Student News Briefs, 1/6/2017




Poster-thai-night-2017-jpegThai [K]night Hosted by the Thai Student Association

The Thai Student Association invites you to their very popular annual event, Thai [K]night in the MUB Ballroom on Saturday, January 14, 2017, 6 – 8 p.m.
Thai authentic appetizer, main dish, and dessert will be served:
Sweet Corn Fritters
Chicken Massaman (Peanut Curry)
Steamed Fish Curry
Stir Fried Morning Glory
Thai Jasmine Rice
Coconut Ice-cream
Lemon-iced Tea

Thai Music (Thai Flute)
Thai Dance
Thai Martial Art (Thai Curved Sword).

Only 112 tickets will be available at the promotion table at the MUB Commons on January 9 – 13 2017.

Brewing Creativity – Makerspace Open House 

The Alley will be hosting an open house on Thursday, January 12 from 4-6 PM. We are located in the basement of the MUB. Come espresso yourself and create some of our favorite brewing related crafts including custom coffee mugs, bottle openers, drink cozies and more! Maker Coaches will help guide you and answer any questions you have about the Alley!

The Fishing Club Hosting a Winter Tournament

Sign up for a Winter Tournament in Chassell Bay on January 14, 2017 from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Registration starts @ 7:30 am. Cost is $10/person with an optional $3 Big Fish winner take all! Scoring will consist of total length for three combined legal size fish. All MDNR rules apply. Cash payouts are as follows:
1st 30%
2nd 20%
3rd 10%
Please Pre-Register for this event at the ticeting link above or at More information to come regarding boundaries and other prizes! Feel free to contact the page with any questions.

MLK posterSocial Justice Lecture Series Presents: 28th Annual MLK Banquet

Join the Center for Diversity and Inclusion for Michigan Tech’s 28th annual MLK Banquet Celebration on January 16, doors open at 5:30 p.m. in the MUB Ballroom. This long-standing tradition at Tech shows the strong community we create and that as huskies we can work toward a more equitable future.
This year Dr. Robert Scott will be our keynote speaker. Dr. Scott manages several key projects in support of the diversity and outreach strategy and programs across the Engineering College at the University of Michigan.

Ticket Registration is free and required at the following link:




Summer Youth Programs Seeking 2017 Staff

The Center for Pre-College Outreach is welcoming applicants to join the 2017 Summer Youth Programs (SYP) staff. We are hiring a variety of positions, including residence counselors, activity counselor’s, desk staff, chaperones and more. Working for SYP is about more than a summer job: staff members build leadership skills, impact the lives of over 1,000 pre-college students, and contribute to engaging students in the excitement of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

More information about the positions can be found on the Summer Youth Programs hiring website.

Interested students are encouraged to attend one of the short information sessions to be offered:

*Tuesday, January 10 (6:00 – 7:00 pm in the MUB Alumni Lounge)
*Wednesday, January 11 (6:00 – 7:00 pm in the DHH Ballroom)

For more information, feel free to contact the CPCO office (906-487-2219 or or visit

Wahtera Center Hiring Student Staff for 2017-18

The Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success is hiring student staff positions for 2017-18. These positions include orientation team leaders (OTLs), academic success coaches, peer teaching assistants, ExSEL peer mentors and a commuter and transfer assistant.

These positions provide students with great opportunities to engage with and encourage their peers and develop their communication and leadership skills.

For position descriptions, visit the Wahtera Center webpage.

New applicants are required to attend one short information session before receiving their link to apply. The next session will be held at 5 and 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 11 in Fisher 138.

Applicants are required to have a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative and semester GPA to be considered. Contact the staff of the Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success at with any questions.




Try a Fitness Class for Only $2

Want to change up your workout, try out a new class or set some new fitness goals? Several HuskiesFit Programs will offer classes for only two dollars during Dollar Days next week (Jan 9-14).

Semester programs begin Jan. 16. Looking for variety? Try the HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punch Card.

This premium eight-punch card can be used to attend any of the following Adult Group Fitness Classes:

Spin/Indoor Cycle,
Zumba Step,
Aqua Zumba,
Belly Dance

For more information go to the website.

Inline image 1
Upcoming intramural Events

Entry Deadlines:

Wallyball: Friday, January 13@ 8:00 am
– Season begins on Tuesday, January 17

Basketball: Friday, January 13@ 8:00 am
– Season begins on Tuesday, January 17

Bowling: Friday, January 13@ 8:00 am
– Season begins on Tuesday, January 19

Billiards:  Firday, January 20@ 8:00 am
– Tournament is on Saturday, January 21 @ 10:00 am
– Tournament will take place at DHH

Table Tennis Singles: Wednesday, January 25@ 8:00 am
– Tournament will be on Friday, January 27 @ 6:00 pm
– Tournament will take place at DHH

Table Tennis Doubles: Wednesday, January 25@ 8:00 am
– Tournament will be on Sunday, January 29 @ 1:00 pm
– Tournament will take place at DHH

CO-REC Racquetball Doubles: Monday, January 30@ 8:00 am


Register your team at

For more information:  E-mail



Medical Careers Week
Join us to learn about a variety of opportunities in the medical field.
January 23 – 26

Consumer Products Day
Consumer Products Day returns for another year! This “Shark-Tank style” event features your team – the entrepreneurs, and the “sharks” – company representatives, who want to challenge you to come up with a re-purposed, re-designed idea for their company-supplied products.
January 26 – 28

Registration is open and limited. Sign your team up today!



PureRA-Jan-reducedInterested in Becoming an RA?

Housing and Residential Life is looking for new staff to join our team in 2017-18! We are hiring Resident Assistants. As a resident assistant, you will be seen a leader within the community, you will  help to build a strong, diverse, and inclusive community,  and you will promote learning inside and outside of the classroom.

For a more detailed description of the job, please visit the Housing and Residential Life hiring webpage.

New applicants are required to attend one short information session before receiving their link to apply. The final session is being held:  January 9 at 9:00 p.m. in Fisher 138.

Applicants are required to have a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative and semester GPA to be considered. Please contact the Housing and Residential Staff at if you have any questions.

Design Expo 2017 Registration Now Open

Design Expo 2017 will be held in the MUB Ballroom on Thursday, April 13. Please save the date!

Design Expo highlights hands-on, discovery-based learning at Michigan Tech. More than 600 students on Enterprise and Senior Design teams showcase their work and compete for awards. A panel of judges, made up of distinguished corporate representatives and Michigan Tech staff and faculty members, critique the projects. Many team projects are sponsored by industry, which allows students to gain valuable experience through competition, as well as direct exposure to real industrial problems. Design Expo is co-hosted by the College of Engineering and the Pavlis Honors College.

Registration is now open for Senior Design and Enterprise teams. Visit the Design Expo website to register before the deadline, Monday, February 6, 2017.


Michigan Tech LODE & Student News Briefs, 12/9/16




Film Board Presents a Weekend of Holiday Films

Finals Stressing You Out? Need a Break from Cramming? Join Film Board for a Study Break! All day on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday we will be watching holiday movies in Fisher 135.  The theatre will be a quiet space to relax, read a book, or get away from your roommate while casually watching a holiday film.  Come and go as you please and concessions will be available.  Hope to see you there!

Note: Regular films will resume next semester

Khana Khazana Indian 3Khana Khazana Serving Indian Cuisine

This week at the Memorial Union North Coast Grill and Deli, we are featuring a menu from India.

The menu features:
Chicken Do Pyaza (Chicken Curry with Onion) (Non-veggie)
Rajma Masala (Streamed Kidney Bean) (Veggie)
Gajar Halwa (Carrot Pudding)
Mixed Vegetable Pakora (Crispy Indian Fritters)

Serving is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. The cost is $7.95 and includes a fountain beverage.

GSG stress relieving night poster 12.2016GSG Hosting Study Break Stress Relief Event

Some high beat workout and a little bit of mindfulness is the apt recipe to relieve the stress of the finals week, and the Graduate Student Government is here to help you with this.

GSG is organizing a Stress Relieving Night event where you can burn some calories through Zumba taught by Cindy Crabtree, or attain some peace of mind through Meditation and Mindfulness by Silke Feltz. There will also be some coloring, socializing, and food for all attendees. GSG welcomes all graduate students to spend the Friday evening to relax their mind and body to prepare for the last week of a well rounded Fall semester.

The event will be organized this Friday, December 9 from 7 – 9 p.m. in the Douglass Houghton Hall Ballroom, near the Walker Arts building, opposite to the Broomball rinks.

For more information please contact Muraleekrishnan at



12 Days of Christmas Sale at the Campus Bookstore

The 12 Days of Christmas sale is back at the Michigan Tech Campus Store and University Images. Now through December 19, a new sleigh-full of goodies will be offered each day for you and yours.

Discover a great selection of sporting apparel, souvenirs, and brand new items just for the holiday season. Stop in for the warm smiles and holiday cheer, and leave with the great deals. For current and upcoming specials, as well as holiday operating hours, check our social media feeds at

Wahtera Center Hiring Student Staff for 2017-18

The Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success is hiring student staff positions for 2017-18. These positions include orientation team leaders (OTLs), academic success coaches, peer teaching assistants, ExSEL peer mentors and a commuter and transfer assistant.

These positions provide students with great opportunities to engage with and encourage their peers and develop their communication and leadership skills.

For position descriptions, visit the Wahtera Center webpage.

New applicants are required to attend one short information session before receiving their link to apply. The next session will be held at 5 and 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 11 in Fisher 138.

Applicants are required to have a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative and semester GPA to be considered. Contact the staff of the Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success at success@mtu.eduwith any questions.

