place August 8-10.

This year’s Consumer Products Challenge is sponsored by Kimberly-Clark, 3M and Amway. Register today:

Design Expo 2018 Registration Now Open

Design Expo 2018 will be held in the MUB Ballroom on Thursday, April 19th. Please save the date!

Design Expo highlights hands-on, discovery-based learning at Michigan Tech. More than 600 students on Enterprise and Senior Design teams showcase their work and compete for awards. A panel of judges, made up of distinguished corporate representatives and Michigan Tech staff and faculty members, critique the projects. Many team projects are sponsored by industry, which allows students to gain valuable experience through competition, as well as direct exposure to real industrial problems. Design Expo is co-hosted by the College of Engineering and the Pavlis Honors College.

Registration is now open for Senior Design and Enterprise teams. Students should visit the Design Expo website to review important instructions, deadlines and poster criteria. All Senior Design and Enterprise teams must register by Monday, February 12th, 2018.


Summer Youth Programs Employment Information Session

Anyone interested in working for Summer Youth Programs (SYP) is invited to attend an employment information session. SYP provides exciting and engaging hands-on camps for middle and high school students. If you’re looking for a position that lets you channel your creativity, innovation, enthusiasm, and team spirit, all in a professional environment, we have just the job for you!

We are looking for outstanding individuals who bring awesome experiences and fresh perspectives to the table. Applicants should be positive, forward thinking, innovative, and eager to make a difference in the lives of young people.

We offer a flexible schedule in a casual, fun work environment, and provide valuable professional development experiences.

Interested? Join us at one of the info sessions:

Wednesday 1/24 at 6:00 PM – MUB Ballroom A1

Thursday 1/25 at 5:30 PM – MUB Alumni Lounge

If you have questions or can’t make it, please contact the Center for Pre-College Outreach at


Basketball & Wallyball: You may still sign your team up on the waitlist!

Bowling: Deadline on January 22nd @ 8:00 am

Billiards Tournament: Deadline on January 26th @ 8:00 am

Table Tennis Singles Tournament: Deadline on February 2nd @ 8:00 am

Table Tennis Doubles Tournament: Deadline on February 2nd @ 1:00 pm

Co-Rec Doubles Racquetball: Deadline on February 5th @ 5:00 pm

Register your team at

– For more information:  E-mail

Commit to be HuskiesFit in 2018!
Change up your workout or try a new class. Set some new fitness goals! Several HuskiesFit Programs will offer classes for only $2 during Dollar Days January 16-21.

 HuskiesFit Dollar Days

Get your #FutureHuskies active and involved with fun youth classes such as Rock Climbing and POUND or sign them up for one of the many spring camps, clinics and tournaments now open for registration.

Youth Classes @ a Glance

Adult Group Fitness Classes @ a Glance

Like to mix it up all the time? Try the HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punch Card – a premium 8-punch card that gets you into several fantastic group fitness classes!

HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punch Card

Visit HuskiesFit Programs to view the Dollar Days schedule and for a full listing of adult group fitness classes and youth classes offered this spring.
Commit to be HuskiesFit.
Regular semester programming begins January 22.

Spring 2018 HuskiesFit Program Guide

 Men’s Volleyball Club Home Tournament

Come cheer us on as we take on UW-Oshkosh 2 & 3 on January 20th in the SDC Wood Gym. We’ll play a match against each team in the morning, take a lunch break, and then play two matches again. Admission is free, so take a break from your first week of classes and come join us for an entertaining day!

January 20th 9:30am – 5:00pm  SDC Varsity Wood Gym

Huskies Helping Huskies

The 2018 CopperDog 150 sled dog race is fast approaching, and we need your help!  The CopperDog is a 150 mile, 3 day race that traverses the Keweenaw Peninsula March 2nd thru 4th.  It takes hundreds of volunteers to put on this unique and exciting event.  In the past, MTU students have had a great time working as dog handlers or crossing guards along the trail.

