ACMAL: Update to Reservation Limit

Please note that the ACMAL reservation limit for the Origin+ Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) has been extended from 4 hours to 6 hours during normal business hours. The updated policy can be found on the reservations page of our website.

Trained users may reserve instruments during normal business hours (8 a.m. – 5 p.m.) Monday through Friday. Reservations outside of normal business hours require special permission.

During working hours, do not exceed a four hour reseservation on instruments except the Origin+ Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). AFM reservations should not exceed 6 hours. Longer reservations are available with permission.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Recent Advances in ACMAL STEM Facility on January 22

Pinaki Mukherjee
Pinaki Mukherjee

Join us for the first seminar of the Spring Semester at 1 p.m. Friday (Jan. 22) via Zoom (passcode 645507).

Pinaki Mukherjee (MSW) will present ” Recent Advances in ACMAL STEM Facility.” This talk presents an overview of state-of-the-art capabilities of the aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope (ac-STEM) at ACMAL, Michigan Tech.

Mukherjee joined Michigan Tech in January of 2018. He obtained his PhD in Materials Engineering from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He worked as a post-doctorate researcher at Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey. He was an affiliate of the National Center for Electron Microscopy, at Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory.

XPS Operational

The XPS is operational and is available for use. Please note that the sputter gun, that is used for sputtering and depth profile analysis, is currently not functioning properly and is temporarily unavailable. Email me (at if you are interested in XPS (or Auger) analysis.

Dr. Timothy Leftwich
Research Assistant Professor
ACMAL Surface Scientist
Material Science and Engineering

ACMAL: Holiday Schedule

ACMAL will have limited hours over the upcoming holiday break. 
The university will be closed on Dec 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, and 31, and Jan 1.  The building will be locked on those days. Unrestricted users will have unlimited access to the building and labs. Restricted users have access during the other days.  We ask that newly trained users make appointments during the period so someone is near in case there are troubles.If any issues arise, don’t hesitate to call.

The ACMAL staff will be available by appointment during the upcoming holiday break. Please contact us to schedule a session or if you would like more information.

Liz: 906-370-6538
Ed: 906-369-2041
Aleister: 520-576-3557
Josh: 404-808-2803

Have a happy holiday!