Graduating Senior Series: Part 5—Now What? Life After College


Join a panel of Michigan Tech alumni to learn how to navigate life after graduation—how they got to where they are now, the resources they used and what they wished they had known when they were in your shoes. This session is from noon to 1 p.m. Friday (Dec. 9) in the Memorial Union Ballroom.



PureRA-Jan-reducedInterested in Becoming an RA?

Housing and Residential Life is looking for new staff to join our team in 2017-18! We are hiring Resident Assistants. As a resident assistant, you will be seen a leader within the community, you will  help to build a strong, diverse, and inclusive community,  and you will promote learning inside and outside of the classroom.

For a more detailed description of the job, please visit the Housing and Residential Life hiring webpage.

New applicants are required to attend one short information session before receiving their link to apply. The final session is being held:  January 9 at 9:00 p.m. in Fisher 138.

Applicants are required to have a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative and semester GPA to be considered. Please contact the Housing and Residential Staff at if you have any questions.

Design Expo 2017 Registration Now Open

Design Expo 2017 will be held in the MUB Ballroom on Thursday, April 13. Please save the date!

Design Expo highlights hands-on, discovery-based learning at Michigan Tech. More than 600 students on Enterprise and Senior Design teams showcase their work and compete for awards. A panel of judges, made up of distinguished corporate representatives and Michigan Tech staff and faculty members, critique the projects. Many team projects are sponsored by industry, which allows students to gain valuable experience through competition, as well as direct exposure to real industrial problems. Design Expo is co-hosted by the College of Engineering and the Pavlis Honors College.

Registration is now open for Senior Design and Enterprise teams. Visit the Design Expo website to register before the deadline, Monday, February 6, 2017.


GLI Tickets Fundraiser

Buy your tickets online through the link below and part of your ticket purchase will go to help the Husky FAN Pantry! Tickets prices remain the same.
WHO: You, your friends, family, alumni, etc
WHAT: Great Lakes Invitational College Hockey
WHERE: Joe Louis Arena, Detroit Michigan
WHEN: December 29 and 30
WHY: Support the Huskies Hockey Team and the Husky FAN Pantry.  The pantry provides food, meal swipes, emergency food packs, and educational programming to the campus community at no cost.
HOW: Go to this website and enter the promotion code: MTUGREEK
This fundraiser is sponsored by Michigan Tech’s Fraternity and Sorority Life.

If you have any questions, please email Rochelle Spencer ( for Michigan Tech related questions or Lauren Kalinosky ( for ticket questions or to purchase tickets over the phone.

WinterBreakHFSliderHuskiesFit Holiday Classes


HuskiesFit Dollar Days January 9-14



This Week’s Events

HUSKY TALKS: How to Succeed in Your Co-op  CANCELLED
The Career Ambassadors will give you their “been there, done that” perspective about how to ensure you have a great co-op experience, what the company expects from you, and how to brand yourself as someone they want to hire full-time.
Tuesday, December 13 | 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM OR Wednesday, December 14 | 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM

After the Break:

Medical Careers Week
Join us to learn about a variety of opportunities in the medical field.
January 23 – 26

Consumer Products Day
Consumer Products Day returns for another year! This “Shark-Tank style” event features your team – the entrepreneurs, and the “sharks” – company representatives, who want to challenge you to come up with a re-purposed, re-designed idea for their company-supplied products.
January 26 – 28

Registration is open and limited. Sign your team up today!


Michigan Tech Lode & Student News Briefs, 12/2/2016


Featured Stories:

  • Page 2: Community peace walk
  • Page 7: Discover your inner elf
  • Page 10: Should students be assigned homework over break?
  • Page 13: Huskies sweep Alaska



15253468_10153443563592325_7049775097219862400_nTonight, 12/2, Escape Rooms Event

Do you ever watch films where the leads are in a sticky situation they need to get themselves out of and think to yourself, “I could totally do that.” Why not prove it? Stop by the MUB Ballroom this Friday from 6-10 p.m. for “Escape the MUB!” Solve puzzles with your friends to try and break out of a room within an hour.

Come as a walk-in or sign up early here:

Co-Sponsored by the MUB Board and Late Night.

Film Board Presents The Magnificent Seven

Friday, Dec. 2 @2:30, 8:30, 11:30
Saturday, Dec. 3 @2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 11:30
Sunday, Dec. 4 @2:30, 5:30

Located on Michigan Tech’s campus in Fisher 135. Tickets are $3 and concessions are $1 each. We hope to see you at the show this weekend and have a great day!

The Magnificent Seven is rated PG-13 for extended and intense sequences of Western violence, historical smoking, some language and suggestive material.

Khana Khazana Asian ComboKhana Khazana Serving Asian Combo Meal

This week at the Memorial Union North Coast Grill and Deli, we are featuring a menu from Asia.

The menu features:

  • Chicken Teriyaki (Japan) (For Non-Vegetarian)
  • Hot & Spicy Tofu (China) (For Vegetarian)
  • Mon Tod (Thailand)
  • Payasam (India)

Serving is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. The cost is $7.95 and includes a fountain beverage.

15319110_10153449483982325_2230428478819385206_nStudy Break Hosted by MUB Board

The semester is coming to a close and if you’re like most other students on campus, you’re probably drowning in the stress of exams, essays, projects, and maybe a quiz or two. In order to relieve your pain in this trying time, we offer our holiday-themed Study Break!

Stop by MUB Ballroom A on Thursday, December 8 from 7-9 p.m. They will be providing snacks, crafts, and a holiday movie showing.

Rozsa Presents Tuba Christmas! A Free Holiday Community Concert

Holiday festivities at the Rozsa have commenced! The Rozsa Center and Department of Visual and Performing Arts present a concert by Michigan Tech students, faculty, and local musicians in Houghton’s very own Tuba Christmas, an evening of music by and for Tuba and Euphonium. Tubists (and euphoniums and baritones) gather annually to honor the first “world-class tubist” Bill Bell, who was born on Christmas day.

Admission is free, and the concert will take place in the Rozsa Lobby this Sunday, December 4, at 7:30 p.m..

Relaxation Wellness Event Hosted by Alpha Delta Alpha

The sisters of Alpha Delta Alpha will be hosting a Wellness Event to de-stress before finals.
Please join us in an evening of relaxation.
Activities may include:
Yoga, Calming Music, Facial Masks, etc.

When: Thursday, December 8 @ 5 p.m.
Where: 810 E. South Ave. Houghton, MI

Rides will be available from Wadsworth Hall lobby (outside the dinging hall), leaving at 4:55 p.m.



HuskyLEAD Session – StrengthsQuest 12/6

Join us on Tuesday, December 6 from 6-7 p.m. in the Alumni Lounge as we talk about the renowned StrengthsQuest tool. Attendees will be introduced to the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment, recognize the unique, but different talents of others, and evaluate their own understanding about what they do best. The Undergraduate Student Government will also share how they’ve used the assessment to help make their executive board more efficient.

For more information please contact Jonathan Davey at

ASEM Meeting Announcement DEC 5thAmerican Society for Engineering Management Meeting

If you are interested in Engineering Management, please join ASEM on December 5 at 5:00 p.m. in Chem Sci  104A for their monthly meeting and Holiday Party.

For more information please contact Bryce Richard at

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Workshop

SURF is a research fellowship program that offers undergraduate students a $4000 stipend to work for 10 weeks on research on campus in the summer. Applications are open to all Tech undergraduates who have at least one semester remaining after the summer. This workshop will be led by Will Cantrell.

Workshop will take place on Monday, December 5 at 6:00 p.m. in Fisher 132.

For information on other upcoming undergraduate research workshops click here.


Interested in Becoming an RA?

Housing and Residential Life is looking for new staff to join our team in 2017-18! We are hiring Resident Assistants. As a resident assistant, you will be seen a leader within the community, you will  help to build a strong, diverse, and inclusive community,  and you will promote learning inside and outside of the classroom.

For a more detailed description of the job, please visit the Housing and Residential Life hiring webpage.

New applicants are required to attend one short information session before receiving their link to apply. Those sessions are being held:  December 2 at 6:00 p.m. and January 9 at 9:00 p.m. All information sessions will be held in Fisher 138.

Applicants are required to have a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative and semester GPA to be considered. Please contact the Housing and Residential Staff at if you have any questions.

Design Expo 2017 Registration Now Open

Design Expo 2017 will be held in the MUB Ballroom on Thursday, April 13. Please save the date!

Design Expo highlights hands-on, discovery-based learning at Michigan Tech. More than 600 students on Enterprise and Senior Design teams showcase their work and compete for awards. A panel of judges, made up of distinguished corporate representatives and Michigan Tech staff and faculty members, critique the projects. Many team projects are sponsored by industry, which allows students to gain valuable experience through competition, as well as direct exposure to real industrial problems. Design Expo is co-hosted by the College of Engineering and the Pavlis Honors College.

Registration is now open for Senior Design and Enterprise teams. Visit the Design Expo websiteto register before the deadline, Monday, February 6, 2017.

bus routeHockey Shuttle Bus Route Change

This weekend we are changing the hockey shuttle bus route and pick up locations on campus. Please see map above.

This is a direct result of specific feedback received from students.

Customer Appreciation Sale at the Campus Bookstore

Feeling appreciated is one of life’s greatest pleasures. And the Michigan Tech Campus Store and University Images would like to show our appreciation and thank you for your continued patronage by once again offering our annual Customer Appreciation Sale on December 6, from noon-5:00 p.m. and December 7, 8:00-5:00 p.m.

Nearly everything in the stores will be 25% off. We have a great selection of sporting apparel, outerwear, and souvenirs that would be the perfect gift for yourself or anyone on your holiday shopping list. Look sharp while sitting at the holiday table… browse our blazers, dress jackets, suits and ties, all of it at 50% off.