“I can honestly say CopperDog is one of the most exciting volunteering events all year.” Says Devin Leonarduzzi, MTU alum. “Mushers and their dog teams travel to the Keweenaw from all over the world, so the hospitality and support from our community is awesome to see.  You’ll feel the energy and know you’re part of something big.”

The first leg of the event, on Friday March 2nd, is a niHuskies dogs picturesght race from Calumet to Eagle Harbor.  Teams then travel to Copper Harbor on Saturday, and all the way back to Calumet on Sunday.  All volunteers are encouraged to attend training at Calumet High school from 11am-1pm on February 24th.

You can sign up as just yourself, a small group of friends, or a student organization.  The complete list of volunteer opportunities is available at

Make this special event part of your MTU experience.  You won’t regret it!

Sign Up Now!

MTU Surveys

Look for these signs around campus and submit your feedback for a chance to win a free coffee!

Student News Briefs – January 12, 2018

Comedian Ian Lara 
   Ian Lara is just a regular Dominican kid from Queens, New York. Youngest of five and born to immigrant parents since a young age being funny became a way of life. He started comedy right after college after being told by some really successful lawyers that he should skip going to law school and he’s loved every second since. Usually you can catch him performing every night in some of the best and worst shows in New York City, or he’s on the road at a club or college near you. Ian Lara might become a household name Lara Cbut his real dream is to one day get big enough where he can wear those big cowboy hats Pharrell wears to awards shows.
Join Late Night Programming for a bunch of laughs with comedian Ian Lara.  He will be performing Friday, January 19 in the MUB Ballroom at 10:00 PM.  This event is free (funded by the Student Activity fee).
This event is scheduled for Friday, January 19, in the MUB Ballroom at 10 pm.

The 29th Annual MLK Banquet is here!

 In our 29th year of MLK celebrations, Michigan Technological University invites you to reflect on Dr. King’s vision of inclusion. 2018 marks 50 years since we lost one of the most influential visionaries and impactful social justice advocates of United States history.MLK picture

  •  On January 23, 2018, we will celebrate our 29th banquet in the Rozsa Lobby.
  • Please arrive at 5:00 pm

Reserve your space here:

LA Theater Works Presents – The Mountaintop at the Rozsa Center

This year, in conjunction with Michigan Tech’s Martin Luther King Jr. celebration, and the 50th anniversary of the assassination of the Martin Luther King Jr., the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts and Michigan Tech’s Center for Diversity and Inclusion are proud to present LA Theatre Work’s brand new production of Katori Hall’s play, The Mountaintop. On the evening of April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated outside room 306 of The Lorraine Motel in Memphis, TN. What happened inside room 306 the night before the killing is a mystery. In her internationally acclaimed play, playwright Katori Hall imagines what may have transpired in the overnight hours between the legendary civil rights leader and a seemingly inconsequential hotel maid. See The Mountaintop at the Rozsa Center on Tuesday, January 23rd, at 7:30 PM. There will also be a panel discussion and Q & A with student members of Michigan Tech’s National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), L.A. Theatre Works’ The Mountaintop cast, and staff from The Center for Diversity and Inclusion in the Rozsa Lobby, with beverages and dessert served, immediately following the play.

For more details, please see our press release, attached. Also attached is a press release from LA Theatre Works, announcing their national tour.

The cast will be available for interviews in advance by phone. Please contact me or the LA Theatre Works PR contact, Lucy Pollack, to set those up.


The Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success is Hiring for 2018-19!

Are you looking for leadership opportunities where you encourage the success of other Michigan Tech students?  Com join the staff of the Wahtera Center in the following positions:  OTL (Orientation Team Leader), ExSEL Peer Mentor, Academic Success Coach, Commuter Assistant, Success Course Peer Teaching Assistant, Transfer Student Assistant.

To apply for any of these positions, you must attend one of the following info sessions to obtain an application.

