During spring break the facility will be open during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 8am – 5pm). I will be out of the office starting today (3/4) and returning on Monday 3/14. During my absence you can contact Ed Laitila for any facility emergencies.
If you need sample coated please contact Joshua King (jorking@mtu.edu) or Keith Pickelmann (krpickel@mtu.edu).
Hope everyone has a nice spring break!
The EDS system on the Field Emission SEM is down. We are working to get it back up and running.
The work done on the EDS last October is complete and the system is functional.
The eyewash station in the sample prep lab is being replumbed. Therefore the electropolishing lab will be closed until the project is complete and the eyewash station back online. We expect the project should be done by Thursday 2/24 at noon.
In the STEM lab, there are many samples that have been left behind, many of which are unlabeled. Please contact Dr. Freitas to claim your samples. After Friday March 4th, any unclaimed samples will be discarded.
ACMAL staff have noticed many unlabeled samples being left in the labs and sample prep areas. Our stated policy is “When exiting the lab, be sure that all personal items are removed, any specimens are removed or disposed of..” However, we do allow some samples to be stored for a short period of time. Those samples should be properly labeled with your name, email address, and date. Any unlabeled samples will be thrown away.
Please take a minute to review ACMAL’s cleanliness policy. These are shared labs and it is important that we work together to create a clean and safe environment for all facility users.
Low/Ultra Low Voltage and Pressure Imaging in SEM
Bob Passeri
Hitachi High-Tech America, Schaumberg, IL
Thursday, February 10, 2022 2 -3 p.m.
The XPS is operational and is available for use. Please email Dr. Timothy Leftwich (at trleftwi@mtu.edu) if you are interested in XPS (or Auger) analysis.
Research Scientist Erico T. F. Freitas has joined ACMAL and Materials Science and Engineering. He will manage the FEI 200kV Titan Themis STEM in ACMAL’s Electron Optics Facility. Freitas has experience in nanostructured materials characterization, with specialties in TEM, STEM, EELS, EFTEM, EDX, and electron diffraction.
Freitas worked previously in the multiuser electron microscopy facility managing the TEM at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil.
ACMAL will have limited hours over the upcoming holiday break.
The university will be closed on Dec 23 through Jan 1. The building will be locked on those days. Unrestricted users will have unlimited access to the building and labs. Restricted users have access during the other days. We ask that newly trained users make appointments during the period so someone is near in case there are troubles.
Dr. Ed Laitila and Liz Miller will be out the entire 2 week period. Dr. Tim Leftwich, Josh King, Kyle Hrubecky, and Aleister Kerr will be available by appointment.
If there are problems contact us. Our contact information is:
Liz: 906-370-6538
Ed: 906-369-2041
Aleister: 520-576-3557
Josh: 404-808-2803
Tim: trleftwi@mtu.edu
Happy Holidays,
Elizabeth Miller