Univeristy Images and the Campus Store thank you once again and we look forward to you stopping by!



This Week’s Events

Write a Cover Letter That Gets Attention
Only 3% of applicants personalize and tailor their cover letter to the job they’re apply for, and it’s that 3% who get put in the “YES” pile. Learn how to write a cover letter that makes you stand out from the hundreds of other applicants.
Tuesday, December 6 | 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM OR Wednesday, December 7 | 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM 

Graduating Senior Series
Part 5 – Now What? Life After CollegeJoin a panel of Michigan Tech alumni to learn how to navigate life after graduation – how they got to where they are now, the resources they used, and what they wished they had known when they were in your shoes.
Friday, December 9 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM 


Student News Briefs – Special Edition



Shuttle Service During Thanksgiving Break

The Transportation Services shuttle will operate from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. today through Wednesday and will not operate during University-closed holidays.

In addition to its regular route, the shuttle will stop at the Lakeshore Center hourly.

The City of Houghton shuttle does not operate during University breaks. For questions, contact Angie Kolehmainen at 7-3288.

Black Friday Sale at University Images

University Images will be having a Black Friday Sale this Friday, November 25th, from 12pm -5pm. Come on in and check out some of the great deals! 20% off black apparel, in store, and free shipping on all online orders from Thursday, November 24th-Monday, November 28th. We look forward to seeing you and hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday weekend.



Natalia_aThis Is Always Finished, Project Learning Lab’s End-of-Semester Student Art Exhibit Opens

Works of art are always (and never!) finished. This end-of-semester installation will showcase art developed by students participating in Project Learning Lab, Visual and Performing Art’s alternative arts classroom based inside Rozsa’s gallery b. The Michigan Tech community is invited to join our students for conversations about their works – both finished and in-progress. The Rozsa Center and Department of Visual and Performing Arts present This is Always Finished, in Rozsa Galleries’ A-Space and gallery b, Friday Dec. 2- Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2016, with a reception on Friday, Dec. 2, 2016, 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. The reception is free and all are welcome.  Gallery hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. and Saturday from 1:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Tech Theatre Holds Auditions on November 30 and December 1

Michigan Tech’s “Tech Theatre Company” will hold public auditions for David Mamet’s Sexual Perversity in Chicago, next week, on Wednesday, November 30 and Thursday, December 1, in the McArdle Theatre, Walker 207, on the 2nd Floor of Michigan Tech’s Walker Center for Humanities and Art, at 7:00 p.m. each night (Please arrive by 6:45 PM).

There will be Call Backs as needed on Friday, Dec. 2. No preparation or previous acting experience required. Rehearsals begin January 9, 2017, with performances the last two weeks of February.  All actors will not be required at all rehearsals. Parts are available for two men and two women and possibly non speaking parts for up to two more women and two more men.

Michigan Tech Lode & Student News Briefs, 11/18/16



Featured Stories:

  • Page 4: Finding a way to respond to the election
  • Page 6: International Night
  • Page 10: Should we give Trump the benefit of the doubt?
  • Page 15: Varsity roundup



Khana Khazana Hawaii (1)Khana Khazana Serving Hawaiian Cuisine

This week at the Memorial Union North Coast Grill and Deli, we are featuring a menu from Hawaii.

The menu features:

  • Creamy Potato Salad
  • Huli Huli Chicken
  • Fresh Corn Tomato Salad

Serving is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. The cost is $7.95 and include a fountain beverage.

Memphis ASB TripAlternative Spring Break to Memphis, Applications Open

In March 2017, MTU will pair with a non-profit organization in Memphis, TN working to combat specific social issues. The trip is comprised of 18 students, including two staff advisors. Interested students can fill out an appliation here: asb-info-session-packet

Proto Night

The Alley – Makerspace Proto Night

Join us in our first Makerspace Proto Night! What can you expect? Collaboration, motivation, learning, uniting idea people with makers, meeting new people! You will be randomly paired with one other person. Pairs will chat, throw around some ideas, brainstorm, strategize, and implement a very focused prototype all in just 2 hours.

Check out more details on our official event page!

Service Opportunities

A few service opportunities are available for those here during the break and when you return from break. If you have questions about the opportunities, contact the email addresses listed within each project or email

1. Jackie Froiland’s family is moving to Calumet from Hancock and needs assistance moving furniture. They’re seeking 4-5 people who have vehicles and can assist on Saturday, November 26. They will provide pizza for the efforts! Jackie can be reached at
2. Mariah Maggio with Aspirus Keweenaw Hospital has a few multi-day projects for those willing to help in the next week or two. She is looking for someone to do some clerical tasks, a team of two individuals taking inventory of locks and keys, and someone to do a photo directory project. Mariah’s contact information is Mariah.Maggio@aspirus.organd 906-337-6544.



Interested in becoming an RA?

Housing and Residence Life is offering an RA Informational Session on Friday, December 2 from 6-7:30 p.m. in Fisher 138. Current RAs will be available to answer any questions.

Applications are due in January.  If anyone has questions, they can contact me at

Wilderness First Responder Course Offered Through OAP

Interested in enhancing your skills in the outdoors? Become a Wilderness First Responder (WFR). The Outdoor Adventure Program will host a five-day WFR course with Wilderness Medical Associates Jan. 2-6. Course cost is $600 for Michigan Tech students and $699 for non-Michigan Tech students. Michigan Tech students can receive a 0.5 gym credit upon completion of the course.

This course covers training and practices for medical emergencies in remote or isolated locations, like the Keweenaw Peninsula and Isle Royale. This course provides participants with the knowledge to address many medical situations that may arise in the outdoors.

Certification is valid for three years and re-certification courses are offered in Houghton as well.

For more information and registration, click HERE.






unnamed (2)

This week in from Career Services

Graduating Senior Series

Graduation is right around the corner. You found all the right tools to get your degree—now it’s time to get the tools you’ll need to navigate life and finances after college. (And eat some snacks and maybe win some prizes too!)

Tuesday, November 29 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM


Thinking About Grad School? Career Services Can Help!

Learn how to write effective and compelling graduate school application documents, as well as strategies that’ll help you get in. 20 minute presentation with lots of time for your questions.

Tuesday, November 29 | 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM OR Wednesday, November 30 | 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM



Attention All Students Graduating in December 2016

The Michigan Tech Student Foundation (MTSF) and the Student Philanthropy Council invite you to make your upcoming commencement day even more meaningful by participating in the Class Tribute Program.  It’s an opportunity for you to recognize someone special to you in the printed commencement program.

Just go to  for program and participation details.  The deadline for tribute submissions is Monday, November 21, 2016.

For questions, contact Adam Portmann at 487-2542 or

Michigan Tech LODE & Student News Briefs, 11/11/16


Featured Stories:

  • Page 2: SWE competition
  • Page 7: Come In, We’re Open
  • Page 10: Debate: Should we change education?
  • Page 13: League of Legends Worlds Finals



Khana Khazana Iranian 2

This Week at Khana Khazana, Iranian Cuisine

This week at the Memorial Union North Coast Grill and Deli, we are featuring a menu from Iran.

The menu features:
*Loobia Polo
Serving is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. The cost is $7.95 and includes a fountain beverage.

This Weekend, Film Board Presents Jason Bourne

Friday, Nov. 11 @8:30, 11:30
Saturday, Nov. 12 @2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 11:30
Sunday, Nov. 13 @2:30, 5:30

Located on Michigan Tech’s campus in Fisher 135. Tickets are $3 and concessions are $1 each.
Jason Bourne is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, and brief strong language.

MUB Board Hosting Euchre Tournament, 11/17

The MUB Euchre Tournament is back again on November 17 from 7-10 p.m. in the MUB Ballroom! Join us for a casual evening of euchre. Bring a partner or come alone and be partnered up — test your card-playing skills and you may walk away with a prize!

For more information please contact Becca at

Painting for a PurposeCanvas Painting Event Hosted by Relay for Life

Painting for a Purpose will be held on November 16 at 7:00 PM in the MUB Commons. The cost is $5 (collected at the door before the event). This entry fee includes the canvas, paints, and hot cider. A MTU student will lead the session; we will be painting an underwater theme. All of the money raised will be donated to MTU Relay for Life.

Space at the door is limited. We highly encourage you to sign up beforehand to ensure that you will receive a canvas. Open to MTU students, faculty, staff, and the general public. The painting we will be doing is pictured below!

Sign up on the following google form:



Course Material Survey Extended to November 16

Nationwide, there are more than 22,000 responses, Statistically speaking, this puts the margin of error at less than 1% at the 95% confidence interval! Michigan Tech is doing very well in participation numbers compared to the 60+ other colleges and universities involved, please consider taking the survey if you have not already.

Link to survey:

The information collected is important to the Campus Store as we strive to provide the broadest course material options and most cost-conscious pricing through strategic partnerships, transparency, and industry awareness. The survey should take roughly 20 minutes of your time. The Campus Store and OnCampus Research are offering financial incentives for your opinions and would greatly appreciate your participation!

Thank you for your time from the Campus Store staff!



Margaret Ann NoodinSocial Justice Lecture Series Presents: Dr. Margaret Noodin

The Social Justice Lecture Series presents Dr. Noodin. Join the Center for Diversity and Inclusion and Dr. Noodin for a lecture about Native American culture and native students on our campus on Thursday, November 17 at 5:00 p.m. in GLRC 202.

Dr. Noodin has a Ph.D. in Literature and Linguistics. She is also an Assistant Professor of English and American Indian Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. All are welcome to this free event.

There will be a reception at 5:00pm with the lecture starting at 5:30pm.