January 16, 2018 — 6:05 pm, Fisher 139

January 19, 2018 — 3:05 pm, Fisher 135

If you have any questions, please email:

Ken Steiner Memorial Benefit to Support

Little Brothers: Friends of the Elderly

When longtime local resident Ken Steiner passed away suddenly last January, family, friends, and the entire community came together for a memorial to celebrate all the lives he touched through his decades of good work to make the Keweenaw, and the world, a better place. From a long list of friends playing the music to the majority of area restaurants where he worked providing food, there was an overwhelming outpouring of love, support and good will. And, above all a strong sense that the work Ken championed, the positive energy and creative spirit he inspired, would continue, carried forward by those who knew and loved him.

This year, the Rozsa Center and the Michigan Tech Visual and Performing Arts Department want to extend that spirit and good will, by hosting a benefit in Ken’s honor for his favorite charity: Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly, featuring good food, a cash bar, and once again a host of Ken’s friends and former band mates making the music, on Friday, January 12 at 6:30 pm to 11:30 pm, in the Rozsa Center Lobby. Ticket prices are: $10/$20/$30/donation of your choice. 100% of ticket sales will be donated in Ken’s name to Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly.

Bands featured: Steve Jones And The Garden City Hot Club at 7:00 PM. Uncle Pete’s All Star BBQ Blues Band at 8:15 PM. And, Outlaw’d at 9:30 PM. Ticket prices are in a range of “donation levels,” so that everken 3yone who attends can support the fundraiser at a level they choose.

To purchase tickets, please call  (906) 487-2073, go online at, or visit Ticketing Operations at Michigan Tech’s Student Development Complex (SDC). Tickets will also be available at the Rozsa Box office the evening of the benefit. The Rozsa Box Office opens two hours before event times.

The Michigan Tech Engineering Ambassadors program is looking for new members!

Do you want to be a part of outreach to middle and high schoolers to teach about engineering?

Do you want to grow in your professional communication skills?

If yes… then you should check out Michigan Tech’s Engineering Ambassadors Program! Open to all Engineering majors. Join a group of students who prepare a brief presentation, and present on this engineering topic and conduct a hands-on activity at local schools (Grades 3-10) to excite students about engineering.

Come to an informational session hosted by current Engineering Ambassadors on Thursday January 18, at 6 PM in Fisher 129 to learn more about the Engineering Ambassadors program. If you cannot make the info session but want to be a part of the program, or want more information, please contact Jaclyn Johnson, 

Summer Youth Programs Employment Information Session

Anyone interested in working for Summer Youth Programs (SYP) is invited to attend an employment information session. SYP provides exciting and engaging hands-on camps for middle and high school students. If you’re looking for a position that lets you channel your creativity, innovation, enthusiasm, and team spirit, all in a professional environment, we have just the job for you!

We are looking for outstanding individuals who bring awesome experiences and fresh perspectives to the table. Applicants should be positive, forward thinking, innovative, and eager to make a difference in the lives of young people.

We offer a flexible schedule in a casual, fun work environment, and provide valuable professional development experiences.

Interested? Join us at one of the info sessions:

Wednesday 1/24 at 6:00 PM – MUB Ballroom A1

Thursday 1/25 at 5:30 PM – MUB Alumni Lounge

If you have questions or can’t make it, please contact the Center for Pre-College Outreach at



Basketball: Deadline on January 19th @ 8:00 am

Wallyball: Deadline on January 19th @ 8:00 am

Bowling: Deadline on January 22nd @ 8:00 am

Billiards Tournament: Deadline on January 26th @ 8:00 am

Table Tennis Singles Tournament: Deadline on February 2nd @ 8:00 am

Table Tennis Doubles Tournament: Deadline on February 2nd @ 1:00 pm

Co-Rec Doubles Racquetball: Deadline on February 5th @ 5:00 pm

Register your team at

– For more information:  E-mail

Commit to be HuskiesFit in 2018!
Change up your workout or try a new class. Set some new fitness goals! Several HuskiesFit Programs will offer classes for only $2 during Dollar Days January 16-21.

