Category: Status

All equipment status updates.

Thanksgiving break staff schedule

There will be ACMAL staff in the labs through the 3 work days – Monday – Wednesday. Thursday and Friday are University holidays and the building will be locked. Only unrestricted users will be able to enter the building and labs. Close the lab doors when you leave the room.

We strongly discourage new users working without assistance nearby.

Here are specific staff schedules.

Ed Laitila will be out all week.
Owen will be out all week.
Jerry will be in Monday – Wednesday.
Pinaki will be in Monday – Wednesday.
Tim will be in Monday – Wednesday.
Danielle will be in from 9-4 Monday – Wednesday. She can help you on
Thursday and Friday if you make an appointment.

As always call if you have trouble. Contact information for all lab staff/students are located on the wall of each lab.

Have a good break!

New logging system in RM 637

We have installed a new computer logging system in the Sample Prep room (637) to track liquid nitrogen, and all other coating, ion milling and electropolishing equipment. It is easy to use. Danielle is adding names and account indexes so you won’t have to do that. We will write instructions to use it and you can always call us for help.

Please use the paper logbook too while we are testing the new system out.