New Program, Husky Internships Abroad

Have you ever considered travelling abroad but don’t know how to fit it into your schedule? What if you could gain practical work experience, earn credit, and experience a new culture, too? Michigan Tech is excited to announce the launching of a new program, Husky Internships Abroad.

Join us for an information session on Monday, November 14, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. in Career Services located on the 2nd floor of the Administration Building.

For more information about the program, please email

CarolynYarinaPHC Speaker Series: Reaching a global impact through social venture development

Carolyn Yarina, founder of Sisu Global Health, will be visiting campus this Monday, November 14th. Join us in M&M 722 overlooking the canal at 11am to listen to Carolyn share her insights about important considerations for all entrepreneurs and especially those making a social impact through their endeavors.

Sisu Global Health is a startup company commercializing medical device technologies directed to address opportunities in emerging markets and developing countries. Carolyn started her first company while a student at the University of Michigan and continues with her current company which has successfully raised investment funding and is moving forward to achieve its business and social goals. Topics addressed will include considerations for structuring companies with social goals as well as the importance of geography, community, personal growth and team development.

Carolyn Yarina’s visit is partially sponsored by the Pavlis Honors College, Censi, and the Visiting Women & Minority Lecturer/Scholar Series (VWMLSS) which is funded by a grant to the Office of Institutional Equity and Inclusion from the State of Michigan’s King-Chavez-Parks Initiative. All are welcome to attend.

Documenting Your Research Workshop

Research is a complex endeavor – learn best practices in keeping track of your progress, data and findings. Workshop will be led by Will Cantrell. Please bring your research notebooks.

Workshop will take place on Tuesday, November 15 at 4:00 pm in Fisher 329.

For information on other upcoming undergraduate research workshops click here.



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This Weeks Events from Career Services

Internships Abroad Info Session
Have you ever considered travelling abroad, but don’t know how to fit it into your schedule? What if you could gain practical work experience, earn credit and experience a new culture, too? Michigan Tech is excited to announce the launching of a new program, Husky Internships Abroad.
Monday, November 14 | 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM 



Still Looking for your Internship, Co-op or Full-time Job?
It’s never too late for a job search, and there are lots of companies that need your talent! Get some job search strategies to use to discover opportunity, make connections, and submit a strong application.
Tuesday, November 15 | 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM OR Wednesday, November 16 | 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM

Natural Resources Info Session
Natural Resources Career Fair Meet & Greet. Multiple employer presentations, every 30 minutes.

Wednesday, November 16 | 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM



EPS Info Session FlyerIPS Hosting European Project Semester Program

In recognition of International Education Week (November 14 – 18), International Programs and Services will host an information session for the European Project Semester program on November 15, from 6:00 – 7:30 pm in MUB B001.

The European Project Semester is a study abroad program for students to complete their senior design credits abroad! Attend this session to learn more about the program and ask questions.

For more information please contact Vienna Chapin at

Buy GLI Tickets and Help HuskyFan Food Pantry

Are you or someone you know going to the Great Lakes Invitational (GLI)  this year? Buy your tickets online through the link below and part of your ticket purchase will go to help the Husky FAN Pantry! Ticket prices remain the same.

WHO: You, your friends, family, alumni, etc

WHAT: Great Lakes Invitational College Hockey

WHERE: Joe Louis Arena, Detroit Michigan

WHEN: December 29 and 30

WHY: Support the Huskies Hockey Team and the Husky FAN Pantry.  The pantry provides food, meal swipes, emergency food packs, and educational programming to the campus community at no cost.

HOW: Go to this website and enter the promotion code: MTUGREEK

This fundraiser is sponsored by Michigan Tech’s Fraternity and Sorority Life.

If you have any questions, please email Rochelle Spencer ( for Michigan Tech related questions or Lauren Kalinosky ( for ticket questions or to purchase tickets over the phone.

Attention All Students Graduating in December 2016

The Michigan Tech Student Foundation (MTSF) and the Student Philanthropy Council invite you to make your upcoming commencement day even more meaningful by participating in the Class Tribute Program.  It’s an opportunity for you to recognize someone special to you in the printed commencement program.

Just go to  for program and participation details.  The deadline for tribute submissions is Monday, November 21, 2016.

For questions, contact Adam Portmann at 487-2542 or

National Novel Writing Month: Writing Competition

November is the National Novel Writing Month, and to celebrate the MTMC and the Lode are co-hosting a writing competition. There will be two competitions: a short story competition and a poetry competition. Submissions should be no more than two pages in length, and should address one of the following prompts:

1. You are tasked with representing humanity at the first-ever meeting between humans and aliens. What did you say to make them angry and how will you prevent the invasion?

2. There are plenty of stories out there that talk about somebody making a leap into another world. Lucy stepped through the wardrobe into Narnia, Matthew McConaughey rocketed through a wormhole, and Neo took the red pill. In that spirit, tell us a story about a portal: any portal.

3. Alexander Flemming discovered antibiotics accidentally when he found a mold killing bacteria cultures in his lab. Serendipity has the potential to change our worlds in ways we never anticipated, so tell us a story of a time somebody found something they weren’t looking for.

Submissions are due on November 30, and should be sent to The winners will be awarded fabulous prizes and have their work published in the Lode and on the MTMC website! Happy writing!

Malala Ad_BigCritically Acclaimed Documentary, He Named me Malala

In recognition of International Education Week, Michigan Tech University is screening the critically acclaimed documentary, He Named me Malala, on Friday, November 11 at 5:30 in Fisher 135. A reflection discussion will follow the film. Admission is free. The event is sponsored by Michigan Tech Academic Affairs, International Programs and Services, and Michigan Tech Film Board.

About the Film:
He Named me Malala is an intimate portrait of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai, who was targeted by the Taliban and severely wounded by a gunshot when returning home on her school bus in Pakistan’s Swat Valley. The then 15-year-old was singled out, along with her father, for advocating for girls’ education, and the attack on her sparked an outcry from supporters around the world. She miraculously survived and is now a leading campaigner for girls’ education globally as co-founder of the Malala Fund.

Bingo Night poster 2016Bingo Night with GSG

If you are looking for a fun way to end your weekend, come out to Bingo with GSG. The event will be held from 7 – 9.30 PM on Friday, November 11, in the MUB Alumni Lounge.

Bingo Night is hosted by the Graduate Student Government as a fun social event for all students and faculty to meet in a casual setting, play some Bingo, and win some prizes. Light snacks will be provided for all who attend, and there will be a cash bar at the venue.

For more information please contact Muraleekrishnan at


Michigan Tech Lode & Student News Briefs, 11/4/16


Featured Stories:

  • Page 6 – Diwali: the festival of lights
  • Page 9 – 2016 Voter Guide
  • Page 10 – Debate: Guantanamo Bay
  • Page 15 – Huskies sweep NMU in weekend series



14657453_10153338969577325_6024252873079370577_nThe Icarus Account Performing on Saturday, 11/5

Come listen to the acoustic stylings of twin brothers Ty and Trey, better known as The Icarus Account on Saturday, November 5 at 7 p.m. in the MUB Ballroom! Enjoy refreshments and a coffee house vibe in the new MUB Commons for an unforgettable evening.

Contact Becca at for more information or visit Involvement Links‘ events section.

89f2f478-90e3-4e48-90b6-3addc6f08ea685b9f749-b15a-461e-a863-d51a6472a2dcInternational Night

Come celebrate the diversity at Michigan Tech and the Keweenaw by attending International Night 2016 on November 12 from 6-9:30 p.m.

Performances depicting International holidays and a full course meal with a variety of dishes from all across the globe.

Tickets on sale in the MUB Commons from November 7-11, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Email for more information.

Japanese Food at Fridays Khana Khazana 

This week at the Memorial Union North Coast Grill and Deli, we are featuring a menu from Japan.

The menu features:

  • Chicken Teriyaki
  • Japanese Cheesecake
  • Salad with Sesame Dressing

Serving is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. The cost is $7.95 and includes a fountain beverage.

This Weekend, Nanocon and Film Board Present Army of Darkness

Friday, Nov. 4 @5:30, 8:30
Saturday, Nov. 5 @2:30, 5:30, 8:30
Sunday, Nov. 6 @2:30, 5:30

Located on Michigan Tech’s campus in Fisher 135. Tickets are $3 and concessions are $1 each. We hope to see you at the show this weekend and have a great day!
Army of Darkness is rated PG-13 for comic horror violence, some frightening images and language.

Film Board is also partnering with 41N Film Festival to present:

Operation Avalanche
Thursday, Nov. 3 @10:00

Friday, Nov. 4 @10:30

Lastly, in collaboration with MHA, Film Board is showing:

V for Vendetta
Saturday, Nov. 5 @11:30

All three events are FREE so please come out to watch!

unnamedT-Shirt Drive and Toy Making Event

The Rotaract Club is collecting old t-shirts to be re-purposed into a new cat or dog toys and donated to the Copper Country Humane Society.

The drive will take place from November 3-11 and the donation box will be located outside the Campus Bookstore entrance in the Memorial Union Building.

If you are interested participating in toy making, that event will take place on Sunday, November 13 from 3-5 p.m. in the MUB Commons.

For more information contact Erin at

Malala Ad_BigCritically Acclaimed Documentary, He Named me Malala

In recognition of International Education Week, Michigan Tech University is screening the critically acclaimed documentary, He Named me Malala, on Friday, November 11th at 5:30 in Fisher 135. A reflection discussion will follow the film. Admission is free. The event is sponsored by Michigan Tech Academic Affairs, International Programs and Services, and Michigan Tech Film Board.