 HuskiesFit Dollar Days

Get your #FutureHuskies active and involved with fun youth classes such as Rock Climbing and POUND or sign them up for one of the many spring camps, clinics and tournaments now open for registration.

Youth Classes @ a Glance

Adult Group Fitness Classes @ a Glance

Like to mix it up all the time? Try the HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punch Card – a premium 8-punch card that gets you into several fantastic group fitness classes!

HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punch Card

Visit HuskiesFit Programs to view the Dollar Days schedule and for a full listing of adult group fitness classes and youth classes offered this spring.
Commit to be HuskiesFit.

 Men’s Volleyball Club Home Tournament

Come cheer us on as we take on UW-Oshkosh 2 & 3 on January 20th in the SDC Wood Gym. We’ll play a match against each team in the morning, take a lunch break, and then play two matches again. Admission is free, so take a break from your first week of classes and come join us for an entertaining day!

January 20th 9:30am – 5:00pm  SDC Varsity Wood Gym

MTU Surveys

Look for these signs around campus and submit your feedback for a chance to win a free coffee!

Student News Briefs – January 5, 2018

The 29th Annual MLK Banquet is here!

 In our 29th year of MLK celebrations, Michigan Technological University invites you to reflect on Dr. King’s vision of inclusion. 2018 marks 50 years since we lost one of the most influential visionaries and impactful social justice advocates of United States history.MLK picture

  •  On January 23, 2018, we will celebrate our 29th banquet in the Rozsa Lobby.
  • Please arrive at 5:00 pm

Reserve your space here:

Call for Volunteers to Welcome New International Students for Spring 2018

Will you and/or members of your student organization be in Houghton the week before classes begin in January? If so, International Programs & Services is looking for volunteers to help welcome new international students to campus! Volunteer shifts are available throughout the week of January 8th-13th.

Individuals or organizations interested in volunteering can email for more details and to sign up for shifts.

The Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success is Hiring for 2018-19!

Are you looking for leadership opportunities where you encourage the success of other Michigan Tech students?  Com join the staff of the Wahtera Center in the following positions:  OTL (Orientation Team Leader), ExSEL Peer Mentor, Academic Success Coach, Commuter Assistant, Success Course Peer Teaching Assistant, Transfer Student Assistant.

To apply for any of these positions, you must attend one of the following info sessions to obtain an application.

January 16, 2018 — 6:05 pm, Fisher 139

January 19, 2018 — 3:05 pm, Fisher 135

If you have any questions, please email:


Basketball: Deadline on January 19th @ 8:00 am

Wallyball: Deadline on January 19th @ 8:00 am

Bowling: Deadline on January 22nd @ 8:00 am

Billiards Tournament: Deadline on January 26th @ 8:00 am

Table Tennis Singles Tournament: Deadline on February 2nd @ 8:00 am

Table Tennis Doubles Tournament: Deadline on February 2nd @ 1:00 pm

Co-Rec Doubles Racquetball: Deadline on February 5th @ 5:00 pm

Register your team at

– For more information:  E-mail

MTU Surveys

Look for these signs around campus and submit your feedback for a chance to win a free coffee!


Student News Briefs – December 22, 2017

SDC Holiday Building Schedule

SDC Holiday Building Schedule

The SDC will have reduced hours December 23 through January 13, but will remain open almost every day. There are plenty of indoor recreation opportunities for family and friends – swimming, skating racquetball, volleyball, basketball. See SDC building schedule.

SDC Holiday Programs and Events Schedule

SDC Holiday Programs & Events

Check out the Holiday Program Schedule for special events and HuskiesFit Programs such as log rolling, public skating, drop-in hockey, Fitbarre and more!

Make the SDC your indoor recreation destination this holiday season. For more information, visit Recreation.

The 29th Annual MLK Banquet is here!