About the Film:
He Named me Malala is an intimate portrait of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai, who was targeted by the Taliban and severely wounded by a gunshot when returning home on her school bus in Pakistan’s Swat Valley. The then 15-year-old was singled out, along with her father, for advocating for girls’ education, and the attack on her sparked an outcry from supporters around the world. She miraculously survived and is now a leading campaigner for girls’ education globally as co-founder of the Malala Fund.

26497819676_f4d926aabf_oFrom Pulitzer Prize to Grammy Winners: Concert Celebrates Women Composers Working Today

The Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts is proud to present Creators Among Us, a concert presented by The Superior Windy Symphony, to celebrate the work of women composers who inspire creativity in all of us.

The performance will be led by Michael Christianson, Michigan Tech’s Director of Bands, on Saturday, November 12, 7:30 PM, in the Rozsa Center.


Alpha Delta Alpha Event, Kid Again Rush

Join the sisters of ADA and free your inner child with an evening of art and snacks!

Rides will be available from the Wads Lobby leaving at 4:55 p.m. on Wednesday, November 9.

For more information contact Aspen at

Bingo Night poster 2016Bingo Night with GSG

If you are looking for a fun way to end your weekend, come out to Bingo with GSG. The event will be held from 7 – 9.30 PM on Friday, November 11, in the MUB Alumni Lounge.

Bingo Night is hosted by the Graduate Student Government as a fun social event for all students and faculty to meet in a casual setting, play some Bingo, and win some prizes. Light snacks will be provided for all who attend, and there will be a cash bar at the venue.

For more information please contact Muraleekrishnan at

Harry Potter Themed Pinterest Night Hosted by MUB Board

From 7-9 p.m. on Tuesday, November 8 MUB Board will be hosting a Harry Potter themed Pinterest night. All are welcome to attend!

For more information contact Becca at



YellowDEADLINE EXTENDED for LeaderShape Applications

LeaderShape 2017 will take place January 2-7 at the Ford Center in Alberta, Michigan. Don’t miss out on this awesome experience!

Applications have been extended to Thursday, November 10 so register and apply today by visiting this link.

If you’re interested in further information, check out our website. Send any questions to Jonathan Davey (


Buy GLI Tickets and Help HuskyFan Food Pantry

Are you or someone you know going to the Great Lakes Invitational (GLI)  this year? Buy your tickets online through the link below and part of your ticket purchase will go to help the Husky FAN Pantry! Ticket prices remain the same.


WHO: You, your friends, family, alumni, etc

WHAT: Great Lakes Invitational College Hockey

WHERE: Joe Louis Arena, Detroit Michigan

WHEN: December 29 and 30

WHY: Support the Huskies Hockey Team and the Husky FAN Pantry.  The pantry provides food, meal swipes, emergency food packs, and educational programming to the campus community at no cost.

HOW: Go to this website and enter the promotion code: MTUGREEK

This fundraiser is sponsored by Michigan Tech’s Fraternity and Sorority Life.

If you have any questions, please email Rochelle Spencer ( for Michigan Tech related questions or Lauren Kalinosky ( for ticket questions or to purchase tickets over the phone.

Attention All Students Graduating in December 2016

The Michigan Tech Student Foundation (MTSF) and the Student Philanthropy Council invite you to make your upcoming commencement day even more meaningful by participating in the Class Tribute Program.  It’s an opportunity for you to recognize someone special to you in the printed commencement program.

Just go to  for program and participation details.  The deadline for tribute submissions is Monday, November 21, 2016.

For questions, contact Adam Portmann at 487-2542 or

images (2)Winter Parking Ban in Effect

The Winter Parking ban is in effect from November 1 to April 30, between the hours of 2 am and 7 am. There is no overnight parking on campus during these hours.

If you need to be on campus during the banned time you will need to call Public Safety at 487-2216, each time and request permission to park. This *includes* if you are at the Library during these times. You will need to provide your name, phone number vehicle license plate number, make, and model. At this time Public Safety will advise you to park in a designated overnight parking area. Designated areas are: (SW side of Lot 3 up against the MEEM building, Center for Diversity visitor lot meters #180-192 by the Hamar House, and the Houghton avenue meters #58 to #88). You will need to have your vehicle moved by 6 am to allow for snow removal.

Here are the locations for the overnight parking designated areas for your reference

If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact Transportation Services at 487-1441.

National Novel Writing Month: Writing Competition

November is the National Novel Writing Month, and to celebrate the MTMC and the Lode are co-hosting a writing competition. There will be two competitions: a short story competition and a poetry competition. Submissions should be no more than two pages in length, and should address one of the following prompts:

1. You are tasked with representing humanity at the first-ever meeting between humans and aliens. What did you say to make them angry and how will you prevent the invasion?

2. There are plenty of stories out there that talk about somebody making a leap into another world. Lucy stepped through the wardrobe into Narnia, Matthew McConaughey rocketed through a wormhole, and Neo took the red pill. In that spirit, tell us a story about a portal: any portal.

3. Alexander Flemming discovered antibiotics accidentally when he found a mold killing bacteria cultures in his lab. Serendipity has the potential to change our worlds in ways we never anticipated, so tell us a story of a time somebody found something they weren’t looking for.

Submissions are due on November 30, and should be sent to The winners will be awarded fabulous prizes and have their work published in the Lode and on the MTMC website! Happy writing!



EPS Info Session FlyerIPS Hosting European Project Semester Program

In recognition of International Education Week (November 14 – 18), International Programs and Services will host an information session for the European Project Semester program on November 15, from 6:00 – 7:30 pm in MUB B001.

The European Project Semester is a study abroad program for students to complete their senior design credits abroad! Attend this session to learn more about the program and ask questions.

For more information please contact Vienna Chapin at

Photonics Industry Night

When: Thursday, November 10, 5 p.m.-9 p.m.
Where: MUB Ballroom A1

Learn about the photonics concentration and potential careers in fiber optics, communication, image processing, and much more. Meet alumni and industry speakers in the field of optics and photonics and enjoy light refreshments!

Hosted by the Society of Optics and Photonics at Michigan Tech

Sponsored by Michigan Tech Alumni & Friends and The Optical Society of America

If you have any questions, email:

Bystander Prevention Program Discussion

SAVE and Order of Omega are hosting a Bystander Intervention Program on November 10 from 6-7:30 p.m. in Fisher 328. Bystander Intervention is a philosophy and strategy for prevention of various types of violence, including bullying, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence. This program is to inform you of how to intervene in varying situations that could lead to such acts. YOU can make a difference. Come find out how.

Please fill out this survey if you would like certain topics covered or scenarios discussed.

ASEM Meeting Announcement Nov 7thAmerican Society for Engineering Management Membership Meeting

If you are interested in becoming a member of ASEM please join us on November 7 at 5:00 p.m. in the Chem Sci Bldg room 104A.

Free pizza and Pop provided!

If you have any questions please contact Bryce at

book photo

Speaker and Author Aspen Matis

Mark your calendar to attend speaker and author Aspen Matis on Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 8:00pm in Fisher Hall, Room 135. Aspen is the author of the internationally bestselling memoir Girl in the Woods, published by HarperCollins in 2015. The book has been called “a powerful read” by O, The Oprah Magazine, and it made The Guardian’s annual top 50 list. The New York Times named Aspen Matis “a hero.” After being raped on her second night at college, Matis dropped out. Depressed and shocked that her school didn’t believe and protect her, she sought solace in a remote wilderness; she found the Pacific Crest Trail and hiked the footpath’s entire length, over 2,000 miles from Mexico to Canada. A book signing will take place after the event.

This event is sponsored by the Office of the President, Institutional Equity and Inclusion, and Student Affairs and Advancement, Visiting Women & Minority Lecturer/Scholar Series, and the SAVE student organization.
If you have a question about this event, please contact Beth Lunde-Stockero, Title IX Coordinator, at



Fall Back into Good Habits with Memberships & HuskiesFit Classes

Michigan Tech Recreation offers a variety of options to get you falling back into good healthy habits! Two upcoming workshops featuring future additions to the HuskiesFit lineup include POUND and Mindfulness.

POUND® Workshop

Basics of Mindfulness Workshop



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Graduating Senior Series
Part 3: Managing your Student Loans

Don’t get weighed down by crippling debt. Get all your questions answered regarding student loan pay-offs. Presented by Michigan Tech Financial Services

Friday, November 11 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Veterans Day Tribute

Please join the entire campus for a short, but meaningful Veterans Day Tribute to honor our fellow student, staff, and faculty veterans, including those who have fallen. The Army/Air Force Color Guard will present our Flag, and the Pep Band will play our National Anthem. Friday, November 11, 11:00 – 11:10 am, Husky Dog Statue Then be sure to stop by one of 5 thank you post card stations throughout campus to sign a card to be sent to our Michigan Tech alumni veterans. Get a Veterans Day cupcake too!

Friday, November 11 | 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Husky Talks – “Consider Federal Career Opportunities”

Originally scheduled Monday, November 7 | 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM will be rescheduled. Watch here for new dates.



Winter Coat Giveaway, 11/5/16

Portage Lake United Church, which is across the street from the Administration building, is having a coat and jacket give away on Saturday, Nov. 5 from 10:30 to 1:30.  Students are encouraged to come pick out a coat – whether it be because they need a warmer one than they have or need a spare for winter activities – skiing, snowshoeing or snow statue.   There is a really large supply to choose from.


Michigan Tech Lode & Student News Briefs, 10/28/16


Featured Stories:

  • News: Climate Cafe takes on environmental issues
  • Pulse: Apply for LeaderShape
  • Opinion: Should the US use drones abroad?
  • Sports: As long as I have my loss and tie


Khana Khazana Chinese 2

Khana Khazana Serving Chinese Cuisine

This week at the Memorial Union North Coast Grill and Deli, we are featuring a menu from China.

The menu features:

  • Tomato and Stewed Brisket
  • Chinese Corn Salad
  • Garlic Eggplant

Serving is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. The cost is $7.95 and includes a fountain beverage.

Film Board Showing Suicide Squad

Friday, Oct. 28 @5:30, 8:30, 11:30
Saturday, Oct. 29 @2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 11:30
Sunday, Oct. 30 @2:30, 5:30

Located on Michigan Tech’s campus in Fisher 135. Tickets are $3 and concessions are $1 each.

Suicide Squad is rated PG-13 for sequences of violence and action throughout, disturbing behavior, suggestive content and language.

Spooky Shoot Poster
Pistol Club Hosting Spooky Shoot Event

The MTU Pistol club is holding a Spooky shoot Friday, Oct 28 at the pistol range located in the basement of the SDC. Participants are encouraged to dress up in their  Halloween costumes (without masks) and shoot at a variety of zombie, pumpkin and reactive targets.

All are welcome to participate. For more information email


MUB Board Hosting International Game Night, 11/3

Stop by the MUB Ballroom at 6 p.m. on Thursday, November 3 for some snacks and games with an international twist! Meet with our International Club to learn about their buddy system and check out all of the events MUB Board has going on this semester.

For more information contact Becca at

Halloween Dance, 11/4

Come out for some Halloween fun on Friday, November 4 from 8:00 – 11:59 p.m. in the DHH Ballroom. There will be complimentary snacks and refreshments, games and a movie in the kitchenette and music in the ballroom.

Everyone is encouraged to be in costume.

This event is co-hosted by DHHC and the MUB Board. For more information please contact Becca at

14657453_10153338969577325_6024252873079370577_nThe Icarus Account Performing on Saturday, 11/5

Come listen to the acoustic stylings of twin brothers Ty and Trey, better known as The Icarus Account on Saturday, November 5 at 7 p.m. in the MUB Ballroom! Enjoy refreshments and a coffee house vibe in the new MUB Commons for an unforgettable evening.

Contact Becca at for more information or visit Involvement Links‘ events section.


Halloween Storytelling Social

The MTMC is getting haunted for a night of spooky stories on Monday, October 31 in Walker 107 at 5:00 p.m. Grab some candy and sip some hot cider during our open mic of scary stories from all over the world. All students and faculty are welcome. We would love to hear spooky tales from everyone, so we really encourage international students to share a story from their home countries.

For more information contact Rachel at

UNICEF rush flyerTrick or Treat for UNICEF Event

Join the sisters of Alpha Delta Alpha to Trick or Treat for UNICEF on Monday, October 31 from 5-6 p.m. Rides will leave from Wadsworth lobby at 4:55.

Contact Aspen for more information at

Caramel Apple Making Rush with Phi Delta Chi

Join in some fun Caramel Apple treat making with the sisters of Phi Delta Chi on Sunday, October 30 from 3-4 p.m. in the DHH Ballroom.

All female students are welcome to attend.

For more information contact Nicole at

The 41 North Film Festival Returns to the Rozsa, November 3–6

From a family’s unique intervention into the silent world of autism to six intrepid young entrepreneurs trying to make it in Detroit, the 41 North Film Festival offers human stories that engage, inform, inspire, and uplift. Over the course of four days, the festival will feature over 20 acclaimed films from around the world, as well as music, prizes, and other special events. The festival opens with the first film beginning at 5:00 PM Thursday, Nov. 3, and runs daily, with various show times, through the final film on Sundayevening concluding at 9:00 PM. Tickets are free, however donations to support the 41 North Film Festival are accepted. Film festival tickets are available by phone at (906) 487-2073, online at, in person at the Central Ticketing Office in the Student Development Complex, or the day of the event, one hour before show time, at the Rozsa Box Office.For more details, please see the attached press release. Several photos are also attached for your use, captions below.

41north_4.jpg – Pulitzer Prize-winner Ron Suskind will appear with Life, Animated at the 41 North Film Festival on November 4that the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts.

41north_7.jpg – Poet and playwright Donté Clark from the film Romeo Is Bleeding, screening at the 41 North Film Festival on November 3rd.

41north_9.jpg – Afghan rapper and activist Sonita Alizadeh from Sundance winner SONITA, screening Saturday, 11/5, at 4:00 p.m.


Course Material Survey Coming Next Week

Beginning the week of October 31, the Michigan Tech Campus Store will be participating in a nationwide survey regarding course materials, we’d like to hear your thoughts! The information collected is important to the Campus Store as we strive to provide the broadest course material options and most cost-conscious pricing through strategic partnerships, transparency, and industry awareness. In essence, you’ll be helping steer the ship.

As a Michigan Tech student, you will be receiving an email which will include a link to the survey hosted by OnCampus Research. The survey should take roughly 20 minutes of your time. The Campus Store and OnCampus Research are offering financial incentives for your opinions and would greatly appreciate your participation! Be a part of a movement that includes 60 higher educational institutions and more than 41,000 students!

Thank you and be watching for the survey link in your email!

LeaderShape Applications Now Being Accepted

LeaderShape Institute applications are now OPEN!  LeaderShape 2017 will take place January 2-7 at the Ford Center in Alberta, Michigan.  Don’t miss out on this awesome experience to improve your leadership skills while learning how to have a healthy disregard for the impossible!

To register and apply, please visit this link.

Applications close on Thursday, November 3 at 11:59 pm.

If you’re interested in further information, check out our website. Send any questions to Jonathan Davey (



Memphis ASB TripAlternative Spring Break in Memphis!

Come learn more about the Alternative Spring Break Trip to Memphis, TN at our casual info session on November 10 at 6 p.m. in DHH Center Lounge.

For more information contact Jonathan at or check out the website.

Making the Most of Mentorship Workshop

Learn how to build the best relationship with your mentor and make the most of your research experience. Workshop led by Steven Elmer and take place on Thursday, November 3 at 4 p.m. in Fisher 132.

Contact Amy at for more information.

Flow Poster

MTMC Flow Train Presentation

The MTMC will be offering a presentation exploring methods of writing smoothly on November 10 at 1pm. All students are welcome to attend.

Contact Rachel at

Trick or Treat from the Campus Bookstore

Stop by the campus store on Halloween- Monday, October 31st and receive a 31% discount, on one apparel item or souvenir, if you are dressed in FULL costume. No costume? No Problem! You can still stop by and grab some candy, on us!



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Husky Talks
Guide to Using LinkedIn for Your Job Search
Networking remains the most effective way to obtain a job, and LinkedIn is all about networking. Learn how to utilize this powerful networking platform in your job search.
Tuesday November 1 | 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM
Wednesday November 2 | 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM

Graduating Senior Series
Part 2: Handling Personal Finances
A new job does not mean you won the lottery. Learn how to make the most of your personal finances.
Thursday November 3 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

41 North Film Festival
Life Animated
The inspirational story of Owen Suskind, a young man who was unable to speak as a child until he and his family discovered a unique way to communicate by immersing themselves in the world of classic Disney animated films.
Friday November 4 | 7:30 PM | 89 Min



Michigan Tech Huskies Sports


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Seeking Mentors for Local 8th Grade Students

TRIO Talent Search, a community investment program, is looking for current college students who want to make in impact on the community and assist students make connections between school and post-secondary goals through mentoring/tutoring.

Starting in the 2016-17 Academic Year, TRIO Talent Search will be running an 8th grade Mentoring/tutoring program for participants, featuring college students.  Time commitment range, with a minimum of 2-3 volunteer hours/month.

Potential volunteers must be enrolled in a local university, in good academic standing, of reputable character and willing to commit to the academic year. Volunteers will also need to complete a short training session and sign a volunteer and confidentiality agreement before meeting with TRIO Talent Search students.  Successful mentors will have open conversations about college, help with homework, and encourage students to work towards academic and personal goals.

Please contact Kailee Laplander ( for additional information or to sign up. More information can also be found at


Michigan Tech LODE & Student News Briefs, 10/21/2016


Featured Stories:

News: Humanities hosts ROC colloquium
Pulse: Pride week at Tech
Opinion: Hillary email scandal vs. Trump’s lewd comments
Sports: Huskies win fall opener




Makerspace Grand Opening Open House

Join us as we celebrate the Grand Opening of the makerspace, called the Alley, in the MUB Basement! We will be hosting an open house in the makerspace on Tuesday, October 25th from5-7 PM. Come check out the new space, have some fun, and meet other makers!

For more information on the space please checkout our website:

Greek Week Spectator Events, 10/23-10/27

Pool Games, Sunday, 10/23 from 8-10, SDC Pool: 

Come watch as Greek Members race in oversized T-shirts and inner tubes. Also watch as they try to sink each other’s canoes in the SDC Pool.

Mock Rock, Thursday 10/27 from 7-9, MUB Ballroom: 

Enjoy the many talents of Fraternity and Sorority members as they present fun lip-sync performances for their last chance at points for Greek Week! The winners of Greek Week will be announced following the performances.

For more information please contact Madelyn at

Khana Khazana Indian 2

Khana Khazana Serving Indian Cuisine

Indian Food at Fridays Khana Khazana

This week at the Memorial Union North Coast Grill and Deli, we are featuring a menu from India.

The menu features:

  • Butter Chicken (Non-veggie)
  • Paneer Butter Masala (Veggie)
  • Gobi 65
  • Badam Kheer

Serving is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. The cost is $7.95 and includes a fountain beverage.

imagesPumpkin Carving Hosted by the MUB Board

MUB Board will be hosting Pumpkin Carving next Thursday from 7-9pm at the O’Connor House.

There will be pumpkins to carve and s’mores galore!