 In our 29th year of MLK celebrations, Michigan Technological University invites you to reflect on Dr. King’s vision of inclusion. 2018 marks 50 years since we lost one of the most influential visionaries and impactful social justice advocates of United States history.MLK picture

  •  On January 23, 2018, we will celebrate our 29th banquet in the Rozsa Lobby.
  • Please arrive at 5:00 pm


Reserve your space here:


Call for Volunteers to Welcome New International Students for Spring 2018

Will you and/or members of your student organization be in Houghton the week before classes begin in January? If so, International Programs & Services is looking for volunteers to help welcome new international students to campus! Volunteer shifts are available throughout the week of January 8th-13th.

Individuals or organizations interested in volunteering can email for more details and to sign up for shifts.

Great Lakes Invitational College Hockey

Are you or someone you know going to the Great Lakes Invitational (GLI)  this year? Buy your tickets online through the link below and part of your ticket purchase will go to help the Husky FAN Pantry! Ticket prices remain the same.

WHO: You, your friends, family, alumni, etc

WHAT: Great Lakes Invitational College Hockey

WHERE: Little Caesar’s Arena, Detroit Michigan

WHEN: January 1 and 2

WHY: Support the Huskies Hockey Team and the Husky FAN Pantry.  The pantry provides food, meal swipes, emergency food packs, aFlyer for Hockey And educational programming to the campus community at no cost.

HOW: Go to this website and enter the promotion code: MTUGREEKThis fundraiser is sponsored by Michigan Tech’s Fraternity and Sorority Life.If you have any questions, please email Rochelle Spencer ( for Michigan Tech related questions or Lauren Kalinosky ( for ticket questions or to purchase tickets over the phone.

The Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success is Hiring for 2018-19!

Are you looking for leadership opportunities where you encourage the success of other Michigan Tech students?  Com join the staff of the Wahtera Center in the following positions:  OTL (Orientation Team Leader), ExSEL Peer Mentor, Academic Success Coach, Commuter Assistant, Success Course Peer Teaching Assistant, Transfer Student Assistant.

To apply for any of these positions, you must attend one of the following info sessions to obtain an application.

January 16, 2018 — 6:05 pm, Fisher 139

January 19, 2018 — 3:05 pm, Fisher 135

If you have any questions, please email:

HuskyFit has New Programs

HuskyFit is excited to announce the expanded options of wellness services available at the SDC. Take advantage of these great new programs today!

– One on One Therapeutic Yoga – Improve health and movement through one on one personal postural analysis screening, functional movement assessments and a Yoga practice customized to meet your specific needs.

– Personal Health Coaching – A free consultation followed by a 3 month program to guide, support and educate clients to make long lasting, sustainable lifestyle changes.

– Personal Training – Certified trainers work with you to help you meet your fitness goals from losing weight or gaining muscle to increasing strength or training for a marathon! Single and partner packages available.

– Nutrition classes – Bring your lunch and learn some nutritional health tips.

– Meditation – Increase focus and attention, become more resilient to stress, strengthen your immune system and more through the practice of meditation.

Don’t forget the variety of HuskiesFit group fitness options available 7 days a week! We are happy to continually update our program offerings to meet the needs of our community!

Employees, use your remaining 2017 TechFit monies as a form of payment for HuskiesFit Programs!

For more information, visit HuskiesFit Programs.


Basketball: Deadline on January 19th @ 8:00 am

Wallyball: Deadline on January 19th @ 8:00 am

Bowling: Deadline on January 22nd @ 8:00 am

Billiards Tournament: Deadline on January 26th @ 8:00 am

Table Tennis Singles Tournament: Deadline on February 2nd @ 8:00 am

Table Tennis Doubles Tournament: Deadline on February 2nd @ 1:00 pm

Co-Rec Doubles Racquetball: Deadline on February 5th @ 5:00 pm

Register your team at

– For more information:  E-mail

MTU Surveys

Look for these signs around campus and submit your feedback for a chance to win a free coffee!