Film Board Showing Sausage Party

Friday, Oct. 21 @5:30, 8:30, 11:30
Saturday, Oct. 22 @2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 11:30
Sunday, Oct. 23 @2:30, 5:30

Located on Michigan Tech’s campus in Fisher 135. Tickets are $3 and concessions are $1 each.

Sausage Party is Rated R for strong crude sexual content, pervasive language and drug use.  Those under the age of 17 will not be admitted without a parent or guardian.

The Big Bang Extravaganza

The Big Bang Extravaganza Hosted by American Chemical Society

The American Chemical Society – Student Chapter invites you to the Big Bang Extravaganza on October 23 at dusk on the DHH Lawn.

Every year we host this event to celebrate the conclusion of chemistry week on mole day (10/23). We will be organizing several exciting and explosive demos on campus for students to view! These demos range from blowing up hydrogen balloons to flash-freezing tasty treats. We will conclude the event with an exciting showcase of our signature sparklers! Be sure to stay for the end, because these aren’t your ordinary sparklers! They pack quite the punch and will be quite an impressive display!

ACS is a student affiliate of the national American Chemical Society dedicated to spreading our love of chemistry. Each year we host chemistry-related events and fundraisers. We aren’t only chemistry or chem Eng. majors, but a collective group of people who share a deep passion for chemistry!

For more information please contact Alex at



Come Dance with NOSOTROS, Free Salsa Lessons

October 22nd from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Free Salsa lessons 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm and 9:00 pm – 11:00 in the MUB ballroom.

Everyone at any stage of dancing can join. Learn how to dance to Latin music with your friends and make new friends.
Sponsored by USG
Contact us here or

Get Involved with Relay for Life

Have you been touched by cancer? Are you interested in making a difference? Relay for Life at Michigan Tech has been restructured this year, and will be hosting small events throughout the year, such as a chili cook off on November 12, bake sale on December 6-8, canvas painting night in early December, ski races, and video game tournaments. These events will be spread out during the school year, and will be starting in November!

Those who are interested in creating teams to get involved with these events or want to create an event on their own should sign up now on, under the Michigan Tech event. This is a great chance for student orgs, Greek orgs, campus departments, and other members of our campus community to get involved and raise money and awareness for the American Cancer Society.

For more information or to ask any questions, contact Brooke Basto at or stop in to our weekly meetings in Fisher 130 on Wednesdays at 8 pm!

Tech Theatre Explores the Life of Astronomer Henrietta Leavitt in “Silent Sky”

“Silent Sky,” a new play by Lauren Gundeson, tells the story of astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt. The play blends the discovery of how to measure the universe with the essence of the discoverer’s life story.  Set against the turmoil of the cry for social justice at the beginning of the 20th century, the chronicle of Henrietta Leavitt counterpoints the power of a passion for work with the desire for love and family. Please join Tech Theatre for a play that contemplates the life, challenges, and contributions to our understanding of the universe. Ms. Leavitt discovered the first way of measuring the universe, to demonstrate that heavens were larger than the Milky Way, the limit of creation in her day.  Tech Theatre Presents “Silent Sky,” for two weeks, Thursday – Saturday, October 13 – 15 and 20 – 22, in the McArdle Theatre, at 7:30 PM each night.


LeaderShape Applications Now Being Accepted

LeaderShape Institute applications are now OPEN!  LeaderShape 2017 will take place January 2-7 at the Ford Center in Alberta, Michigan.  Don’t miss out on this awesome experience to improve your leadership skills while learning how to have a healthy disregard for the impossible!

To register and apply, please visit this link.

Applications close on Thursday, November 3 at 11:59 pm.

If you’re interested in further information, check out our website. Send any questions to Jonathan Davey (

Vaccine Clinics on Campus

UP Health System-Portage will offer meningitis and flu vaccine clinics on Michigan Tech’s campus this fall.

The quadrivalent flu vaccine is by injection at a cost of $40 payable at the time of service. Cash, check or credit card will be accepted.

Students with Michigan Tech’s United Health Care (UHC) student health plan can have their flu vaccine billed to insurance with their UHC member ID card.

The meningitis vaccine is by injection at a cost of $159 with a flu shot or $199 without. Payment is expected at the time of service and will not be billed to insurance. Receipts will be provided and individuals can submit these to insurances to see if they’ll be reimbursed. In order to receive the meningitis vaccine during one of the clinic dates below, you must schedule an appointment by emailing Whitney Boroski.

The dates of the clinics are:
Oct. 26, 4 – 6 p.m., Memorial Union Alumni Lounge
Nov. 1, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., Memorial Union Alumni Lounge
Nov. 2, 4 – 6 p.m., Memorial Union Alumni Lounge

Anyone under the age of 18 cannot be vaccinated without parental permission. A spouse and/or child may attend without the employee.

CPR Certification Offered

Do you want to be better prepared for emergencies in your life? Become CPR and First Aid certified. There will be an American College Health Association CPR/First Aid class on November 9 from 5:00-9:00 p.m.

The class is instructed by Whitney Boroski Health and Wellness Coordinator in room 238 of the SDC. Cost is $5 per person. The class is limited to 25 people and is first come first serve.

Sign up here-

Winter Parking Ban Takes Effect Nov. 1

Effective Nov. 1 through April 30, parking will be prohibited on the Michigan Tech campus between the hours of 2 and 7 a.m. to allow for snow removal. This regulation will be in effect regardless of the amount of snow on the ground. The only exceptions to this parking regulation are as follows:

  • Occupants of University housing, in designated parking areas
  • Employees working on an assigned shift and parking in assigned overnight parking spaces
  • Anyone issued a special overnight parking permit by Public Safety and Police Services or Transportation Services

All other vehicles violating this regulation will be ticketed and may be towed at the owner’s expense. For questions or comments regarding the winter campus overnight parking regulation, call Transportation Services at 7-1441 or Public Safety and Police Services at 7-2216.

Attention Student Organization Officer: Funding Opportunity

Cummins, Inc. is offering your student organization the chance to receive funding!  In order to qualify for the funding, Cummins would like each student organization to create a 10-15 minute video presentation based on the template, Cummins Sponsorship Event 2016.  The presentation video needs to be made and submitted to Joe Thompson ( in the Pavlis Honors College by Friday, November 4th at 12:00 PM.  Cummins representatives will review the video presentations and award funding a few weeks after submission.

Over $5,000 in funds was distributed last year and we anticipate a similar amount available this year.  Based on feedback from last year, a successful presentation is concise but still provides suitable justification for each bulleted item in the presentation template.

Please see Joe Thompson ( in the Pavlis Honors College with any questions.



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Husky Talks

LinkedIn Optimization: Tips for Improving Your Profile
Ensure your LinkedIn Profile makes a great first impression, presents you in the best, most effective light, and compels others to contact you.
Tuesday October 25 | 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM OR Wednesday October 26 | 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM

Graduating Senior Series

Part 1: Navigating the Workplace Climate
Graduation is right around the corner. Join us for this 5-part series to learn the tools needed to navigate life and finances after college.
Thursday October 27 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM



Kye Allums

Social Justice Lecture Series, Kye Allums

Kye is a speaker, activist, George Washington University graduate, and the first openly transgender NCAA Division 1 college athlete. Join the Center for Diversity and Inclusion for a free discussion on balancing school, sports, and identity on Tuesday, October 25 at 7:30 PM in the MUB Ballroom.

For more information please contact Zach at

web logoNext HuskyLEAD 11/1, Lean Leadership

The next Husky LEAD workshop is on Tuesday, November 1 @ 6pm in the MUB Alumni Lounge. During this session, participants will learn how Lean leaders build organization capability by coaching and developing others, and then practice coaching for improvement. Join us as we hear from Ruth Archer, Director of Continuous Improvement on Lean Leadership: Coaching Others.

For more information please contact Student Activities at 906-487-1963.


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Upcoming Intramural Events

Entry Deadlines:
Tennis Singles: Friday, October 21 @ 8:00 am
– Tournament Starts on Friday, October 21 @ 6:00 pm

Racquetball Doubles: Friday, October 21 @ Noon
– Tournament starts October 23rd

Register your team at

For more information: E-mail

HuskyFit Program Classes

Several adult HuskiesFit Program classes will begin their second session within the next few weeks. Sign yourself up for one of the following today:



Belly Dance for Fitness

Muay Thai Kickboxing


Don’t forget to take advantage of the HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punch Card! This card can be used for yoga, spin, zumba, piyo and more!

For more information, visit HuskiesFit Programs. Commit to be HuskiesFit!



Michigan Tech Lode & Student News Briefs, 10/14/16


Featured Stories:

  • News: ASO sponsors colloquium series
  • Pulse: #whyMTUwrites
  • Opinion: “Mr. Trump, your time is up.”
  • Sports: Come sail away

Please take a moment to fill out this SURVEY.
This survey is designed to gather information on the efficacy of various teaching methods and to identify students who would be interested in participating in a focus group with the express purpose of improving instructional quality at Michigan Tech.



Khana Khazana Moroccan

Khana Khazana Serving Moroccan Cuisine

This week at the Memorial Union North Coast Grill and Deli, we are featuring a menu from Morocco.

The menu features:

  • Preserve  Lemon & Tomato Salad with Capers
  • Kefta Kebab
  • Chickpea & Couscous Salad

Serving is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. The cost is $7.95 and includes a fountain beverage.

Film Board Presents The Secret Life of Pets

Friday, Oct. 14 @5:30, 8:30, 11:30
Saturday, Oct. 15 @2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 11:30
Sunday, Oct. 16 @2:30, 5:30

Located on Michigan Tech’s campus in Fisher 135. Tickets are $3 and concessions are $1 each. 50% of money spent at concessions will be donated to The Copper County Humane Society.

The Secret Life of Pets is Rated PG for action and some rude humor.

Pride Week Events 10/14-16

Friday, 11 AM – 1 PM, Center for Diversity and Inclusion (Hamar House):
Try out some “Identity Cupcakes”. Come have gourmet cupcakes and learn more about less-known LGBTQAI+ Identities!

Saturday, 8 PM, Rozsa:
17th Annual Drag Show. Join Keweenaw Pride with our lovely host Joey Black, and queens Mercedes Benzova, Jackie Roberts, Harmony Breeze, Nova D’Vine, and Cass Marie Domino, and king Justin Case.

Sunday, 11 AM, Canterbury:
Brunch with the Queens.
 Come meet the queens without all the makeup.

Stop by the Van Pelt and Opie Library to view our brand new “History of Pride Exhibit”

Phi Delta Chi Rush Event, Mason Jar Cup Making

Phi Delta Chi sorority invites Michigan Tech women to a mason jar cup making rush at 1207 Ruby Ave. on Wednesday, October 19 from 7-8 pm. Decorate them in your own unique way and get to know our sisters and enjoy iced coffee, tea, and juice to test them out.

Rides will be provided from Wadsworth Hall lobby, departing at 6:55 p.m.

For more information please contact Nicole at


MUB Board Hosting Food and Beer Pairing

It’s that time of year again! MUB Board is once again hosting a food and beer pairing on Friday, October 21 from 6-8 p.m. in the MUB Ballroom.

Student tickets will be $12 and $25 for non-students. Purchase them HERE. *ID’s required at entrance.

NosotrosOCTCome Dance with NOSOTROS, Free Salsa Lessons

October 22nd from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm

Free Salsa lessons 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm and 9:00 pm – 11:00 in the MUB ballroom.

Everyone at any stage of dancing can join. Learn how to dance to Latin music with your friends and make new friends.
Sponsored by USG
Contact us here or

Tech Theatre Explores the Life of Astronomer Henrietta Leavitt in “Silent Sky”

“Silent Sky,” a new play by Lauren Gundeson, tells the story of astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt. The play blends the discovery of how to measure the universe with the essence of the discoverer’s life story.  Set against the turmoil of the cry for social justice at the beginning of the 20th century, the chronicle of Henrietta Leavitt counterpoints the power of a passion for work with the desire for love and family. Please join Tech Theatre for a play that contemplates the life, challenges, and contributions to our understanding of the universe. Ms. Leavitt discovered the first way of measuring the universe, to demonstrate that heavens were larger than the Milky Way, the limit of creation in her day.  Tech Theatre Presents “Silent Sky,” for two weeks, Thursday – Saturday, October 13 – 15 and 20 – 22, in the McArdle Theatre, at 7:30 PM each night.



The Week of Wellness 2016 Events are Now Open for Registration

All events are open to students, faculty, and staff!  Some events include:

  • Monday, October 17

o Free HIV Testing Clinic with the Western Upper Peninsula Health Department

o 11-3:00 pm

o Located in the Hamar House (Center for Diversity and Inclusion – CDI) Garden level conference room.

o To schedule an appointment, contact Whitney Boroski(

  • Tuesday, October 18

o Students on the Autism Spectrum: Traits and Teaching Tactics with Mike Meyer and Christy Oslund

o In this collaborative CTL and Student Disabilities Services event, participants will first explore traits typical of students diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and why such students might be more common at Michigan Tech.  We’ll then explore instructional strategies that best serve the needs of these learners.  Staff from Michigan Rehabilitation Services will join the luncheon to offer a broader perspective related to both education and employment.


o Location of event provided via an RSVP to

  • RSVP by Monday, October 17 at 5PM

o Lunch provided to all participants who RSVP.

  • Wednesday, October 19

o Windmill Training with Michigan Rehabilitation Services

  • Windmills is a program designed to raise awareness of the limitations we impose on the employment of people with disabilities because of our lack of knowledge and our acceptance of myths.  The Empathy module is designed to help participants identify their feelings about disabilities in “first encounter” situations. Also, to explore how participants’ initial feelings might impact negatively on interactions with people with disabilities.
  • 9-10:00, noon-1:00 pm, and 4-5:00 pm(three sessions available)
  • Wads Annex (All three training’s)
  • To RSVP please go to
  • Snacks provided at each session.

o Health Fair (UP Health System Portage/Michigan Tech)

  • Stop by the Health Fair for awesome prizes, great food, and excellent information while getting some important screenings done.  Screenings include: Body Fat %, Total Cholesterol, Blood Glucose, Blood Pressure, Bone Density, Hemoglobin (no charge for screenings).  Flu shots available for $40.  Open to students, faculty, and staff.
  • 11:00 am-3:00 pm
  • MUB Ballroom

For a full list of the Week of wellness events visit

Questions?  Contact

Michigan Space Grant Consortium Funding Opportunities

The Michigan Space Grant Consortium (MSGC) announces funding opportunities in the following categories: Undergraduate Fellowship, Graduate Fellowship, Pre-College Education, Public Outreach, Teacher Training, and Research Seed Grant. Only US citizens are eligible to apply for fellowship grants.

The internal Michigan Tech deadline is noon on Wednesday, November 9. For instructions detailing proposal submission procedures and requirements, visit For more information contact Paige Hackney ( or 487-4371) in the Pavlis Honors College, 722 MM Building.

Note— Proposals must be submitted electronically after being approved by the Office of Sponsored Programs. Proposals exceeding stated page limits or submitted without prior review by Michigan Tech will not be considered for funding.

Women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply to all MSGC funding opportunities.

Thinking about applying? Join Dr. Lorelle Meadows, Dean of the Pavlis Honors College and member of the MSGC Executive Board, for a briefing on application requirements and strategies for success this Wednesday, October 19 th @ 12pm in M&M 722. Bring a bag lunch – drinks and dessert will be provided.

Vaccine Clinics on Campus

UP Health System-Portage will offer meningitis and flu vaccine clinics on Michigan Tech’s campus this fall.

The quadrivalent flu vaccine is by injection at a cost of $40 payable at the time of service. Cash, check or credit card will be accepted.

Students with Michigan Tech’s United Health Care (UHC) student health plan can have their flu vaccine billed to insurance with their UHC member ID card.

The meningitis vaccine is by injection at a cost of $159 with a flu shot or $199 without. Payment is expected at the time of service and will not be billed to insurance. Receipts will be provided and individuals can submit these to insurances to see if they’ll be reimbursed. In order to receive the meningitis vaccine during one of the clinic dates below, you must schedule an appointment by emailing Whitney Boroski.

The dates of the clinics are:

Oct. 19, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., MUB Ballroom
Oct. 26, 4 – 6 p.m., Memorial Union Alumni Lounge
Nov. 1, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., Memorial Union Alumni Lounge
Nov. 2, 4 – 6 p.m., Memorial Union Alumni Lounge

Anyone under the age of 18 cannot be vaccinated without parental permission. A spouse and/or child may attend without the employee.


Sexual Violence Support Group for Students

T.E.A.L (To Empower And Liberate) is a group that provides support to Michigan Tech Students who have experienced sexual violence including childhood sexual abuse.

This group provides support to individuals of recent or past sexual violence in a safe, non-judgmental group. Individuals might know the person that committed the violence or it could be a stranger to them. Either way with the help of our group individuals can find understanding and help by sharing their struggles and triumphs with one another and begin to put their lives back together.

T.E.A.L offers a support group that meets every other Thursday from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm starting on 10/13/16. Through discussion, support and education we can help one another. (Location of the meeting is undisclosed – interested students would need to please contact Peggy at

Please call Dial Help Inc. at 1-800-562-7622, text 906-35(NEEDS) or email for more information.




Husky Talks

What’s Your EQ (Emotional IQ)?

EQ (Emotional IQ)…What is it, and why is it considered more important than your regular IQ to your success now and to your future career success? Learn how to raise yours.

Tuesday October 18 | 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM OR Wednesday October 19 | 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM



First HuskyLEAD of the academic year is Tuesday, 10/18

Are you overwhelmed with obligations from your student organization and starting to feel burnt out? Well, HuskyLEAD is to the rescue! The first HuskyLEAD workshop of the academic year is being held on Tuesday, October 18 from 6-7pm in the MUB Alumni Lounge. Those who attend will learn how to balance personal and professional goals, identify stressors and optimize meaning while employing wellness strategies. We understand you’re stressed, but come out to this session and learn how to manage the pressure. Presented by the USG President, Sam Casey and co-sponsored by Wellness.



D80 Conference Registration is Now Open

Conference will be Saturday, Oct. 22nd in the MUB Ballroom

Register @

The D80 Conference is a dialog and celebration of our efforts to solve issues that confront the world’s poorest 80%. The theme this year is Connect, Collaborate, Create, and the featured keynote speaker is Grace Hsia, Co-founder and CEO of Warmilu.

For more information, please visit



Upcoming Intramural Events

Entry Deadlines

Ice Hockey: Tuesday, October 18 @ 8:00 am
– Season begins on October 24th

Turkey Trot: Thursday, October 20
– Race will take place on Thursday, October 20 @ 4:30 pm

Tennis Singles: Friday, October 21 @ 8:00 am
– Tournament Starts on Friday, October 21 @ 6:00 pm

Racquetball Doubles: Friday, October 21 @ Noon
– Tournament starts October 23rd

Register your team at

For more information: E-mail



Benefit for the Barbara Gundlach Shelter Home

Crafting for a Cause will be held on Saturday, October 15 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Siskiwit Reception Hall, 26070 Pine St., Calumet. No need to make a reservation, $10 at the door to enjoy demos, make-n-take items, prizes, kids craft corner, vendors, and food (noon -6 p.m.)

Crafting For A Cause – 2016